What is ontologicool reading and taking notes on? Is she dare I say it /ourgirl/
What is ontologicool reading and taking notes on? Is she dare I say it /ourgirl/
Damn look at that fucking thumb nail
NIGGER WTF IS THAT? That's just like old nail polish right?
woahhh what the fuck. it's like a homeless woman's nail. seriously what the fuck.
I don't know but it looks pretty gay to me
idk but if I had to take a guess I'd say some of Simone Weil's philosophical writing
Looks like Simone Weil, can't tell what work
>cheap pedicure
nail fungus
only a true pseud posts pictures of their notes on snapchat
>"Hey guys look i'm smart tell your friends!!!11"
>He has notes
She can tear off the AFI sticker but it's forever present.
this mestizo tranny has had enough airtime on here. Enough.
Also, its handwriting is atrocious - see how the letters disintegrate at speed (upper middle right).
What are the notes even about? It's all bugaboo garbage.
She's reading Waiting for god by Simone Weil.
That chapter is titled "Forms of the implicit love of god" and it starts with a quote from the Bible.
I have not read it, but I have the impression that it is a poor choice of a book if you want to better understand the philosophy of faith.
Did anybody read it here ?
Simone Veil?
I knew that mischling had to be reading something entartete.
>He has endnotes
Ew wtf
Nice German, *nglo.
You don't even want to know what kind of a sorry state her roastie bits are in.
Fungus-covered roadkill, I am guessing.
This is why I cannot read girl lit.
muh love, love, love.
Cioran or bust.
I bet plenty of Anons in here are filthy as well. And gross nails on girls are a very common thing.
>calling yourself ontologicool
>being taken seriously
choose one
I want ontologicool to chain me to a radiator in her apartment with my hands bound behind my back and then walk over to me throughout the day and force me to lick her pussy and ass while she grinds on my face in completely utilitarian poses, not trying to look sexy or put on a show for me at all, and looks out the window at a shed with a pool of rainwater on the roof
I want her to spit in my mouth and tell me I am a suubhuman degenerate.
I want to be severely castigated every time I make eye contact with her.
when I'm a broken shell of a man, she will lay ontop of me, almost smothering me with her body-weight. She will nurture me and rebuild me, without words, only to break me down again.
Relax dude the girl is just being herself. its like saying.
>browse lit regularly
>being taken seriously
>wearing a nose ring
>being taken seriously
choose one
>being a chantard
>taking a moral high-ground
your parents probably laugh at you when they think you're not listening.
>being this new
>>being a chantard
>>taking a moral high-ground
>your parents probably laugh at you when they think you're not listening.
How is the twisted mind formed?
>i have not read this book
>poor choice of book
>and looks out the window at a shed with a pool of rainwater on the roof
Reminds me of The Red Wheelbarrow, for some reason.
>taking notes
>that nail
>taking a picture of said notes
>that handwriting
>pretending to be a woman
What a puerile being.
This is because deep down youre probably a nice person, user. A liability. But your secret's safe.
Why do people keep saying she's transgender? I don't think she's very attractive but it's clear she is a woman, you guys can't really know this little about biology?