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Literature #97
Read first section of the republic
In your best prose, describe a girl's hole of your choice
What are some books with a similar feel to Mad Men?
Does performing fellatio on the male member give a person insight into a unique metaphyiscal experience?
Is transgenderism ultimately rooted in platonic metaphysics...
How realistic is it to get a fantasy novel published and make money from it...
You can stop making those reading on public transport threads now...
Isekai is a highly respectable and rich genre. In the right hands. Post good Isekai
Hi Veeky Forums what do you think of my non-fiction collection? Is there anything else you would recommend?
How to /Egyptian lit/
Ey Veeky Forums
What are the 3 (three) most important books that I can read to give myself a quick rundown on metaphysics?
It's never coming out, is it?
Do smart people read, or does reading make smart people?
Reading on public transport
What are some books about sweet innocent girls who did absolutely nothing wrong but get fucked over anyway?
Write something very idiotic that sounds intelligent
How long do I have to shill HD until you guys recognize her genius?
Original Intelligence vs. Regurgitated Knowledge
How did this sell >1 million copies?
Shelf Thread
You liked this book ?
Post kino book covers
What's your favorite word?
What kind of music do you listen to?
I get called a pseud a lot because I use big words...
Weeeew dollar bin blessed me this weekend? Have you lads read any Gass...
ITT: Unfortunately titled books
What languages are you learning, Veeky Forums? How is your progress? What is your strategy
Redpill me on Stephen King
How do I start with Lovecraft?
Where to start with Carl Schmitt?
What does this word mean?
Do you believe in fate?
Are there any books about working in a bureaucratic situation? Stuff like boring office work? I'm genuinely curious
What was the IQ of George Orwell?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General Thread
Has anybody here read this?
The religious nature of Marxism
Any good protestant books?
She hasn't posted a vid since you guys bullied her
C.S. Lewis described the German word "Sehnsucht" as the "inconsolable longing" in the human heart for "we know not what...
Have you ever refused to buy a book because of its cover?
Most patrician drug to read on?
Deutscher Faden
What does this word mean?
Is boxing the most lit sport?
What is the greatest line ever written about love?
I feel so guilty when I have coffee. I feel so guilty when I don't save all my money and spend it "perfectly"
What books have similar atmosphere to True Detective (season 1)?
Do you think Hermione would have been better off with Harry like JK Rowling intended...
What's a cooler version of Harry Potter?
The 4 masculinities
Who is literature's ultimate final boss?
If there was one philosopher one should study the entire body of work, which would it be?
Bookstore stories thread
The greatest short-story ever written
/ñ/ - Hilo general de literatura en español
Your city
How many books do you consume in a year?
Because philosophy
Just how bad is this book?
Book podcasts
What is it about JP that makes atheists chimp out so much?
Never read his works. What should I should I read?
Reminder all the greats are obsessed with their craft
Hardcover or paperback? Which does Veeky Forums prefer?
I'm going to write a 5 novel series
How much do I lose by reading John Ormsby's translation?
I've been surveying this site now for a year, and I always heard that Veeky Forums is the most "intellectual"...
What are your favorite biographies (or autobiographies)...
Discover a good author
What are your dreams about user?
The Cthulhu Mythos
What's a good word for a person that comes off as a genial, kind...
Is this the new meme? Declaring dead writers transgender?
Veeky Forums, I'm considering naming my daughter "Lesbia." Convince me out of it
It's stack thread time boys. recommendations are optional but validation is required
I just finished the Iliad. Should I move on directly to the Odyssey...
What does this word mean?
Can we have a Veeky Forums film discussion thread?
What are some good examples of a true intellectual...
I've been researching some books to buy as I'm not a reader but want to try. Out of these...
So dude... imagine you woke up as... a fucking insect h aha ha
I'm writing a spiritual successor to The Ego and Its Own. Any tips?
Why do so many contemporary philosophers deny the role that human nature plays in much of what people do?
/crit/ - Writing Critique General
In bookstore
Do you consider Wonder Woman to be a greek myth?
What are some of the most fucked up, sadistic, depraved, gut wrenching, violent, creepy, or scary books out there?
This is Grothendieck often considered the greatest mathematician of the 20th century
ITT we make fun of filthy cognitivists
What the fuck is this book?
Women in the army
Heavy game continental philosophy
I've been out of college for two months and already want to go back. Do you ever miss college...
Do you listen to music when you read?
Ethics and relativism
In less than a year this guy managed to kill the nu-atheist movement that took people like hitchens, dawkins...
Is there anyone who's written about the all-encompassing state of nostalgia our culture seems to be mired in at the...
