Write what's on your mind
Write what's on your mind
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Slowly accepting that there is no answer to my problems, not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
Individual consciousness and group consciousness.
Chaos theory and fish schooling, or bird flocks.
Epistem, zietgiest, civilization/culture, gene communication.
Patter recognition, architecture, consciousness does not exist outside of group consciousness.
Democracy, political animals, legitimacy.
Gods, technology, a history of objectivity, Jungian archtypes.
Ghosts, deamons, shamanism, gods, and the calling forth of the individual.
One does not equal one, a deamon’s law of gravity, chaotic substructures
Architecture, insanity, the mental health of a mackerel, learned judgment
What is a group, can the individual ask this question, political animals and their environment
Legitimacy, communication, violence, music/mathematics
Animal tools, alien technology, subversion and breakdown of ego, power
Epistem, art, conscious, gods
Group consciousness, cohesion, self-reference, legitimacy
if I am a boy and I have a purse how can I reach so deep into my pockets..
dick buried in the ass; its... stuck.
Why bother?
Implication stuck momentarily.
I don't think those fish like their new home.
Also, 7th book is in the process of being self-published. Feels fucking good. Wondering what I'll write for my 8th book. I think around 330,000 words have been written in total for those 7 books, so I'm also wondering when I'll write my first 100,000+ word book.
Oh man, I wonder who could be behind this post. How are your sales going this month?
An attractive middle aged woman.
Am I becoming that much of a regular? Sales are pretty miserable in all honesty. March was pretty awesome, April was my best month, May was much lower, June was likewise even lower, and with how things are going July might be yet lower again but I think once this book becomes available and is plugged in a certain blog I'll get a nice little surge of sales. OH! I have a promotional period coming up too which usually also helps sales.
>July 18th-23rd
In the UK my first 2 sequels to Living amongst the Dead (Dark Days and On the Road Again) will be .99 Pounds each instead of the usual which I think is around 2.30 Pounds. Also in the US, the first sequel (Dark days) will be $1.99 instead of $2.99 during this period.
>July 22nd-23rd
I've got 3 books going for free on those days; Living amongst the Dead, When her 'No' means 'Yes', and Firearm Valhalla which I dedicated to /k/ and might be writing a sequel for this month.
Meanwhile, "Another One Please, to Dull the Pain" is perma-free on Lulu
Wrote this novella within 5 days, never edited it, I hear there's some grammatical errors on the go but one chick in particular who read it actually ended up yelling at the book at one point but she says that's a sign it's a well-written book; she ends up yelling at it lol
How's your month coming along, user?
Get a cat
I guess in the end I am just a coward.
Oh well.
I can't tell if confronting is the best option.
But at the same time it is the only answer I came up with.
I hope I can find the equilibrium.
quick user
clue me in on a film i should watch right now if i havent already
or ill pull the damn trigger see
Withnail & I
1980s film from England, based in 1969, stars two actors who are living poorly, can't find work, and want to get out to the country to 'rejuvenate.' The character Uncle Monty is very interesting and brilliantly acted. Well, all the acting is brilliant in my opinion. LOOOOOOTS of drunking.
Also, fun-fact, that appears to be an M1928 Thompson with a 50-round drum, Cutts compensator, Lyman rear sight that is good for 50-600m, and cooling finns. The foregrip is nice too. All-in-all, with a full drum, it will likely weigh at least 13.5-14lb. In comparison, a Russian PPS-43 with a loaded 35-round stick mag will weigh, if I recall correctly, around 7.5-8lb.
That said, if you haven't seen Saving Private Ryan, you're missing out on possibly the greatest war film ever made in my opinion. There's a scene where a couple German soldiers are surrendering to Americans and are speaking a non-English language. They are killed. They weren't speaking German and were saying they were being forced to fight and never wanted to become soldiers to begin with. They weren't from Germany, but from one of the annexed nations under Nazi German rule.
Thanks dude, will watch
Just sent some poems off to a journal. AGHH. Novelish sits at 8000w. I get incredibly nervous about it - juvenile, pretentious. What if it somehow gets deleted from my hard drive? What if my laptop breaks tomorrow and I lose my USB stick?
I'm bored with my town. It's a city, but really, it's a town. The poetry groups are filled with middle-aged dossers who write about the sea and reading Camus. No, they mention Camus, and the nice wine they're drinking. Smug cunts. At least they enunciate.
Down the Shore.
Shaved pussy
No problem, my dude. Here's a free novella if you like; I wrote it in about 5 days.
I ordered a book on Amazon at least partially because the shipping period was so long and I wanted to see if it really was that long and it looks like it is.
Sometimes I forget humans exist. I forget that behind every pair of eyes is a brain holding an entire life of memories and ideas and opinions completely different than my own. It just slips my mind that these are people. REAL PEOPLE. They breathe, they feel, they eat, they shit, they think just like me, only entirely different. How can that possibly be?
