Beach read

What would Veeky Forums read at the beach?

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Why the fuck would you reach on the beach? If i'm going to sit on my ass and read a book I'll do it at home. You go to the beach to enjoy the weather and water and local atmosphere, not to read.

if you live at a beach you might read at a beach

Last time I went to the beach I wasn't expecting to, so I wore jeans and a T-shirt. I haven't spoken to the girl with whom I went in 3 years. It was a beautiful summer day. Why would I read on the beach?

Fuck maritime culture. Maritime cultures like Europe enslaved the third world.

whatever the current pocket sized read i have is. i generally keep a stack of short pocket sized books for when i go out. currently pedro param, before that the maninogion, before that in dubious battle. read whatever dude, doesnt matter if its beach or a bar, im just lookin to get comfy

I read at the beach because I always wake up 2 hours before anyone else and do it in the morning.
But also I'm not against doing it during the day. I don't always have to be doing something. Sometimes an hour reading in the sun is nice.

every time I bring a book to the beach I regret it. The sun is too bright, the sand is too sandy, and I just want to sleep. I think I brought the stranger last summer, but like I said not much was physically read on the beach. The beach is not a particularly good place for any substantial kind of reading; that's why all of the readers on the beach are leathery cigarette women

>The sun is too bright
Ever since my psychedelic phase I can't read outside without frustration.

Wow guys, lots of hate for reading on the beach. I've always been a fan though. Read some, sleep some, drink, whatever. Just looking for some short comfy shit that pairs well with tropical weather.

>tropical weather

t. someone who lives in kansas


Also it's a scientific fact that paying attention to something when there is a significantly brighter light source in your field of vision besides that is the most stressing possible way to pay attention to something. In other words, trying to rad with the sun out is fucking annoying.

id read whatever im reading right now, which happens to be Ulysses

fuck boys, i want to break a lance with mr deasy

Wow HST was such a boomer

nothing you should go swimming you fucking faggot

light science fiction like philip k dick or vonnegut. it gets the old noodle cranking, but not too hard as to ruin the vibe.

>bringing ulysses to the beach
This is sperg behavior, user

magazines or journals. never bring something you paid more than 11.50 for.

y'all niggas ever read if /pol/ wasn't fucking retarded they would be all over it

Yes. It is embarrassing but insightful nonetheless. Kimball is a fucking retard with good taste and a good vocabulary

what do you find embarrassing about it?

Nostalgia. Declinism. Reactionary. I find these traits to be weak in men

are there Veeky Forums approved critical or political journals?

The writings of Slavoj Zizek.

he seems for real is his halfway e celeb status something i should be concerned with?

I still read it though. Just wear your bullshit goggles. I read foreign affairs which is neutral and should be considered mainstream news, but isn't because... But they don't have any literary stuff. Dalkey obviously has good lit stuff, but it's entirely avant garde and experimental, same with fc2. I'm not aware of a sane version of NC


its only sperg behaviour if you're insecure about it and look like ass

im a muscular and handsome so i dont give a fuck i'll read ulysses and wag my dick in your girls face. i'll use ulysses as a pillow for my cock while i sun myself naked

muh dick

That doesn't have anything to do with the fact that Ulysses requires a ton of effort to read and the beach sucks for that. Read this pussy on the beach, faggot. Lick my soaked labia

inferior genetics enslaved the third world

Nothing, too busy fingering my girlfriend

How many arabs did you shoot?

Reading in strong sunlight causes the text to 'burn' green for me. It's really cool, almost glowing but I'm pretty sure doing so is damaging long term.


>born in 1937

Moby Dick
Cannery Row
Lord Byron
Platform Sutra
Song of Solomon

go ahead and pack it up boys, found a pocket sized copy of neuromancer, gonna slam some daiquiris or whatever and read that. And obviously swim too you fucking spergs.

And we'd do it again if we could

The only place I'm truly confident reading in is my home, apartment and maybe, just maybe a park bench, and even that is pushing it. I don't like other people around me while I'm reading, nor do I enjoy the sun that much.

I read my copy of Infinite Jest like normal, but hide it inside a normie magazine so nobody is suspicious

stay away from arabs my friend

you too, lad.

I read Tender Is the Night on the beach a few summers back, I loved it.
It was a very good match with the atmosphere.

The beach is for going for long walks and runs at sunrise, reading is for the evenings at home when you're done with the activities for the day.

Last book I read at the beach was The Magic Mountain. IT was cozy.

I read on the beach because I read in my back yard. Also the sun isn't a problem because trees exist.

My psychedelic existential crisis was and continues to be more like the one that the guy in Nausea has.

I would probably only read pulpy stuff on the beach, nothing too mentally taxing and something I can just pick up and put down whenever I feel like it.

I don't find beaches very relaxing though. They're fun with some friends if it's good weather and you're off into the water but on your own or on a quieter day I just find it tedious and would rather read at home, on a long train journey or in the garden.