Nationalism really triggers me sometimes. It's so fucking spooked we can't even know what's good or worth in it for us
The Brothers Karamazov
Is there anything more Lit than living in New York City?
This is essentially a cry for help
What are the prerequisites to reading Deleuze...
How do I write a cyberpunk novel?
This seems to be the best board for this kind of question. I've been writing for ages now, released an ebook on Amazon...
Any recommendations on imperialism Veeky Forumserature?
Should I read this book?
How does the philosophy of “Arbeit macht frei” (“Work will make you free") differ from the philosophy The Myth of...
Leave carnivores to me
The great man theory is fal-
Can you love someone you don't respect?
ITT: Books that stunt your intellectual development
Is trump an example of a Randian hero?
Post books you immediately judge people for
Eating cunt
Environmentalist Veeky Forums
Mods have totally abandoned this board. Do you have the strength to resist bait now that daddy's gone...
Whenever an anime protagonist started ranting about morals and ethics I felt that his logic was either way to contrived...
Why should I listen to someone who cant even manage his own weight?
ITT; god-tier quotes
Australian "literature"
>He doesn't know essential Shakespear by heart
Reading Symposium
Nick Land thread
Post ur fav nietzsche quotations
ITT: Books that you're pretty sure only you have read
Black people have the lowest IQ even when you account for class. Any literature for this feel?
Hey guys
Intellectualism is an ideology
What is the Dark Souls of literature?
There are roughly two approaches to psychology: the approach of "human psychology", for instance Nietzsche...
Which artists of the last 25 years would be literary juggernauts if they went into literature instead of their...
Hi people; can we have a critique thread please...
Are the Discworld books good if I don't know that much about the high fantasy genre to start...
ITT: post the greatest quotes from literary authors
It's another novel about an existentialist nihilistic young man who challenges conventional society
Paul distorted Christ's teachings
Why were the Sophists so unfairly maligned now that we know they were right?
The Gulag
Is there anything more patrician than reading in prison?
Post your ideal Veeky Forums gf
Name a living author more unique and original than Joseph McElroy. This should be good
Tfw when think of an entire paragraph of prose but don't have a pen and immediately forget it
"Have you ever gotten a blow job?"
This is actually a really good podcast. Adams makes a lot of good points here
All men are dogs
What do you think of this book?
ITT: Veeky Forums pet peeves. What shit bugs you the most about reading? What triggers your autismo?
He hasn't memorized even one piece of poetry
What is your favorite book?
How did the Soviet Union produce two of the greatest artists that ever lived?
Novel is written in the first person
Who's the bigger meme?
How much did the great authors read? Howany hours a day, how many books a year? Does anyone know?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General Thread
Is there anything more patrician than reading on a plane?
Alright, truth time motherfuckers
Books that changed the way you think
Just started this. What am in for?
What music do you enjoy listening to whilst reading?
I like watching interviews with DFW and find myself infatuated with what he has to say...
I considered posting this on /x/ on their dream general, but since you are more knowledgable on the matter...
Are there no mods here whatsoever?
Post insightful things you've seen posted on the chan Veeky Forums
Why aren't you reading his book, Veeky Forums?
Is Michel Houellebecq /ourguy/?
Who are the most important/influential contemporary philosophers and thinkers?
Veeky Forums MBTI (Meyer-Briggs personality test) Type Poll
What is your opinion about this book user?
Bannon and other anti-enlightenment folk are mere stepping stones to the accelerationist force of nature...
*heavy breathing*
Make this Veeky Forums-related
Are there any mods here whatsoever?
Have you ever been so Veeky Forums you frightened and disturbed someone?
What should I read in order to become an Übermensch?
ITT: magic realism books
Poetry Thread
C-can we talk about w-rm?
So true
Got home from my extremely low effort white collar job at 5.45 pm
People like to make fun of him for writing primarily in blog format or being half-Jewish or not believing in biology or...
I'm a realist
ITT: books you will never read
Is Jane Austen overrated? Or does she deserve the praise she gets
I want to turn into a total egoistic...
What are some books on "degeneracy"?
Which recognisable Anons haven't posted here in a while?
Is this Houellebecq?
Post some good and affordable reading chairs. im looking to make a comfy spot at my place
Anxiety over organizing book collection. How to get over it and move on with my life?
Hey Veeky Forums, is there like a compendium of all the Greek myths in chronological order? Like, a Greek bible?
