Word that covers finances + job?

Hi Veeky Forums,

I figured some of you might be wordsmiths. What is a concept or word that comfortably refers to both managing finances and working a job? Livelihood, support, and provisioning are the only words I have, and while livelihood gets close to fulfilling my requirements, none of these words feel quite right. I don't care if it's archaic or foreign, as long as it's not super long, unaesthetic, or consisting of multiple words that can't be comfortably connected by hyphens. I even used a Heideggerian term because it felt so right and it made a lot of sense to me, so feel free to suggest anything.

I had made a little chart to sort out my daily activities, and I wanted to group everything related to money together for practical purposes. "Bringing in and managing the dough", unfortunately, is way too wordy to not be ugly. It's not my most important priority, but it's bugging me that I have such a great chart only to have one striking blemish. I'd really appreciate any help here.

Other urls found in this thread:




Why did you post that picture?

To attract attention and alert Veeky Forums to the danger of the eternal Kraut.

Please watch this YouTube clip:


Great video. Thanks for sharing.

You are welcome.

Though if I have to be fair, Germans are great at making new words, which facilitates the exchange of ideas because you can now label new concepts. But the ease of making new words to describe complicated concepts can also be damaging when abused by the wrong people, since labeling concepts and making them digestible carries a lot of psychological and political power. A lot of foreign German speakers have noticed from personal experience and German YouTube how often Germans will use carbon copies of phrases, often relying on them for communicating even the simplest of ideas. There's no better meme culture than Germany, which is exactly how you go from Nazi Germany to Progressive Germany in less than a century.

If you guys know of a cool French or German word for what I'm trying to describe in the OP, I'm all ears.

>There's no better meme culture than Germany, which is exactly how you go from Nazi Germany to Progressive Germany in less than a century.

If anything is a meme it would definitely be your apparent 'insight' on the subject.

And how does that make you feel?

or, more appropriate for your example,
"making ends meet"

>here's no better meme culture than Germany, which is exactly how you go from Nazi Germany to Progressive Germany in less than a century.
yeah it has nothing to do with what happened to Germany after the war right???

No one's saying it didn't. :/




high quality bait shitpost

Thanks for the attempts. I was afraid that this thread would get buried.


drumpf bump

only on Veeky Forums

excellent propaganda

>muh language can NEVER influence people EVER, don't be racist
Stop trying too hard to be politically correct you daft cunt. One moment, Veeky Forums is arguing about which language has most beautiful expressions and prose, the next moment we're denying whether it's even possible for there to be advantages and drawbacks between different languages. Language is a vehicle for ideas, surely the way each language is constructed affects the degree to which a brain can wield it, right? Do all languages place the same burdens on working memory, despite all of the huge differences and constraints on grammar?

>America. The mere muttering of this name is enough to drive any german into a spastic fit
probably the most accurate part of this video

Who is that?



It's in the filename.

... I thought that guy looked Finnish. Why the fuck do people use a Finn to represent Germans?

It's a generic stand-in for autism.

i am german and i approve of this picture. we are so full of shit. we never learn anything. we could lead urop to peace and prosperity and social justice but instead we shit on the south and suffocate the rest of the world with air polluting cars, pesticides, plastics, arms and cheap meat, while creating a huge army of unskilled laborers at home. btw deutsche bank probably is the biggest organized crime syndicate in the world.
not to say the anglos are any better than that, but at least they are not pretending to save the world or if so are very cynical about it

You misunderstand the basics of leadership. People become less angry at their leaders (declared or not) for being opressive to them than for failing to fulfill their duties. Despots can even be adored, parasites never last for long.

>social justice
Rly? Please kill yourself.

what people? i definitely get more angry at oppressiveness.
do you consider germany a despot or a parasite relating to its own population or the rest of europe/the world.
also i was not making a statement about leadership. how does your post generally relate to mine?

>gated communities with armed guards and a corporate oligarchy far from any democratic control
sure kiddo, seems real comfy

Another German here. No, this is not how things should be. Fuck the French and fuck the Poles but especially fuck the Anglos. I hope we fuck everybody over, bankrupt the yuropoor southern countries and put a bunch of mudslimes into slavshit land.

Why? Because you niggers fucking deserve it. The future is a boot stepping on a face forever and I hope it's a German boot. Germans are fucking cucks and need to learn to go full adolf again or they'll never amount to anything.

Heck I'm emigrating to the US. At least there chances are better that minorities will be soon put in camps.

yes you are right. fucking each other up never backlashed once in history, thank you for your wiseness you miserable and degenerate piece of rotting brown scum.

hurr durr destroy everything and start from zero

"Being employed"
It's not that hard

I had employment before, which is a lot less cumbersome way to put it. Unfortunately, finances has nothing to do with being employed, see the issue? Commerce is better but is too vague. I want something that could incorporate working for money and then managing it. Cash flows in and out without sounding too actuarial. Livelihood is the closest one yet and I'm still not satisfied with it.

>finances is not a job
Is it not?

If spending money was my job I would be so happy. Unfortunately taking care of your budget is not a job but a responsibility.

all anglos btw


True, outwardly, it might seem futile. It could be called autistic on that platform alone, futility. There is one thing, that is ignored by all of you though. How does reform occur? How are fortunes made? How does the oppressed become free? It is very simple, the ones that are free have fought for it. Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat, and that sparked a revolution. Abraham Lincoln would not allow the south to secede from the union, preserving the nation at all costs. The result of these extraordinary struggles? History. This is America. Here, fortunes are won and lost, death awaits you in the rat race, and the ride never ends. There is good enough reason to fight for your survival. There is good enough reason to fight and take what you deserve.



Fucking never trust a German. Fuck sake