How uneventful is your life user
Unshaved pussy
Not sure if I should continue my streak of sobriety or buy some dark ass stouts
My stomach content. My thirst quenched. Back to shitposting I go.
patrician detected
Sobriety never made anyone immortal
Trimmed pussy.
Certainly not but I'm in the process of getting Veeky Forums and apparently alcohol interferes with your gainz
More writers were alcoholics than fit. But you do you
I need to stop talking to myself. Only the homeless do that shit. I need to get some ass.
good luck user!
also sick of my town. I moved from a vibrant, interesting town where I did my undergrad to a drab, suburban-ish town for grad school and I underestimated how much of a shock it would be. I can't wait to move to a proper city again.
Pure ideology
got really drunk on saturday and had to spend the whole of sunday recovering. apparently the trick is to drink sports drink, water doesn't contain the salts and sugars you need to recover.
thinking about my ex. we both miss each other a great deal, we talked by phone on saturday. but our relationship just couldn't work, not with us being the kinds of people we are right now. it makes me wish we'd met maybe five years from now.
Ah I've done this before. Good way to get your thoughts out.
You are wrong on both accounts.
Keep on keepin' on and life will teach you the real answers.
There has to be a more productive lasting way of doing it. I'm thinking of recording myself. I just don't want to reflect on the fact that i'm lonely as fuck, man.
Just trying to stay comfy. Kinda wasting my summer though.
Probably true, but I'm not much of a writer. Just a reader, a drinker, and an aspiring prettyboy. Still not sure which of the latter two attributes will supersede the other tonight, though.
I have university today although I do not want to have to go to university today and all the while I am eating my scrambled egg whites cooked with the simmer sauce that was stolen from the grocery as I chatted to and distracted the female self-serve checkout attendant for breakfast.
Why oh why did I eat 15,000 calories a day for a week straight after eating 200-300 calories a day for 1.5 months?! The amount of actual fat I have gained is comical
Everyone in my house is so loud. If they're not yelling, the television is blasting, and it's usually both simultaneously. I just want peace and quiet.
I am addicted to people watching and eavesdropping.
I should probably eat. It's been a day since I last have.
why not bother? it's not like you have anything better to do
It's interesting when families stop by at my job I can always pick out which guys want to fuck their sisters. It seems that younger siblings who haven't been indoctrinated by society generally fall in thst category more often.
I've gone around 24+ hours without food before. Not fun, but it's not as bad as I had anticipated. Though granted I did almost nothing except merely lie on the bed so wasn't burning much in the way of calories.
I need to get a job.
I want a girlfriend who turns out to be an alien and then she takes me to her far away planet so I can save them and become their leader then come back to Earth and take over and establish a new order by putting the aliens in charge which I already did 3000 years ago as they're known to us now as the Jews.
I'm so shallow I don't think I have any thought of my own. People say i'm insightful but I highly doubt it. I'm even struggling to think of anything to type here. I'm 90% silent and 10% saying 'yes' 'no'. I struggle to form sentences in my own mind I think mostly in pictures. I over question myself acting as my own therapist, I don't know why I act the way I do... but I have theories. Maybe I'm too anti-confrontational, my dad was angry when i was a teen. Or maybe i'm actually gay, I didn't have these thought until I did drugs at uni, but at the same time I've never felt stress until Uni. And I've heard that stress can exaggerate underlying mental illness. My mother says i'm autistic but won't admit to it sober, i'm too far gone that i wouldn't even address a doctor. I've had a constant head ache but i don't want to bother a doctor with that. I'm lost at sea adrift on waste plastic but that's how I've always felt.
Do you think there are certain types of people that constantly get repeated throughout history, I hope i'm one of them and that if i do end up dead in a ditch it's because history drove me there, and not myself.
This is only a reflection of my deeper self that I show no-one I have friends and I'm a hoot (apparently) but somethings are like a scalpel and others a river.
Says more about you than it does them user.
15,000 a day? Dude are you like 400 lbs? Lmao holy shit m8 unironically kys
We're in love after telling ourselves we wouldn't fall for each other, as it's summer and she goes to a different Uni, but it happened anyway, and she goes to Denmark for a semester in the fall. In the spring I will go to Russia to study for the semester. All in all the earliest I can see her after the middle of August is December, and we're not doing the long distance thing, but we're going to keep talking. I'll probably drunkenly write her letters and sleep around, try to focus on lifting and getting good grades, to try to distract myself from the fact that she knows I'll be thinking about her as she likely is getting coffee with some pale Blond Danish pussy boy, and that while she sits there with the Danish kid she'll probably be comparing him to me, yearning for me as much as I do for her while I fuck random girls to distract myself from the guttural pain that comes when I am reminded of her absence.
Nothing wrong with consensual sex between siblings.
When will eth hit 1000 and when can we send all not anglos out of Australia, usa, Canada, UK, nz, s Africa