David Foster Wallace argues that postmodernism in art produces cynical, narcissistic art

>David Foster Wallace argues that postmodernism in art produces cynical, narcissistic art.
>Jordan B. Peterson argues that postmodernism in society produces cynical, narcissistic people and structures.

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they're right, it does
postmodernism is the academic incarnation of nihilism; god is dead and this is the fallout

Post-modernism is such a fucking cancer. Thank fuck Peterson is ushering a new renaissance before the beast truly consumes our culture.

Interesting views on pomo by Richard Rorty, actually very close to what Petersen is saying


>This Left wants to preserve otherness rather than to ignore it … If the cultural Left insists on continuing its present strategy—on asking us to respect one another in our differences rather than asking us to cease noting those differences—then it will have to find a new way of creating a sense of commonality at the level of national politics. For only a rhetoric of commonality can forge a winning majority in national elections.

>We need to get rid of the Marxist idea that only bottom-up initiatives, conducted by workers and peasants who have somehow been so freed from resentment as to show no trace of prejudice, can achieve our country. The history of leftist politics in America is a story of how top-down initiatives and bottom-up initiatives have interlocked.

>Even though what these authors “theorize” is often something very concrete and near at hand—a current TV show, a media celebrity, a recent scandal—they offer the most abstract and barren explanations imaginable. These futile attempts to philosophize one’s way into political relevance are a symptom of what happens when a Left retreats from activism and adopts a spectatorial approach to the problems of its country.

>The cultural Left often seems convinced that the nation-state is obsolete, and that there is therefore no point in attempting to revive national politics. The trouble with this claim is that the government of our nation-state will be, for the foreseeable future, the only agent capable of making any real difference in the amount of selfishness and sadism inflicted on Americans.

>not postmodern
>Guy complaining about pomo has no fucking idea what it even is
Color me surprised

Does GoT count as pomo? It's basically feminist propaganda so I guess it is. If so I'll get the blonde dragon girl and we can fly away on one of her dragons.

GoT is fucking epic bro so stfu.


((Post-modernism)) is a form of cultural marxism.

It basically destroys all traditions and prides itself on that. However this can be seen as a good thing as like SJWism it is a self-eating beast. I pray fucking daily (I'm a Catholic btw) that Peterson is going to fucking destroy cultural marxism and shit once and for all, and academia will realise degenerate homos like Adorno, Derrida, and Gaddis can't defeat the white man.

Trust me, in 100 years we'll look back on Peterson like we look back on Plato with the footnotes and all that shit.

This is a good bait.
>It basically destroys all traditions and prides itself on that. However this can be seen as a good thing as like SJWism it is a self-eating beast.
You start with something that is right and then go on to be a caricature of a really stupid and young /pol/ tourist to keep user guessing.

>can't argue
>hurr g-good bait

What makes Community or Parks and Rec. non-postmodernist, and what makes Seinfeld or Arrested Development postmodernist?

I don't even disagree with you ideologically. I just don't know why you pretend to be a caricature of a young impressionable doofus as you say this shit though. You're baiting, right?
>>I pray fucking daily (I'm a Catholic btw) that Peterson is going to fucking destroy cultural marxism and shit once and for all
I mean there is no way that you are writing this shit out and not seeing how unintentionally hilarious it reads. There is no way you are this much of a meme. I don't buy it, ruseman.

Good to see the masses getting redpilled, cucks BTFO'D
Shaliday my dudes

Community and Parks and Rec transcends its irony with sincerity every once in a while, Seinfeld and AD doesn't. Like at all. It revels in the irony.

Note that he doesn't actually call them postmodernists, or rather attack them as postmodernists, which is why Rorty is a more respectable authority on the topic.

>on asking us to respect one another in our differences rather than asking us to cease noting those differences—
Doesn't the latter imply the former?

Are Eminem and DFW long lost cousins or something?

