Why is anime so misoginistic?

Why is anime so misoginistic?

I'm writing an essay about anime and feminism for exam, But I found so anime anti-feminism, man-biased.

Since /a/ and /pol/ is too retarded to make any discussion, so I make a thread here.

Why? Also any recommended books on anime and feminism?

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hurr durr durr

What exactly is misogynistic about it?

>Also any recommended books on anime and feminism?
You won't find any, but there's a site called animefeminist.com that might be what you're looking for.

Japanese culture is isolated, traumatized, and was jarred out of cultural patriarchy traumatically. If anything the whole country was feminized by the rape of hiroshima and nagasaki.

Furthermore, men and women are drawing away from each other in japan (vimeo.com/80542212) and each gender is creating mediums that represent their ideals, indeed you would be flawed if you didnt look at shōjo manga which is the mirror to shonen manga (and anime) and of course not misogynistic. Also, you are wasting your time studying this trash.

you impose your imperialist western-centric ideas of womanhood on others. you are not only the misogynist but also intolerant.

I strongly disagree, user, but I'll bite.

Anime: A History by Jonathan Clements should be somewhat useful for you, it's possibly one of the most insightful books regarding anime, beginning with early japanese animation to the present day's otaku obsession.

If I were in your shoes, writing an essay on this subject, I would probably find essential feminist textbooks and academic books that I could reference studies from and apply their findings to anime representations, etc.

Well, women would be OK if they didn't resemble jews that much. Unsurprisingly, beating them into submission boxes is the only way to have their good traits triumph over the others. You may hate this as 'patriarchy', but it is also the only reason you aren't raped daily by cavemen.
Of course, femininity freed would incite battles among cavemen to choose which one of them gets to rape you- DNA is the one that matters, after all.

If women didn't kill their children (abortion) like apes do (infanticide), our civilization would be going strong. Of course, it is the fault of men - weak men especially. Those who desired 'equality' and killed all the good men in revolutions and wars, made laws that utilized the state power to squash masculinity out of the world.

Of course, the cavemen are waiting. They have been 'on ice' for the past 200 000 years or so, but now they claim the north. Perhaps in another 200 000 years a new civilization will be born.

Whether or not the appropriate boards want to discuss it, this is the literature board, and not the place to discuss it.

This isn't the feminist board; this isn't a feminist website; don't bring your trash here.

Modern japanese society was formed by christian values instaured by the USA after WWII. The problem is that Japan never really adopted christianity and become a country of atheism and nihilism while maintaining deep christian values in their society. This created huge problems in their society like the ones you cited and others like men refusin to have sex or marrying, suicide, depression and stupid forms of escapism. Had christianity ever been a big thing in their society, their mentality would be drastically different and I would even dare Japan would be the best country in the world. South Korea, on the other hand, seens to be becoming everything Japan should be.

Oh yes this is why S. Korea has one of the highest suicide rates in the world (no nihilism and depression there).

I think your autistic focus on christianity is a bit off, western liberalism and progressiveness is divorced from christian tradition. But I will agree that forcing a value set on a country by military conquest cannot lead to good things.

Thinking further on this problem, I think OP is also mistaken on "mysoginism" in anime. For every skimpy outfit there is a sword master, for every sexualized school girl there is a sailor moon, for every bouncing boob there is a woman who can destroy stars.

South Korea was a military despotism born out of a war engendered by western and foreign values, IE agrarian communism and colonialism. The same arguments hold.

They're becoming. BECOMING. BE.CO.MI.NG. A huge part of their society is still buddhist/atheist, but catholicism had one of the biggest grows there in the last few years. Their society has been extremely influenced by USA and Japan's values, they have everything to be a great conservativie, religious and traditional country in the future.


to say nothing of the massive evangelical influence

>But I will agree that forcing a value set on a country by military conquest cannot lead to good things.

There is also the metaphysical element of them cleansing their country due to newfound interest in Creation.

>they have everything to be a great conservative, religious and traditional country in the future

What else can you do? Watch from the sidelines, desiring something else.

You're really leaving out the context of the loss of passionate nationalism, and the long history of zen that had strong effects on their culture. Reading Japanese literature before ww2 is completely different than contemporary stuff. With some exceptions like Murakami I guess.

It's not really their fault that Christianity failed to proselytize them. It's not very compatible and made little effort to change itself to be so.