Hegel's dialectic is """problematic"""
Le beyond 150 IQ man strikes again. truly a great thinker
Can we have a bible thread? Questions, comments, criticisms, that sort of thing
Name any decent writers who wrote (not published) their first work before the age of 30
Pick the odd one out
How to overcome nihilism
Why is Clancy widely hated here?
What authors did time and had criminal pasts?
Told myself I'd stop drinking coffee because it harms my sleep, costs too much...
Manchild youtuber watched Peterson video
Does anyone know of any genuinely insightful and helpful literature on depression and anxiety?
Post your filter
Summa Theologica
This went well last time so let's do it again:
Do I need a background on philosophy or politics to get Demons?
Favorite book
Which language has produced the best literature, English or French?
My collection of short stories is done, and after I hear back from a few beta readers and make any necessary changes...
Anybody else find it suspicious that Nabokov wrote so many books about pedophilia?
What font do you use on your kindle Veeky Forums?
If evangelion was a novel it would easily tower over that hack salingers catcher in the rye as the greatest coming of...
This is probably a long shot but what encounters have any of you had with literareness in games...
Should I name my cat Azazel or Mephisto?
Top 5 Russian authors?
Write something profound
Should I study this or the Bible...
ITT: We crudely draw literary characters in MS Paint and other anons try to guess who it is
What language are you trying to learn user? How's it coming along?
So I read this and I'm not sure I got anything out of it...
Is there a single relevant literary figure who didn't have gross/weird sexual fetishes he subtly wrote into his work?
What was the first "adult" book you read (as opposed to a children's book) that you read as a kid...
Books for people with GFs?
How do you organize your bookshelves, if you even organize them?
Was it really coincidence / physical debilitation that caused Nietzsche's madness?
Why we love to hate JK Rowling
Tfw you bought the meme cover
What is wrong with the 'everything is subjective' line of thought?
How did we get to the stage where a Stanford Philisopher gets intellectually manhandled by a cartoonist...
Center right man here
What is Veeky Forums opinion on Cormac McCarthy?
Is there any interesting literature about the Zodiac Killer...
How fast can you read?
Books on Order vs. Chaos?
Jorge luis borges
What is mysticism? In other words, what constitutes the 'mystic'? From intuition...
They're wasting time on philosophy
What is truth?
Thomas Ligotti
Is it possible to be such an authentic genius that due to your incomparably penetrating insights into reality itself...
This faggot just got 100% btfo forever by scott adams
Ok I've done it, here's a non-meme Start With the Sumerians chart. The other charts are focused on primary sources...
Start with greeks
I'm a cishet white dude seeking an introduction to intersectional feminism, where should I start Veeky Forums?
How can you be a true christian without attempting to convert everyone you meet...
Memes, /pol/ and ideological hatred aside -- Has anyone here read it? In terms of Veeky Forums, how is it? Yes...
Please make me understand why is this book good and so appraised
If you Catholic anons keep posting stupid memes like this one and gushing about the greatness of the church fathers...
The Future of the Novel in the 21st Century
So the other thread got deleted, but a guy posted something interesting there
Intelligence is a burden
What's the deal with the abundance of feelsy pussy wussy philosophy from 1800-1980?
Is this the hottest book of all time?
Did he ever explain why determinism was wrong?
What is the greatest work of art in any medium...
Book contains a sentence in a foreign language without any translation
The most unenjoyable book you have ever read
YWN be a budding NEET author living in a tastefully modern Paris apartment at the forefront of a new literary movement...
Autists BTFO
Finished the Greeks
Is this worth reading or just a meme? It's fucking massive
Post kits/charts
Is this the greatest comic ever written?
Pynchon is grossly overrated
John Barth is the fucking reincarnation of Cervantes
Write what's on your mind
Is this a good meme or a bad meme?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General Thread
“When a boy discovers that he is more given into introspection and consciousness of self than other boys his age...
Are there any even moderately critically well-received novelists who are smoking hot women?
What's the deal with ebooks and torrenting/downloading?
Is this a fun read if I want to get into Chinese mythos? On one hand people hail it was a fun and well written classic...
The Iliad and the Odyssey
Reading on the train
Why do so many boards on Veeky Forums dislike him?
He reads for the prose
What Christian literature has the most compelling argument/ reasoning that supports the likeliness of God's existence?
The Anima is my absolute favorite part of Jung's theory
I want to ask for a recommendation...
How do i become the next tao lin?
What's the best e-reader for someone who just wants to mostly read pirated .pdf files...
How do i tell if the book i'm reading is literature?
I want to educate myself, or at least increase my general education Veeky Forums. Where do I start?
ITT: Philosophers that remind you of yourself
Just picked up this book. What am I in for?
