Why don't I see the Maps of Meaning discussed here?
Jordan Peterson
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Because Peterson discussion either devolves into anti sjw shit, or it devolves into how the discussion always devolves into anti sjw shit.
Look, I'm doing it right now!
Because no one here reads
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G if you think SJWs should be gassed
F if you think they're well-intentioned and just misled, and it's the atheistic nature of the era that's at fault
Peterson's a great intro and way to lead people into deeper stuff, particularly getting them to rethink religious teachings and what they are about, but you really need to put in the work and this medium doesn't lend itself to the quality discussion format it requires.
Honestly, it'd be better if you found some friends and you all went through it together and discussed it with each other over some beers at the pub.
Came here to post this.
F, but with the qualification that they seem pretty eager to gas everyone else.
because its 150 leafbucks
there is a free pdf on his website
What about the part where it turns out that Peterson is just a meme deserving of no special consideration?
i already read Jung, i have no reason to read peturdson.
I just want to say that his personality lectures are 10/10.
He's a silly pop-philosopher who draws in pseuds that don't read. Which is probably why we have threads about him here every day
>deeper stuff, particularly getting them to rethink religious teachings and what they are about, but you really need to put in the work and this medium doesn't lend itself to the quality discussion format it requires.
For the same reason you wont see much discussion on Jung. Humanities belongs on Veeky Forums
No way, fuck that, they don't. This is where art is discussed. Explain yourself.
Because we only discuss good authors here.
>Welcome to Veeky Forums - History & Humanities Anonymous ## Mod Mod Icon
>This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use Veeky Forums for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.
The stickies are there for a reason user
anything more than a pamphlet is better in physical form
isn't it like a thousand pages?
How can you discuss humanities without literature?
Prominent right-wing thought leaders can't be reasonably discussed because lefty/pol/ gets into autistic screeching fits over things they can't grasp. The threads devolve into incoherent arguments over semantics.
Lefties don't want to actually talk about things, they just want to shill and pretend to be smart.
book is to expensive
>but ebook is free
i need physical copies sorry
You cant.
Then why are Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums seperated?
>Lefties don't want to actually talk about things, they just want to shill and pretend to be smart.
they don't even want to think about things. when was the last time a leftist took responsibility for all the pain and suffering they produced?
as long as you have good intentions and the right dogma you can butcher as many innocents as you want
Again user use the stickies they are here to help - from the lit sticky
>Veeky Forums is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to Veeky Forums.
>How can you discuss humanities without literature?
Because literature in this context is taken from the primary meaning of the word - writing as an art form- not literature as meaning anything in a book.
Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums are separated so that we're spared the relentless "But what is Charlemagne fought Rommel?" threads.
>Then why are Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums seperated?
Veeky Forums was a containment board created so that talk on humanities and philosophy wouldnt drown out discussion on literature.
For the same reason we have a video game board, a video games general board and a retro games board. Or why we have a My Little Pony Board
Humanities are the discussion of art. Ergo why is literature - integral as fuck - secluded.
I'm sorry, this is just nonsense. How can you exclude the meaning of what is being writte from the writing? We're discussing writing as an art form, but excluding the meaning of what is written? So all this board should be then is prose and poetry.
>mfw nobody understand hexatonic acatalectic dactyl, hendecasyllable meter or iambic pentameter, and complains it's highbrow and it's all about the plot
>muh free verse
>Humanities are the discussion of art. Ergo why is literature - integral as fuck - secluded.
>I'm sorry, this is just nonsense.
See above, its a question of practicalities - kind of like how science is treated and studied as a separate field form philosophy.
Okay, fine. It's still wrong, and i'd rather have the humanities be combined with Veeky Forums, instead of Veeky Forums.
>he isn't a man of the right who shits on peterson too
ptshhh.... plebs
>Okay, fine. It's still wrong, and i'd rather have the humanities be combined with Veeky Forums, instead of Veeky Forums.
Well why not be productive about it? Im sure they would love to hear your opinions
Veeky Forums.org/feedback
not sure why would i shit on peterson. i mean he is a liberal and he is wrong but he is opening the right kind of doors that may lead to traditionalism
i also understand why people call him a pleb, he is a psychologist not trained in the humanities, and he speaks like a psychologist not trained in the humanities, but that's ok. it's the duty of other people to pick up those lines of thought that are obviously resonating with a big audience and correct their plebish aspects
This is productive.
>right-wing thought leader
Anyone know where I can find a copy that isn't 75$+ seriously can't find one anywhere
there's a free pdf on peterson's website. if you want paper no idea.
>Jung. Humanities belongs on Veeky Forums
Jung is pseudoscience and has no place on Veeky Forums
Porqué no los dos
Anyone else find it funny that people like pic related are the reason Peterson managed to acquire e-celeb status?
Why don't you just print out the pdf?
I could be mistaken but I think it's only 5 or 6 hundred.
But Veeky Forums sucks ass
>sjw don't show up to his lectures and act like children
hes a pseud