Written in bits and pieces in hebrew

>written in bits and pieces in hebrew
>many parts were lost
>translated into greek
>many parts were lost or changed
>translated into latin
>many parts were lost or changed
>translated into english
>many parts were lost or changed
>the modern "bible" is completely changed and warped from it's original form, bearing only a passing resemblance to the first scripts
>more than 2 billion people base their entire lives around this book and think it will lead them to eternal salvation


Most people have the statist mentality where authority figures are seen as infallible.

Doesn't matter, God will understand as long as you kill everyone and leave no witnesses


Does it matter to you what other people worship? Are you really that caught up with other people that you spent 3 minutes on an anonymous Appalachian Cookie Wrapping forum making a thread about what other people decide to worship?

>parts of the Bible were lost when it was translated to English
>parts of the Bible were changed when translated to English
Small, irrelevant stuff

Most faith in the Judaism/Christianity isn't based on scripture. Rather, it's a combination of experience and being within a group that also supports and bolsters the belief. The texts supplement the belief and give some rules/guidelines/etc.; they don't build up the faith from nothing.

Having read most of the Old Testament, I'd think it impossible for any random reader to 1) take it seriously and 2) develop an actual, serious belief in the stories and therefore God. That said, I could easily see someone being convinced of its veracity if a Jew were talking with them, sharing their own positive experience of things, and encouraging them to take a chance.

When you then consider that Judaism/Christianity have social aspects as their core parts, it makes a bit more sense how it'd all come together over the years, leading to billions of believers at this point.

Why are you excluding Islam?

no i am just curious, i want some christians to explain this to me

Read a few books on comparative religion and realize how retarded the Bible really is. Jehovah is nothing more than a single god out of the myriad that the Jews and other people of the Near East worshiped. Worshiping God is no different than believing in Zeus of Baal, lmao.

Well, OP's statements focused on the Bible, which only really concerns Judaism and Christianity.

>citation needed
>citation needed
>citation needed
>citation needed
>citation needed

You realize that we still actually have access to Greek and Hebrew bibles right? Modern English translations aren't based on Latin manuscripts. The real issue, honestly, is the loss of material that the compilers of the Hebrew bible viewed as common knowledge, and make passing reference to that we can't ever hope to properly understand.

Wrong. While Islam doesn't view the entirety of the Bible as canonical, parts of both the Old, and New Testament are canonical in Islam. Even Jesus is viewed as true prophet in Islam although he is not seen as divinity like he is in Christian faith.

Islam is hilarious because the lengths Muhammad went to in order to cater to Christians was fucking hilarious.
>Jesus is the Word of God made flesh, guys! He's not God though. The Qur'an is the Word of God made book, and it is part of God. Jesus and Mary are also born sinless! I'm better though. And the Bible is still canon! Except for the parts that Paul edited!

>>Jesus is the Word of God made flesh, guys! He's not God though.
Nothing wrong with that. That is more easily reconcilable with the Old Testament than the Christian interpretation of Jesus.

not when the other Word is literally part of the God you are trying to set up.

Divine will tbqh.

>The Muslims did to the Christians what the Christians did to the Jews
I don't see the issue here tbqh.

except the christians were jews

Indoctrination. Manipulation of the uneducated. The powerful wanting to stay powerful.

Except the christians had miracles and Isaiah's prophecies.

Which is easy to conform to when you make shit up.

I'm looking at you St John you shitter.

Mohammed couldn't even make shit up then.

Gospel of St Mark 4 lyfe.

The Old Testament was mostly written in Hebrew, and the New Testament in Greek. They've been translated into English primarily from the languages they were written in. Biblical scholars are not working off mistranslations from dead languages.

And arguing against Biblical literalism is cheap. Christians and Jews are part of a long tradition of custom and interpretation; they're not just handed a book and told to follow it word-for-word.