
>What other civilisation invented soring scyscrapers?
>What other civilisation build gothic temples reaching into the sky?
>What other civilisation conquered the earth's gravitational pull
>What other civilisation mapped the skies?
Western culture is about: Distance, discovery, will to overcome, defeating yourself and your enemies and finally constant renewel

Leftism is the autoimmune disease of our culture.

You know what book I am talking about ;^)

holy spooks batman

>What other civilization created industrialization and thus paved the way for the destruction of nature, animal life, and ultimately the planet?
>What other civilization created the atom bomb?
>What other civilization has created social networking and mass media, the wonders of cell-phones, television, and computers to make people apathetic, drooling slaves?
>What other civilization poisons males by having xenoestrogens in plastics, in drinking water and tap water, and in car exhaust?
>What other civilization uses carcinogenic microwave radiation in the same frequencies it uses for cell-phone communication, wi-fi, etc.?
>What other civilization has incredibly high and steadily increasing amounts of divorce, drug addiction, and mental illness?
>What other civilization makes Asians and Africans and South Americans work for two cents a day in their sweatshops to make their shoes?

>and finally constant renewal

Say that to the icecaps, ozone, forests, landfills of a nonrenewable planet. Getting the most out of life isn't rocketing through progression to rain ash on future generations. It's to unite as a planet and progress at a unified rate which does not supersede available resources but assures the next step before its taken.
We as a species have shot for the moon with no coordinates and no plan for return.

Indeed that is the flip side
I am not arguing for or against. What I am saying is that the west is the most outward looking self renewing civilisation to date: Bridging distances, inventing new weapons, letting everyone reinvent themselves in the marketplace.
Eastern civilisation were always concerned with continuity finding your place etc.

Even your own universalist outlook on life is tipically western. Note that most easterners have no concern for people outside of their own groups which can be a virtue and a vice

The one that wants to erase and replace itself with computer humans, humans resistant to all the things god fucked up with in the first place.

you sound gay as fuck

Note that western countries are the ones leading the way in stopping this. Not China, Indonesia, India and saudi arabia.
I am not arguing for or against but your critique of the west is in itself very western. You are using the internet right? You live a comfortable life? Would you like to return? Unless you live in the woods alone you do benefit.

meant for:

Westerners are leading the way in stopping it like a cat cleans it's shit in a litterbox. They're the main cause of the problems, and the rate of attempting to fix them is exponentially slower than the rate of wreaking them.
I'm still young, and I've already rebelled against my western lifestyle as much as possible by growing my own livestock and crops, processing my own waste into fertilizer, reusing much of my water and never using mother toilet and rarely the shower. I shop local, use a generator for most of my electricity and the technology I use is all off my phone besides a computer I use off line to practice coding and music production. I ride a bike practically everywhere I go and I probably only put a couple hundred miles on my car a year (long distance travel for family or with friends).
I'm taking my steps to leave little impact. What are you doing?

>never using mother toilet
I wrote this and I'm dying, fucking auto-correct

Just enjoy the decadence lad. For as long as it lasts

I aplaud that. Can't say I am doing that. But what I meant was that it is very western in itself to do what you are doing

Don't blame me, blame all the xenoestrogens in plastics and car exhaust.

You say that. But I can count on one hand the people I can carry full on conversation with about my lifestyles. Trying to talk to the average person gives me funny looks you can only imagine.
This is a different, more casual experience, but the other day this girl was trying to flirt with me a bit while we were waiting for food. She started up some small talk and she asked what I was into to. Told her I love writing, reading, and studying literature. She replied with 'yeah you've got that whole theme going on'. I thought she was being a little clever so I said, 'I see what you did there, nice'; and you should've seen this woman go cross eyed. Conversation soon stopped, she got her food and that was that.
Point being THOSE are the westerners you're talking about. I fully believe in moderation.

I'd like to make use of this /pol/bait shit thread to ask, what is the best adaption of the Faust that I should read?


anglofags pls go
Op, here, Goethe. I like that you are the first person to even make the connection in this thread

>/pol/bait shit thread

Even in German Mann's is better

/pol/ here.
I was hoping I'd get to see a thread about fucking Goethe. Must you spam this shit? You're no better than the /leftypol/ and reddit astroturfers. For God's sakes can you people go to Veeky Forums, /pol/, /bant/ or any of the other numerous boards where you can talk about race and politics?

>Thomas Mann
Oh please
But can you give me a rundown of mann's version?

*Hide thread*

You Camphill fuck.

It's a symbolically rich, complex and ambiguous book so I won't give you any interpretation. However the basic plot is about a genius musical composer in mid 20th century Germany. He intentionally gets syphilis because the syphilitic madness gives him deeper inspiration. The mephistophelean character is in his mind and due to the madness.

I don't see any correlation with Faust at all here

What are you talking about OP

Varg please go

>Note that western countries are the ones leading the way in stopping this. Not China, Indonesia, India and saudi arabia.
Wrong, it only looks that way because they exported all their polluting industries to third world countries. It's like hiring a hitman to kill a guy instead of pulling the trigger yourself.

Haha you fucking moron. Leave little impact? To whom to you owe any responsibility? The earth? The animals? The other humans that you despise so much? What a fucking tool. Just live. We are all doomed to die.

So you've never heard the term Faustian Spirit or even Faustian? Have you read faust?

Read Faust you fucking pleb

>I don't see any correlation with Faust at all here
I'm pretty sure he's just referencing Spengler's name for western civilization (Faustian civilization)

yo which fuckin uhhhh civilization will give me a gf

>muh lefty boogeyman
Oh for fucks sake! Yes, there is both faustian "right" and "left" as there is retrograde "right" and "left". Attitude trumps policy. Always.

you cretin

Apart from Gothic 'temples' each of your examples were accomplished by liberalism i.e. leftism

Thanks. Don't think I will like it but I will give it a read some time. It's a very hard book right?

Well this was spenglers view wether you like it or not. Egalitarian universalism is a result from the western mindset


>liberalism i.e. leftism
It's always hard to say if someone is just trolling or ignorant.
Horkheimer, Gramsci Engels etc are in the same tradition as Burke, Mill, Kant, Erasmus etc.?

There are allusions to medieval legends and musical jargon as well as stuff about Europe/germany during the early 20th century.
Other than that it doesn't read too difficult.

Can I get a reference for this please?

ye but uh Sprengler is also referencing Faust
iirc Sprengler roughly defines the "faustian" as 'subduing nature', 'striving to overcome', which is an allusion to Faust, who wants to "strive for the highest beeing" and in Faust II after giving up on love, literally wants to subdue nature by "wrestling land from the sea"