So, you're saying postmodernism = irony? Are you fucking retarded? Community is pomo as fuck and actually rubs it in your face with the constant mise en abimes, meta-references, pastiches and so on.
Seinfeld is actually traditional as fuck when it comes to narratives, just because le sarcastic jew is a very ironic guy doesn't mean the series is PoMo.

Why are /pol/lacks so retarded, is it due to "superior white genes"?

senpai the notion that pomo=irony is commonly held by people even worse than /pol/acks

that is DFW fans

>This Left wants to preserve otherness rather than to ignore it
This left went as far as saying that man and women are biologically identical. BIOLOGICALLY. They are delusional in their claim that everyone is absolutely the same.
> rather than asking us to cease noting those differences
What a brilliant idea, let's just ignore reality. Genius. This is exactly what they're doing right now. This guy should be exhumed and shot. He was an SJW before SJWs were a thing.

How the fuck am I a /pol/ack you retarded sperglord?

Community and Parks and Rec are qualitatively different from the other two.

If you want to be so fucking pedantic about it, you can call it post-postmodernism if you want to.

Also, I never said postmodernism was *only* irony, you fucking retard.

Pretty sure Rorty is talking about the left in a wider sense than tumblrite transtrenders

>Community and Parks and Rec are qualitatively different from the other two
just because they're different doesn't imply that one group is post-modern and one isn't

But they are different in a specific way that goes against what is typical of postmodernism.

Just because they're earnest? Most of Pynchon's books are VERY earnest and sincere, will you claim he's not PoMo either?
As I've said, Community has MUCH MORE (typically) post-modern techniques than most comedy shows I've ever seen, just because everyone realizes being good and honest in the end doesn't make it "post postmodernism".
Your problem is: you've decided "postmodernism is x" and you use your own retarded perosnal standard as the definitive way to separate what's "postmodern" and what isn't, despite the fact that you CLEARLY don't understand enough about history or aesthetics to make such distinction.

I mean, by your standards, Chaucer, Bocaccio and Sterne are all postmodern authors. Probably even Shakespeare and Cervantes.

>being this plebtarded

Why do you insist on seeing pomo as just another esoteric art movement like avantgarde jazz?

It's more like a condition of thought that once you encounter the inability to obtain any sense of absolute or objective truth/understanding.

What, where did I imply this you dolt. I'm using your very own standards to name if something is postmodern or not, and postmodernism and postmodernity are very different things as well.
>It's more like a condition of thought that once you encounter the inability to obtain any sense of absolute or objective truth/understanding.
That's YOUR reaction to postmodernity, not what postmodernity is.

I really, really, really like this word

when will you seaweed-wrap it around your vegan brain that there is no knowing of what postmodernism actually is... it's all a reaction and an attempt to establish one's own narrative/understanding of something that can't be completely understood. Once you accept this, the entire understanding of narratives from past writers (ie Chaucer Sterne, Shakespeare, Cervantes) there are traces of this inability to obtain an absolute truth, placing irony as a symptom of that epistemological crisis while being masked as some panacea to the implied nihilism behind POMO.

Epistemological uncertainity wasn't born with post-modernism, and this has nothing to do with your point, and you still ignore the difference between postmodernity as a historical condition and postmodernism as a mode of aesthetic production, not to mention that it doesn't have anything to do with your claim that "Parks&Rec and Community are post-postmodernism".
Also, it is perfectly possible to know what postmodernity might be and we're well aware of what postmodernism is. This "nothing is true under postmodernism" meme must die, you're just mad that as a whole, postmodern thinkers don't think what you think is true is true.

Why is pomo the only concept that goes way over my head

I have never ever been in a thread on Veeky Forums where a single person sounded like they might know what postmodernism is or have read a book about it.

how many of you have read more than a wikipedia article on the matter?

>Scroll through thread
>Keep reading pomo as porno

I had this experience too at some comment section
Guess they are right when they say great minds think alike

that's my fav line from seinfeld

no, pomo is post-ironic - irony lapsing back into sincerity

>tfw do i actually want to get off this island or stay on it forever