A current ran through my corpus, spongiosum to cavernosa...
Nick Land - Human Pawn in the Robot Chess Game
What's wrong with genre fiction and why lit guys dismiss it?
How do you feel about his poetry, lads?
>you will NEVER chat with Joyce
Can you give me tips towards writing and publishing my first novel?
Can someone please explain to me the concepts of the Knight of Infinite Resignation, and the Knight of Faith?
Meritocracy > Nepotism
Why hasn't Africa produced anything of literary value that goes beyond either
Why were the ancient Greek so hung up on mathematics and geometry? Did they fall for the STEM meme?
Why do physical books still even exist?
I want to become a better writer; how do I suffer more?
Can Rorty's ironist vocabulary be effectively redirected to conservative purposes?
What's the best way to argue against Christianity and the Bible without being grouped into the whole "le reddit atheist...
Why so?
Is literary criticism part of the canon?
The great debate 1/2
Has anyone else reached the point where they still read for pleasure but are no longer in awe of books?
Why is anime so misoginistic?
Tfw fell for the STEM meme
Is love the most profound and powerful human emotion?
Post a book
Books on improving prose/writing?
Why does plato.stanford have, in multiple pages...
Montaigne's education began in early childhood and followed a pedagogical plan that his father had developed...
I'm 53, I'm not a gamer, I'm not the right demographic for who this book is aimed at...
ITT: Character who are Veeky Forumserally you
Why do pseuds not understand how the Socratic method works?
Has Finland made any good books at all?
2000 years later
Hi Veeky Forums, most "advanced" book I've read is Kafka's metamorphosis...
Help I think Grad School Ruined my Ability to Write
Jordan Peterson
What was this board's consensus on free will again? I forgot
Have there been any great novelists or poets who were originally trained in STEM?
She's better and smarter than Heidegger
I inherited at least two hundred books of the star trek tng expanded universe
Tell me if I'm wrong Veeky Forums
Autist here. Have I been misusing this reaction image of Bloomkun...
Creativity and Dogma: Understanding the Gospels and Paul's Epistles
I finished with Dracula yesterday...
What's your book about, user?
Tfw finished another chapter
Who are some good/influential right wing philosophers? And no memes like Rand please
Why is the Odyssey leaps and bounds better than the Iliad?
Why is Joyce a canonical writer?
Knowledge that can't be gained from books
Tfw you're reading and you suddenly start to feel the fabric of reality tearing
names the main character after Franz Kafka (intertextuality)
Self imrpovement thread
Why is hedonism considered bad? Is it just that it upsets Christfags?
Start with the Bible
*blocks your path*
Veeky Forums when the bookstore says theyre out of DFW
Is he for plebs?
This is the greatest and most important organization of thought in the history of the human species
The pronoun I
Moved out to London after living at home after university, now live in my own
Go to a bookstore
What's so great about him?
Veeky Forums I lost my virginity last month and still, three weeks or so later...
Thoughts on this book?
Nobody learns icelandic
What is the ultimate pleb filter, anons?
Just got this as a present for a friend. Anyone interested in seeing a specific chapter?
Write what's on your mind
I need help remembering this one word that starts with a D that describes someone speaking with a superior intelligent...
Deleuze on leibniz
Lit Haiku
Smutty YA Romance Novels
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General Thread
Husband divorced his wife after looking closer at this picture
What's the booka equivalent of Birthday Song by 2Chainz?
Would rape ever be justifiable? Could a character who attempted to rape a woman ever be redeemed morally? For example...
/mu/ makes a lot of charts like this one to help people get into artists they like...
/r9k/: the book
What is the best thing this country produced?
Why did Kafka include so many mini-liaisons with women in The Trial? What is the point of them to the story?
The Kindle
Who is your favorite enlightenment era writer?
Okay, I don't want to sound like a /pol/tard. But I was thinking about The Chronicles of Narnia...
/HPG/: Harry Potter General
ITT: Best works in their mediums
James Franco is a piece of shit
/crit/ - Writing Critique General
Been reading "Food Of The Gods" alongside Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan books and I really find this stuff fascinating
Has there ever been a writer in history more comprehensively BTFO than this smug faggot?
What the fuck
The Anatomy of Melancholy
I feel like a lot of people on this board need to read this
Post your colleges, job, and favorite book
Some of the greatest libraries in the world burned down and were lost to time like sand
Ever notice how people who read are typically left-wing, while people who don't read are typically right-wing?
Nicolas Land - Human Meatsack Jester for the AI Overlords
Critical/analytic reading
Does anyone get rid of books once they've read them?
