What books do alpha males read?

What books do alpha males read?

Whatever they want.


The TV guide maybe, lmao
Alpha males don't read they fuck your crush

Traditionally reading is regarded as a passive endeavor, so not many.

There is no such thing. Learn sociology.

Alpha males come in different forms. Bill Gates is a sort of alpha male


HIs wife cucks him with double digit IQ groids ! many such cases exist

Bill Gates could buy an entire third world nation and make it his harem. If he's not fucking 10s, it's only because he doesn't want to.

because he's a beta male with low T

They don't.

Mike Cernovich or some other stupid shit

>having control over more people and resources than anyone else alive is less of an alpha male trait than spending your valuable time jizzing in broken 18 year olds
Don't be retarded

>Alpha males come in different forms. Bill Gates is a sort of alpha male

Mate you do talk some fucking bullshit don't ya.

Alphas can't read

chad reads stacy's diary desu

>learning fake science


Beta cucks who want to learn how to behave like a caricature of an alpha read kike cernovich.
But that was probably a joke

i love this

>Don't be retarded
Says the guy that speaks positively of The Force Awakens.

Stop going onto forums and asking for a fucking graph for every goddamn aspect of your life.

You ever ask anyone how to wipe your ass? Have some fucking dignity. Go the bookstore and choose a book that interests you.

A lot of alpha dudes seem to like Bukowski, although Bukowski himself is a weird case of an omega (lost his virginity in his late 20s) who turned into such a fucked up don't give a shit nihilist that he became a sort of idiosyncratic loser alpha.