The first draft of my novel will be read by a billionaire publisher in December of this year.
How's your Saturday going Veeky Forums?
The first draft of my novel will be read by a billionaire publisher in December of this year.
How's your Saturday going Veeky Forums?
i am capable now of writing some of the greatest prose i have ever produced. i am still working to cut away the traces of inspiration, and ensure that only my own voice is heard.
my mind is still relatively hollow, however. where once a trove of information lay extant, now, only scraps and phantasms. ah, but i won't trouble one too much.
i am quite happy for your likely success, my friend, i wish you nothing but joy in your travels.
It has been an arduous road. I spent ten years in psych wards being misdiagnosed, but I believe I have turned my suffering into the means for my success. None of it would be possible unless I knew her, which keeps me humble. Joy to you as well friend.
>The first draft
you havent even written a novel. you gave yourself away in the first 3 words. if your make-believe novel really was in the hands of a big time publisher it would have gone through countless drafts on your end and a few drafts with your agent. also, your novel wouldn't be read by a "publisher" it would be read by an editor at a big time publishing house. learn a little about the industry before you engage in this kind of LARPing. it's the most pathetic form of LARPing too. you cant brag to friends or family because they'll call you out on your bullshit so you come here to collect good feels on your "big success". you're a fucking loser.
ah, mental institutions, i've been in six.
i know that road. at this point in my life i take no medicines whatsoever. my soul is the better for it.
My first draft sits at 65k words and is not yet complete so no, I haven't yet completed said novel. It's not in her hands yet, it will be in December. Yes I made this post because it makes me feel good and I wanted to brag a little.
My dad was a boardroom exec in Chicago for 30 years lol. Sorry about your insecurity issues.
Man, can I ever Fucking relate. I don't know who you are user, but I know you.
And technically she made all her money in book distribution, but she literally has all of the heads of all the major publishing houses in her cell phone. So eat my shit.
>65k words
nice coloring book
your grasping at straws user, just submit to the existential woe
My first book has 43k and is currently being reviewed by a major publisher's editorial department for publication. They told me I'll know their answer in three weeks.
Even if the answer is negative it won't be because of the lenght of the book. I wrote it in 5 months and am not ashamed of it being small. It was the first book, it is what it is. I can't keep dreaming about writing a brilliant and long piece of fiction. A first book needs to happen, that should be the main concern.
my nigga. I wish you the best friend.
Thanks. It really has been my dream to be a published writer, I've had no other.
>My first book has 43k
so many wordlets here. fucking hell are you guys writing for the backs of cereal boxes or what?
it's a funny thing, institutionalization, it's comforting, helpful even, until you form inportant relationships in "the world", then all comes tumbling down, the illusion drawn back like a curtain on the stage, and you see all the cracks in the walls and the rats tugging at you.
it's a strange life to wake up to, to finally feel contrast in your soul to your surroundings. at one time i was quite content to be shuttled about to and fro by whoever wished to take me. my how things change.
How many words in your published or otherwise work user? Please, enlighten
I was working part-time so I didn't have much time. I was also a bit slow and was aiming for a literary prize headline.
disregard the troll, we'll make it
>t. guy that thinks an unfinished first draft is good enough to send to anyone
established authors rarely even send finished 1st drafts to their agents and you're supposedly sending an unfinished 1st draft to some big time publisher. you're an idiot.
3 things.
1. Congrats
2. Which publisher?
3. Do you already have cover art or are you going to make your own using the cover creator when you self-publish in the meantime?
Traditional publishers dominate physical copies, but Kindle dominates ebooks. You could start making money over the next 4-5 months ahead of time, and potentially get people talking along with forming a small fanbase. Ideally, you'll have a traditional publishing company selling your paperback/hardcover and you'll have ebooks going through Kindle, that's the best of both worlds.
Also, I hear the VAST majority of times a manuscript is sent, it's denied. If I were you I'd be sending the manuscript to several other publishing companies while, yes, also getting it self-published. There's money to be made.
>How's your Saturday going Veeky Forums?
Got nearly 2000 more words written, book #7 should be finished within the week.
Can you live off your craft?
>1st draft was 900,000k
>2nd draft was 879,000k
>3rd draft was 875,000k
hoping to get the final draft down to 870,000k before sending it to agents
Are you crazy? That's too big for an unpublished author. No one will publish that. Shelve it and do another one.
it's a book about a curious beetle and his adventures at the mall of america. no dialogue or anything. we just follow the beetle.
Dude my dad is rich and I know her personally ya Fucking retard
Well, I'm 7.4k words into an unpublishable "novel" (which is really just a rejection of narrative that demonstrates why it does so). It's my first attempt, and I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself. Potentially trying to be too clever, but that's the only way I'll have fun. It is fun, despite being equally frustrating. It's a game where I set the rules, stretch them, play with them, laugh at them. I get a huge rush from writing it. Wish I could show it to someone though, so I could know if I'm on the right track - but I can't, because it'll fuck with my motivation.
I'm tired as fuck today though, as I slept for maybe.. four, five hours? After lying awake for five hours, just thinking of random unimportant crap and worrying about arguably important crap that I have no control over.
>bragging about being rich and having connections on an anonymous pancake mixing forum to make yourself feel better
you're basically at rock bottom m8. time to sort yourself out.
for the first time I actually feel like I got an inspiration for a story that might actually be publishable (a man can dream), I have wrote a short 20k word novella before but never showed it to anyone and feel quite insecure about it, however I'm kinda afraid the thing I'm writing on now will also end up beeing pretty short, which will decrease my chances of getting published, I don't want to write unnecessary shit just for the sake of making it longer, tho - what do?
please remember this post so when I post a time stamp in January-February you feel even shittier than you did today
I think you should do that.