Critique hatred (anagram for thread)
Why do I have the feeling that everyone who hates Peterson with a passion is either an SJW apologist or just a butthurt...
I feel like Veeky Forums needs a reminder: THIS IS A Veeky Forums BOARD...
He hasn't read every single book written by his "favorite writer"
What is Thomas Ligotti's problem?
Veeky Forums memes
Are certain surahs more important than others...
Recently bought this. What should I expect?
Do i need some prerequisite in philosophy before reading Marx?
Tfw you realize that the Chinese philosophical/literary tradition is the best but it's inaccessible to westerners
Should I start a diary?
Just read this meme. It was great
What is the single greatest work of atheist literature?
Do you listen to music while you read Veeky Forums?
What is the single greatest work of literature, and why is it the Bible?
Veeky Forums feels
Alright Veeky Forums I'm going on vacation. I've got 2 audible credits left. What should I get?
How come Ungoliant was able to btfo Melkor?
Who's the smartest person to have ever lived? My vote goes to this guy
I teach 7th and 8th grade English Language Arts to black kids in the hood. Last year...
What do you think of Stephen Fry?
Old fag returns to base
What is on his bookshelf Veeky Forums?
Why are all aliens just
Dad always raved about Moby-Dick being one of the greatest literary works of all time
Can you recommend me some French literature? Hard mode: can't be existentialist, conceptual bullshit...
ITT we come up with aphorisms that sound """deep""" but really aren't
Why don't my classmates read any books?
What are the best books about knights?
What does LIT think about Noam Chomsky? I tried asking POL but i got mostly racist slurs...
Book/movie/show has government system that is different from ours
>post modernists unironically believe this
Is this the greatest book ever written? It's not often a novel brings tears to my eyes from its sheer beauty
Why does— She—
I'm a homosexual who loathes 99% of gays and 99% of gay culture
Hi Veeky Forums I'm just here getting ready to go out to the bookstore, putting on shoesnow...
Why is he so hated?
What is the best book you have ever read
How many books are within ten feet of you right now?
What's the most important thing you've learned about women through reading?
The Road
Why do you read "difficult" literature?
I just finished the Trial by Kafka
Why didn't Voldermort just use magic to steal a bomb and nuke Howarts?
Written in bits and pieces in hebrew
What does this leftist timeline mean for the future of literature?
Arab philosophy
Thoughts on Slavoj Zizek, Veeky Forums?
I had more fun and fulfillment reading this than any Shakespeare, Joyce, Kafka, Tolstoy, Hemingway, Spenser, Chekhov...
Was he right Veeky Forums?
Worth reading or just a meme?
Is there a correlation between leftism and mental illness...
Why haven't you plebs even read this yet?
ITT: reddit authors
Who else really likes ideas? No matter if i read philosophy...
Now that Slavoj Zizek has passed away, which leftists philosopher(s) should I look for?
I just read "What Is Metaphysics?"
Are P&V really that bad?
I wanna read beckett's trilogy, lolita, and crime and punishment!
Why is stoicism wrong?
Who else here has read HPMOR...
Is there a book about having wasted your aesthetic and virile youthful years on the Internet in isolation...
The first draft of my novel will be read by a billionaire publisher in December of this year
Tfw you tell the girl you're crushing on that you like to read
Would people still think he was such a good writer if he took out all those pointless references and "whoa so...
Tfw rejected for publication again
Is the problem with Postmodernity that it represents a degeneration of Modernity...
I hate how I feel the need to read boring books because pseudo intellectuals claim you need to read them for "insights"...
There's been a discovery over at /pol/. You guys are better readers than us so we need your help
I was confronted today by some 40 year old ex-Chad at work who I could not quickly refute
Can anyone explain the difference between continental and analytic philosophy. I don't get it
ITT: We pretend to be pseuds
Environment, genetics and events make us react
Is it worth learning German just to read Goethe, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, and maybe a couple of poets?
Human, all too human
Pleb youtubers trying to sound smart posting their collections thread
I'm new to reading, what are some books like dark souls
Where should I start with this guy?
Why is he so hated on Veeky Forums?
Stack thread. Make assumptions about me based on this. I'm curious
What does Veeky Forums think of the new penguin classics?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General Thread
How did this novel predict the future so well?
Good music to listen to while reading/writing?
Nick Land
Is there any literature that gives you a similar comfy feeling that you get from watching slice of life/romance anime?
Write what's on your mind
What is "Despacito" of literature?