Why do people whine when their poorly crafted and sadistic, cruel ungodly conspiracies flip on them and make their lives miserable? Don't they even feel like they deserved it? Don't they feel the hand of God in their punishment? Don't they see that punishment is doled out not only to them, but also to the punisher?

I thought about these questions after reading your post.

>It's not really their fault that Christianity failed to proselytize them.
They happened to kill the Christians.

South Korea is led by a witches' coven, t. their former president.

Persian zoroastrian court culture was not lesser than hellenism except in democratic values

>For every skimpy outfit there is a sword master

This, sexualizing the human body does not mean hating the human. A common feminist error in thought

I'm not a feminist, but I think they believe that by sexualizing a woman's body, you're objectifying her and not treating her like a human being, instead you just treat her like something to satisfy your own desire, that's probably their main argument.

By sexualizing another person you reduce them to teleological constructs. This type of mindset can transform the human subject into a complete object in the eyes of the other. An object that people can impose themselves on and coerce and dominate them into doing things they do not want. You don't need to hate a person to impose your power on them. We need to free ourselves of these power dynamics in order for our collective prosperity!

hellenism is ancient equivalent of contemporary liberalism and led to downfall of the antique world

south korea is a shithole

>nothing good can come out of it
I guess you were right.

It did act as a fertilizer for many other civilizations.

>our collective prosperity!
What's that? Pain gulag?
>You didn't suffer enough in the previous system, so let me do all the theoretical evil your system imposed on me (but it didn't)

>Also any recommended books on anime and feminism?

I guess you could read "Anime from Akira to Princess Mononoke" by Susan J. Napier. It has a chapter which claims that the rise of rape hentai was a sort of response to women getting more rights in the late seventies.

what a shitty topic to make an essay man.

please try to aim a little higher

if i were your teacher i'd not even be willing to look probably at an essay that's about this

Kill la Kill was unironically pretty feminist thematically, really taking the piss out of a lot of the shittier anime tropes as far as representation goes. Couldn't recommend an essay or anything like that though

Anime is not misogynistic. For every girl that's sexualized they sexualize a guy. In fact they created the best female role model ever: Bayonetta. She's body postive, the strongest character in her game, and she's never has to be rescued by a guy. To understand more you need to know they're culture. If anything their homophobic since they don't see homosexuality as a sexual orientation they see it as a fetish

What are you talking about, you loon? It is important to start a conversation about how media impacts us and we can all improve the the current system we are in. Women's liberation is an important piece of that improvement. Making anime less sexist seems like a small change comparing to how much good it would bring to other people.

Bayonetta is one of the biggest forms of disrespect towards christianity and God that I have ever seen, if not the biggest. It's not even valid criticism, just pure disrespect. Things like this should honestly be banned.

>Why is anime so misogynistic?
Oversimplifies the dynamics of the Japanese anime/manga market.

There are some extremely misogynistic anime, most aren't as misogynist as "rapeman"

The level of misogyny correlates with the target audience.

>Why is anime so misogynistic?
Because people buy it, it's called capitalism.

>muh god
get shoot, darling

And who cares? Go cry if you feel harmed you numale

Women's liberation was not an improvement. Even the happiness statistics show this. I mean, unless you are a Rockefeller or the like. Increased work force, reduced revolts (women are submissive), lower pay...

What are women liberated from, anyway? Home? Family? Ha - we all were born to such. Those who didn't, how free are they?

You do know that happiness statistics are all self reported right? Even the idea of happiness is an incredibly flimsy one. I believe people are most content of their lives when pursuing a higher goal. Women lib offered this opportunity to the fairer sex. This was inevitable, taking into account how life expectancy for women grew over time, being just a baby dispenser become a smaller part of female life. No more 1/4 chance of dying at birth. No more caring for the children for 15 years(we have schools now). No more restriction of the feminine spirit to the sphere of the household.

Fucking weebs.

>I believe people are most content of their lives when pursuing a higher goal.
Masculine idea. True for masculine creatures.

Some anime is aimed toward otaku manchildren and is misogynistic
Some is aimed toward a female audience and is not misogynistic
Some is aimed at a broader/higher audience and is not misogynistic

god should kill bayonetta, i guess

Because guys don't want girls showed into everything they enjoy. First they start complaining that men are checking out of society by spending time with anime, literature, video games; then they try to make themselves important in there as well.

The fact that you avoid /pol/ to discuss this topic shows that you aren't interested in real opinions or in conflict, you just want your homework done by your like-minded deconstructionist marxist pals. Sad!