It's a complicated situation user. My writing could be construed as.....incriminating. Thus I need this bank roll lady on my side.
>thinking i feel bad about someone blatantly lying
even if what you are saying is true (which it's not) i couldn't care less. the fact that you're planning to "get back" at me 8 months from now is ridiculous. if anything you said was true (which it's not) you wouldn't give a fuck about one person calling you out. you care about my opinion but i dont care about your opinion because you're a liar. a bad liar at that.
It will take time, but yes, I do believe I will be able to live off my craft. There are some people self-published on Amazon and Kindle who make upwards of $5000 a month. Even $15,000 a month has been reported and I hear $50,000 a month is possible. Me? I live a simple life, and all I need to live in relative comfort is about $1250 a month which is less than full-time minimum wage where I live. Derek Murphy averaged $5000 a month for 6 consecutive months by self-publishing, however he also has the advantage of having many, many years of experience in the traditional publishing business, though basically everything BUT writing, so he has a lot of expertise to bring to the table.
>My writing could be construed as.....incriminating.
you sound like a retard. what did you do? jerk off into your mother's panty drawer? she already knows it's you.
just remember, faggot.
I don't see how writing can be incriminating unless it's perhaps direct threats against real people's lives or something like that. I mean, people have published books about adults fucking children, but to my knowledge it's never been found to be incriminating.
Would read 8/10. What's the tone? Does your beetle critics everything like that fucking Japanese cat or like that Russian horse? Does he has a big objective a quest?
>It was the first book, it is what it is. I can't keep dreaming about writing a brilliant and long piece of fiction.
The success of your first effort essentially secures the rest of your career. If you admit your work is rather rushed and shitty why bother submitting
It's gonzo. That's as much as I can say.
>just remember, faggot.
im literally going to forget about this exchange in 30 minutes and meanwhile you're planning to "i told you so" post 8 months from now. you're such a loser.
Of course not. Plenty of great writers have shitty or subpar first novels, and many have shunned their first novel. I tell from experience, I've read several shitty first novels from distinguished writers.
At this point I'm just trying to illicit an emotional response, just as you have been doing for the duration of the thread. I made this thread out of excitement and this whole time you've been trying to shit on me and troll for no reason. Just fuck off dude.
>It's gonzo.
oh god. LARPing AND cringeposting at the same time? you madman.
you still didn't answer
honestly I'd love to go on a diatribe regaling all of the fucked up scenarios I've found myself a part of, but if i did, why the fuck would you buy my book?
>LARPing as a guy with a finished piece of work that's almost certain to get published because it's going straight to some publishing head-honcho and getting all of those feel-good juices flowing
meanwhile you're not working on your writing and if you're honest with yourself you probably only sit down to write 1-2 times a week for a 30 minute writing session where very little is produced. that's 9 out of 10 of the "writers" here and i can tell you're in the majority. you're not a doer. you're a talker. like i said before, sort yourself out and change your habits.
I read and write 6 hours and excercise 3-4, daily. My family is rich, I can put all of myself into this and not worry about maslows heirarchy of needs. You are an insecure retard my dude.
And I digress, I'm not usually this crass, but you'll be happy to know your incessant trolling got to me. Congratulations, your purpose has been validated.
I hope this isn't OP and I hope this wasn't the prose he was referring to.
That wasn't me but I like that dude, asshat.
>letting someone with a commercial agenda control your art
congratulations, you've played yourself
>excercise 3-4
now i know you're fat. literally nobody exercises that much. jesus christ, dude.
You're the one responding, then. Even worse.
I just got my first piece published the other day.
I have three novels that I could still potentially sell, I dunno.
I got about a dozen other short stories that I think are all publish-worthy that I should be working on.
So things are ok for me, at the moment. I don't have to fantasize about shit that'll maybe happen 6 months from now.
I can run a 6 minute mile and bench 225, your existence is negligable
I was going to congratulate you until the end there. You're a published author and a negligable anonymous post still makes you insecure, eh?
>t. thought for 2 seconds about the stats of a healthy person
you have trouble walking, don't you?
not really, just haven't posted on lit in a while, felt I was somehow obligated to, so I did.
Would read! What style is it? Seems absurdist.
>Seems absurdist
OP gets called out for LARPing about being a writer OP cracks and says my "trolling" (really just calling out his bullshit) has gotten to him
OP claims to exercise 4 HOURS A DAY OP gets called out for having no clue how long people even exercise for OP throws out random stats to prove he's not a fat bastard OP gets called a fat bastard againOP vanishes
congrats op! i hope stuff keeps working out for you.
Give us an excerpt.
Or more info plz
Da Bug all be at da Fashion store now.
That's page 6.
That doesn't mean its good, senpai.
An update on my Saturday...
Over 5000 words written so far today. What an unbelievable day it's been, incredible productivity, and some events in the book both interesting and FUCKING intense transpired; I'm loving it! I think this 7th book is going to be my best one yet! If I can maintain my daily writing, it should be done in 5 days at most. Fucking incredible, I almost feel like getting drunk yet again tonight but I think I'll hold off until tomorrow, just to make the rum last longer. Fuck me do I feel great, seriously, anyone who doesn't write is doing themselves a disservice if they enjoy writing anywhere CLOSE to the degree that I do. I don't think I've written this much in a single day since around mid or late March!
I shared some writing with a friend and my father. Both liked it despite being a contextless bit of a novel. But then they both said my prose is identical to Michael Moorcock.
I don't know how to feel about that.