Harold Bloom is the Scaruffi of Veeky Forums whereas this guy is the Fantano
Read one book a week
Why do you Anglos love Murakami? His prose is boring crap in Japanese. There are dozens of mainstream, eroge...
What the fuck was this guys problem?
Most terrifying lines in literature
There is literally no point in reading fiction
It's time for one of these threads again! What are you reading, Veeky Forums?
Is Toni Morrison on the same level as Joyce
Friday night
What do you think about his arguments on existence of God?
CS Peirce
I just read this for the first time in years, and I finally "got" it and teared up. Is this Stendhal Syndrome?
Why Are Writers So Fucked Up?
There are threads here all the time about "right-wing literature," but I'm wondering: are there, specifically...
So here's my essay that I submitted for the English placement test at my school...
What's the funniest book you ever read?
Catcher in the rye
Can we please be kinder to one another?
Name a more influential postmodernist
One of these threads
Sum up what you've learned from reading this year. Show that your time wasn't wasted
How do I get myself to read? I haven't read a single book this year
Reading in the office
How many books have you read this year Veeky Forums?
How many women have you been with/your virgin status?
Is it good?
How can i use literature to woo women?
Is he right?
Does anyone in here do MDMA? If so...
Too anxious to be able to concentrate on a book or kino
What does Veeky Forums make of Granta's list of the 20 Best Contemporary British writers?
No, I'm not going to read the KJV Bible
A pitter patter batter pancake mix drips in drops on the splattered stove top burning fire from gas through wires and...
When will you plebs learn that Joyce matched and maybe even surpassed Shakespeare and Dante...
Finally copped a copy of The Gulag Archipelago V1
What's missing from my short story collection collection?
Why is Salinger so drawn to creating intelligent children and young people?
Thoughts? :)
Is The Bible worth reading in its entirety for atheists?
So Veeky Forums, was DFW being sincere when he committed suicide?
Check out Nietzsche book from library
Zizek going ham on PC culture
Philosophy is for failed artists or scientists...
Wrote hit pieces about mother Theresa and JFK to obtain fame
What's your opinion on deckle edge, Veeky Forums?
At what age did you start getting interested into literature and reading?
Profession and favourite book
“Sports, politics, and religion are the three passions of the badly educated.”
Who hurt you user?
People who read books are more left wing
*teleports behind humanity*
What's a book which is
Starting from Marxism...
Why was sub-saharan Africa incapable of creating any literature of great value?
I believe that this book is autistic enough to become Veeky Forumscore
Which version of the text is best, Veeky Forums?
Is there a Veeky Forums guide to Economics?
Is the Three-Body Problem worth reading? Obama said "The scope of it was immense. So that was fun to read...
Literature for each political quadrant?
What are some good novels about trans folk?
Why haven't you read this yet?
Peterson on Veeky Forums
Talk to philosophy student
How long it took Mozart to compose The Marriage of Figaro?
Are there any great books with the theme "war is good"?
What is the most Veeky Forums beer?
I'm unspooked as fuck. I see myself living in a meaningless world. I see people as disgusting...
Who here /hermit/?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General Thread
Booktuber waifus
Achilles was black?
ITT: military literature
How do you reconcile the fact that there is nothing that has been done in literature that can't be done better in video...
What do you think of these young, popular contemporary American writers Veeky Forums?
Why is Norm so Veeky Forums?
ITT: books women will never understand
Anyone wanna do something Veeky Forums in Melbourne this weekend?
What does he want to say with this?
Any books that have a twin peaks vibe ?
ITT: We call out a name and post a book. If your name is called, you have to read the book
Why help other people?
What is ontologicool reading and taking notes on? Is she dare I say it /ourgirl/
I ordered all these recently. What are some more awesome folios...
Why do pseuds not understand how the Socratic method works?
Fourth Nick Land article on Jacobin
Remember when Mira made infinite jest into a bong now you can watch her turn it into clothes and cook it into a lasagna...
I bet you're too pleb to double fist
I am a sociopath and I take a great pride in it...
I have a very insatiable need to feel enlightened in way that I discover one of many mysteries of this universe...
Techno-socialism #1
Is this book any good or is it popular garbage?
What's the darkest, bleakest thing you've ever read?
Leave consciousness to me
Who is right?
What books are good for embracing suffering and struggle as a driving force to succed in life?
ITT: We post literary criticisms that give you hope. Too much negativity here, I wanna cheer up some of you guys
English - primitive or complex?
Why is poetry not discussed much on this board?
Holy shit, this is the best thing I've read in years
Rate my shelf, Veeky Forums
Thoughts on her?
Order Count of Monte Cristo
How do I know when I'm lying to myself
Just picked this up today. It's time to turn my life around
What book do you think about the most?
Why is he such a stupid old faggot?
Are there any atheist books out there that aren't cringeworthy?
Is this the logical conclusion to literature?
Jokes apart, I am a woman. Does that make me inherently incapable of writing good fiction?
ITT: We make fun of our favorite writers
Define happiness
Am I the only one who thinks that Borges is the greatest writer since the era of Shakespeare and Cervantes...
This is not a racist thread
Can Veeky Forums recommend any right-wing (but not /pol/-tier) literature? On philosophy, economic policy, etc
I don't like nihilism anymore. It kills my desire to improve myself. What should I do Veeky Forums?
Is there a more patrician beverage to accompany your reading endeavours than a fine red wine?
I don't tend to use this word much, but really I can only describe The Iliad as fucking awesome
David Foster Wallace argues that postmodernism in art produces cynical, narcissistic art
It was a metaphor bruh
Are Light novels the lowest form of Japanese literature? As what i've seen on numerous occasions...
I need to write my wedding vows and i don't want them to be full of clichées and sappy, oversued phrases
read aloud in class
Why is this book so universally despised by normies despite being so great...
What are your favorite quotes from your favorite authors?
What is a good Veeky Forums degree that won't have you starving to death? Sorry English and philosophy majors
Why don't brainlets like fiction?
Be african
Are there any good Veeky Forums youtube channels?
Anyone accidentally do something racist before?
Harry Potter
Editor's introduction spoils the plot
Does Veeky Forums like French lit?
Read book
Why yall niqqas accept that tha Greek gods were explanations for phenomena but you won't accept that "God" was/is the...
So, I love books like The Recognitions, Gravity's Rainbow, and Ulysses...
Has anybody actually read this?
How does it make you feel knowing that he's smarter and more well read than 99.9% of you?
Is Norm Veeky Forums?
/ag/ - Autodidact General - Meme List Edition
Top 5 authors
I discussed this with a friend who goes to Chicago and he said he has noticed a similar trend and largely agrees with...
What books do alpha males read?
You can't prove the Forms AREN'T real
Why can't Veeky Forums discuss the works of Flannery O'Connor or other female writers without being total faggots who...
Is Martin Shkreli Veeky Forums?
You guys, I am such a NERD! I love writing, that is the first thing you need to know...
What is your favourite story of the creation of man, Veeky Forums?
Do you finish novels that you find boring? What if they're "canon" novels?
ITT: books that you think will never ever be topped
What're the best movie adaptations of all of Shakespeare's (adapted) work?
How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?
Former Drumpf supporting conservitard here...
How long does folio society take to process orders, usually? I ordered something on the 7th, about 6 things on the 9th...
Is this one of the most underrated masterpieces ever?
Favorite words thread
What is Veeky Forumss opinion on this book?
Last book you read you'd give a 9+/10 ?
The note from David foster Wallace I purchased on eBay finally arrived. Pic related
Where do I start with the Beat Generation?
Has anyone ever made a compelling argument for the existence of God that doesn't just boil down to "muh faith"?
Have you ever corresponded with a writer you admire...
Penguin Books USA will announce a new novel by Thomas Pynchon next week...
Does saving your page like this damage the book?
What are the most esoteric bat-shit crazy or edgy books you can recommend me?
I read a lot of Evola, Stirner, and Dostoevsky...
What if the Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka was about Gregor Samsa turning into a loathed NEET instead of an insect?
What are some books that deal with courage and how to get it?
I want to learn a new thing every month, what activities/books does lit recommend?
Just finished this little gem, and wow was it book-kino if i've ever seen any
How do you come up with interesting names for an otherworldly setting that aren't stupid?
W+M Dzanc
What country has the best literature?
Living under late capitalism or any other form of all-encompassing materialism means not living at all
Is this the greatest essential reading list of all time?
Stirner is the very involuntary egoist he derides. Why do leftists still shill for this fraud?
Womyn philosophers
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on Oxford's very short introduction series?
D-did you all forget about me?
What paradoxes keep you up at night?
Was poststructuralist just a fancy excuse to fuck kids all along?
Is this horsefaced bitch any good? What's her best work?
How much Satanic literature is there really?
Recommend me something I haven't heard of
This is the pinnacle of western art and literature, prove me wrong
What happened to our guy Cliff?
Dead language thread
Not trying to a fedora autist, but can we discuss this?
ITT: You can't speak intelligently about the world until you've read this book
What words do you hate, Veeky Forums?
Why do we still tolerate women as people?
