What do you Veeky Forumsfags think of Robert Heinlein, one of the fathers of American science fiction?

Starship troopers was a book?

Is this worth reading or is it a meme? Or both?

It's a fun read

For you.

Yes people, Starship Troopers was a book. The movie only adapts it in a very superficial way. The director started to read it, hated it, and made a really loose and kinda shitty adaptation of it. Read it, it's pretty good desu.

What was his endgame?

What other books did he write besides Starship Troopers?

Stranger in a Strange Land

What's it about? Is it good?

>The director started to read it, hated it, and made a really loose and kinda shitty adaptation of it.
Why do you just make shit up then say it like it's a thing? The film was basically wrapped before the director heard about the book.

SIASL kinda sucked

In a nutshell. Earth finds the first Martian and brings him back. He doesn't understand property and what not. Kinda like native Americans. Everyone tries to take advantage of him to own Mars or something and sway him towards one political or religious way. He straight up doesn't understand. Alien begins own religion of peace and cult like orgy what have you. Kinda like hippies. Martyr mode engaged.

Also starship troopers is a whole different thing than the movie. Also good. Heinlein did some great stuff in the middle of his career.

Oh, something I kind of know about for once! I've been reading his novels, gotten through maybe 6 or 7. They're a lot of fun when you want something to read but aren't trying to challenge your brain. And everything is wrapped in a layer of 50s weirdness, which adds to the effect.

My favorite is definitely Stranger in a Strange Land, it's just so good. But it's quite a departure from his normal style, so for someone new to his work I'd recommend something else. Starman Jones, Have Space Suit- Will Travel, and Tunnel in the Sky are all pretty good.

I read Starship Troopers a couple of years ago but it really didn't stick in my mind. What was I supposed to take away from it?

It wasn't bad though, I was entertained.

What's everyone's favourite? Mine has to be The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress

>Earth finds the first Martian and brings him back
Valentine is a human, he was just raised by Martians. The Martians don't leave Mars. Nice reading comprehension there mate.

I liked SIASL quite a bit, meaning to read more.

Asimov did more

So is it a satire of fascism or not? It's always the swinging point of discussions at least when RAH is brought up on Veeky Forums

Also the movie shits on one of the best bits of the book which is Rico finding his father has also applied for the Troopers

He did more than anyone of the sci-fi game c'mon that's not a good metric.


Still need to finish the book with the werewolf, forgot the name. But Starship Troopers bored the shit out of me, that book is trash. Seriously, it's just "Why a Military Dictatorship is Totally Awesome: The Book." It's like he got pissy that he failed a politics class or something and wrote this in response.

Whoops, I was thinking of Operation Chaos by Poul Anderson. Don't know how I got those mixed up.

>Read The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress.
>This is pretty good!
>Pick up Time Enough for Love on the recommendations of two of my good friends, who talk about how deep it is.
>It's fucking awful, but I keep reading because of the recommendations.
>Get somewhere between 2/3 and 3/4 of the way through before I decide I can't take it anymore.
>Put down the book having lost all respect for Heinlein.
>Never read another Heinlein story for the rest of my life.

you're on Veeky Forums, ofc people will do that

>who talk about how deep it is.
This should've been your first warning sign. If it were good, they would've said that it was good. But they said deep, which basically means it's good circle-jerk material.

Maybe, but folks say that about Dune, and Dune is fantastic.

>Tfw you will never have a cool AI best friend like Mike from The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress