So FINALLY I managed to get some ok tier woman to my room and I showed her my literature collection. Infinite Jest was laying on the table and laid my hand on it and said "It is pretty big, you know what else is big?"
Well that didn't go well. I actually read most of the books (sort of) so I was kind of excited to use it to impress her. But it didn't go well. What did I do wrong?
I thought books would impress the women
Chicks like proust not dfw retard
So what else was big?
Her disappointment
>impressing women
>not using some variation of the library line
Got to work on your dfw related pickups
infinite jest is about as thick as my penis is long
The mistake was doing something for anyone other than yourself. And who the fuck cares about books anyways?
You know the part where in the movies the "literate chick" is impressed by your library, she's already been impressed by the fact that you live in a mansion.
I've had a similar experience but I probably seemed autistic to her since I don't have television, video games, or anything in my house other than books, a desk, a couch, and a bed.
I've found it's very hard to get laid without a television.
Faggot detected
Had a cute girl who was impressed by the fact that I'd read a lot of classic literature. This wasn't saying much seeing how she'd mostly read YA lit in her spare time. But damn she was cute.
Women literally do not care what your hobbies are. They will pretend whatever you do is interesting as long as they like you.
This is generally true, but not exclusively. I'd certainly wager its the case with most women, but I've known women to be interested in certain topics as well.
But yeah, if a chick likes you she acts interested in what you have to say, even if she isn't.
this is not completely true, women can start liking you for the most stupid of things, like seeing your library, but this only works if she doesn't already know you and how retarded you are so she can make a false good image of you in her head
So what about men?
Every day I question whether it is men or women who have the capacity of love. I am stuck between demonizing women as narcissists who bewitch loyal men into protecting them from the world and recognizing men as corrupt pleasure-seekers who prey on the naive hearts of women to obtain the one force that drives them. I could dismiss both as petty, but I will not. Love is observable, I know it has to be one or the other.
>I know it has to be one or the other.
dualism is for retards
stop pretending you're being smart
This guy has the right idea.
It's not: "wow user has such a vast collection of beautiful books."
It's: "Wow, look at all the money that went into building this library and all the expensive books and furnishings. user is as loaded as this library thing is."
You gotta be hawt too and/or have a job that gives you power.
being an autistic commie not even once
>he fell for the meme
It's like working out. Women don't give a shit. As far as women are concerned if you don't have a gut you have abs, and if you've read shakespeare you're a reader. Serious literature is something you do only for yourself.
Also you had to set the line up yourself so of course you looked desperate.
it must be physically impossible for that thing to fall flat on its face
gravity pulling that beer belly home
>I actually read most of the books (sort of)
All fat women should be lined up and shot.
I cannot say this without being in some way offensive:
Why does it seem as though men, specifically white, are the only ones aware of social interactions, science, and consciousness? Women always seem lacking behind a bit (they tend to follow rather than lead a convo)
>specifically white
nigga what.
Say what you want about black people but you can't shit on their sociality. Every black person on earth is on first-name basis with every other black person on earth.
they don't think before they speak. It's "EY YO NIGGAA"
I don't understand reddit meet-ups
what the fuck do they talk about?
Trump Russia conspiracies.
Rick and Morty episodes.
Their pets.
this problem is very real and i feel you bro
this is why pederasty is the final redpill
>the only way to be "social" is to be a self-conscious sperg
you have to use your knowledge gained from reading books to go to a literature gathering with her and destroy the opinion of another male attendee; then she'll be impressed.
Only a faggot would want to impress a woman though. What is she, your peer? LMAO
>Doing anything to impress females
Females are impressed by men, who can give them sense and value. So they search for men, who recognize there internal worth of thinks and value them as an end to itself. Trying to do literature, because of females is a non starter and almost never works.
Forget books. Just use this pickup line, "Hey girl, is your father retarded? Because, I think you're special."
Nigga if u got the ho in ur house it should already be game over penis vagina
>Sonic: What? What are you doing here?!
You'll never impress woman with books.
When younger, you'll impress her if you are extrovert, chatty and locally famous. If you are older, you'll impress her if you are affluent.
You could impress a woman with books like 30 years ago, but not in the present.
The dog owner is cute