Post who you think is the greatest living philosopher and I'll tell you why it's actually pic related
ITT: passages that make your hair stand on end while your soul blossoms
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
What is the most perverse thing you've read?
Pleb booktubers trying to sound smart trashing classics thread
thinks he's a patrician
Who is the greatest living philosopher?
Reading 2011 book
Book has two authors
The main thing that appeals to me about communism is their conception of totality and the idea of the classless...
Has anyone here even read "Das Nibelungenlied"
Read a book for once in your lives. Stop posting /pol/ threads
Frozen served a political purpose: to demonstrate that a woman did not need a man to be successful...
Thoughts on blood meridian?
This is Peter Hitchens: a journalist, author and broadcaster. Say something nice about him
How do I become the next Stephenie Meyer?
ITT: Your edgiest, most contrarian views on literature. Share the disdain
The purpose of a chair is to permit sitting. If a chair doesn't permit sitting it isn't a good chair
What does Veeky Forums think of CS Lewis?
I want to get into Gnosticsim, where should I start? Who are the best writers on this subject?
Read expected got:
Current book you're reading and other boards you browse
Why are there so many religious people on this board? I'm not talking "spiritual" people, i can understand that...
Is Alice in Wonderland degenerate for it's time in 19th century ?
To get to the point...
Quantum Mechanics
How accurate is this?
Hi. This is a poem called "Unholy Matrimony."
No matter what I do, I manage to turn it into just another manifestation of my "aesthetic" view of life
As the 21st century continues, how relevant do you think he will be?
What is THE Veeky Forums novel? IJ? Ulysses? The prereq for posting
Write what's on your mind
Prime Day is coming up...
Is he based?
Rate my shelf guys
Has there been any philosophic attempts to theorize about the eradication of what can be considered worthless men, i.e...
Choose your side
What the quickest you've ever trashed a book and for what reason?
I'm well aware that a little elitism is healthy for a literature board, but most of you seem unhinged desu
College thread
How do I deal with having a higher IQ than 99.9 percent of people, Veeky Forums?
When your dad asks you what "philosophy" is
Where do people find Veeky Forums friends? Please note I am not at university
Honestly gathering opinions here
Anyone actually read any of meme ideology man's books...
Novel is set in the future
Anybody Veeky Forums & Veeky Forums
Tfw wagecuckery inhibits me from pursuing my literary ambitions
What do you guys think about Rene Guenon and traditionalism?
Is anyone else suffering in the nihilistic void but unwilling to leave it...
Anyone else in love with the idea of reading books but don't actually read books or very rarely read books...
Why have all the pseudos dropped zizek for self-help peterson?
What does Veeky Forums think of Steppenwolf?
I thought books would impress the women
To quote Noam Chomsky
What's the most Veeky Forums religious order?
I've just quit videogames for good after 15 years of gaming (can't play anymore)
How do I read more, Veeky Forums? I'm very interested in literature, and I do enjoy reading once I get into a book...
How should one live?
How do I start with the Greeks?
Are you fluent in other languages other than English and your native language (if English was a second language)?
Thesis Ideas on English Literature
What was the best British Catholic Writer from the late 1800s to the 1960s?
What does Veeky Forums think of A Little Life?
Am i too autistic for the emotional/intuitive experience of poetry?
Self-publishing on Amazon
Just finished reading this. It was extremely boring, pointlessly melodramatic, and way too long...
But since the rip-roaring success of The Corrections 14 years ago, isn't he a 1 per center himself? “I am literally...
If you were to teach a senior level AP literature class what books would you teach? name 7
Is totalitarian dystopia the most plebeian setting possible?
Veeky Forums approved hobbies? / what do you do when you're not reading
Not realizing that art and imagination is the only route to a meaningful and rich life
How do you pronounce the word 'symmetry' in this poem?
Hear Bloom call him one of the greatest American poets
Veeky Forums
My little sister's going off to camp because summer
What self-help books are legitimately good and useful?
Why is atheism so depressing
Faulkner General
Read Aurelius
"Okay user read the next paragraph for us"
Anyone else here /mormon/?
In your best prose, describe yourself
Daily reminder that racism is NOT WELCOME HERE
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Can we agree that the Old Testament (apart from a few exceptions such as Ecclesiastes and Genesis) sucks?
Asian philosophy
Inb4 pseud but how do you come to grips with the fact that the average normie is little more than an animal?
Which video-games come close to the experience of a really good book?
If Islam despises Christianity...
Does Alain need our help?
Books about art theory? In particular concepts of modern, contemporary and PoCo and mathematics in art?
Fall hard for a girl
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games