Daily reminder that racism is NOT WELCOME HERE

Daily reminder that racism is NOT WELCOME HERE.

>People who disagree with me not welcome

Sounds about right

Racism is a biological truth that we can pretend doesn't exist, but will always manifest itself because it is undeniable. Races are different. We prefer our own.

Looking through the subreddit rules it cannot be considered a serious discussion board.

>implying they have any clear belief beyond liberal virtue signalling and vague philosophy references
that's conceding too much to that place


I listened to that discussion, it was way too weak. Constant emphasis on the individual being outside criticism of the group, when in fact the individual should be condemned when participating in stereotypical behavior.

>waaaaaaaaaaaa why won't reality conform to my ideology waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Every person who posts racism on the net would never say it in real life because they live in fear of the liberal stazi.
We live in a culture that won't tolerate speech they don't like on the internet but will defend it legally in the courts. Where does that go?

this board doesn't have the manpower nor the autism required


That community has turned into utter shit ever since the election happened. Generally reasonable people who seemed to be hysteric all the time over the littlest shit. I think it's a warning for all that even intelligent people are governed by their emotions and that internet circlejerks can exacerbate mental health issues if you start taking them too seriously. It might as well be an academic's /pol/: every fucking week there are major complaints about Sam Harris, and nowadays everybody is tripping over themselves to demonstrate how Marxist they are and how much they loathe the Trump administration. And the worst part is they've developed an airtight defense mechanism of accusing anybody of entitlement for attempting to criticize the little pool of degeneracy they've managed to build for themselves.

I'm not speaking as somebody who was "scorned" by the high school dynamics or somebody who loves the utter charlatan known has Sam Harris. Just somebody who used to frequent the subreddit daily late in high school, laugh at the jokes, and pick up on the resources dropped here and there. In a way, it wasn't always a positive experience because it pushed me to act out in ways that weren't healthy but were totally condoned by the atmosphere of the group. I'm glad that I've moved on, because I could have otherwise seen myself developing a pathological condition or some unjustified seething resentment for other people.

I still like checking up on a few key posters every once in a while. wokeupabug, literally_anscombe, and drunkentune are incredibly well read and love to teach, and I'm pretty sure they're all serious academics. It's a shame that they find themselves stuck in such a garbage community, even though to be frank, they're never the focal point of any drama because they're too intelligent for that. You can pick out the imposters by how hard they try to impress everybody else with their half-rate philosophical knowledge and their liberal virtues.

if you couch the discussion such as "Islam is a political, illiberal, unreformed institution that requires sanction" or "Urban culture, due to its divorce from liberal humanism and intellectualism deriving from centuries of cultural and economic lagging, is poisonous and ultimately causes communities and property values to collapse", you can have even the most liberal soccer moms solemnly nodding in agreement

What makes you think you're the most special snowflake in all of niggerdom?

I got banned from badlinguistics because I disagreed with a poster who argued that Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines contributed to rape culture. I wasn't hectoring the poster in any way either.

When I messaged a mod, who you could tell was a woman, she didn't even reply to any of the arguments in my long, thoughtful post. She just gave me a standard message about having to communicate with an admin if I wished to contest my ban. It read like something written my a Soviet apparatchik.

None of Sam Harris' political views are reproachable. People hate him because he has a large middle brow audience, which annoys pseudo intellectuals.

Nick Land /ourguy/ has an interesting take on this in his dark enlightenment essay. Basically being racist amounts to a contemporary version of the original sin that is instantly and fervorously fought back. And he says it in a much less edgy manner than Moldbug

Why do people try to have real and potentially controversial discussion on Reddit? It certainly has its place (video game autist and modding communities, r/buildapc, shit like that) but actually having a discussion like here? When you can be downvoted and banned for speaking your mind?

i like him as a talkshow host right up until he goes autistic on matters of faith.

Isn't it a widely accepted belief that self-flagellating social justice has its origins in Christianity?

literally nothing wrong with liberal humanism and its roots in the Sermon on the Mount.

The problems with modern social justice modes is that they are trying to reverse oppression, not approach egalitarianism.

it's supposed to be a shitty forum to laugh at shitty philosophy written by the clueless media or edgelords, not have any serious discussion

at some point it turned super-political and a straightforward coastal elite dogma church

The problem is that they're trying to achieve egalitarianism in the first place. Freedom and equality are fundamentally incompatible.

This. It's a biological reaction, and it's never going away. To think it will as "diversity" continues to flood into white countries is preposterous. Totally insane. It's a control mechanism.

And the word "racism"/"antisemitism" is used to protect a certain group and slander anyone who notices their disproportionate control over every major industry. It was introduced into our language for this very reason, to become whites' post-Christian original sin.

If white people break this spell and are able to look back on this time in 100 years, they're going to call it the racist witch hunt era.

top kek. unironically snitching sarcastically is that new shit

There is no race, only consciousness

not if you equate equality with equality of opportunity.

>sub still shits on people lacking intellectual capacity and knowledge


>redditors in my Veeky Forums
Go back.

this unironically.

You should not know what is going on over there.

Why do racists find the fact that people don't like them so surprising?
You're fucking obnoxious.

This. Reddit users like to believe themselves to be on the best website for discussion, when in reality it is the worst. Every single post has to be fit into a certain frame unless it gets downvoted by a bunch of pissy manchildren or women, and then it might even get deleted. And if the post is not "bad" enough to sink where nobody will see it, the user's history will be gone through and then that will be used to discredit his post. And all this without saying that all of the fucking posts are basically always the fucking same, because if they aren't doing their hardest at leaning as much as possible on the beliefs of that board's users they're going to be ignored. One of the things I noticed is that these fucking brainlets who think they know anything about something will reply to a post they disagree with like this:
>"Nope! Actually it's–"
Every fucking time. And they never have anything worthwhile to say, just a bunch of shrouded "m-my feelings!" bullshit.
How people take that shithole seriously or even take any enjoyment in going there to read comments is beyond me. Only use the site has is for getting specific answers when googling questions which is basically what yahoo answers used to do.

Veeky Forums has a sizable redditor population. No wonder this board is so bad now

You know it's not used that way in reality. It never will be either and you should stop thinking so abstractly. People from disparate backgrounds were not meant to be into the same soup to bicker over unachievable concepts like equality (of opportunity or otherwise). And it's bad to pick off the most talented people from lower races to parade them around so that we can pretend we're equal. It's stupid, and this experiment has to end. People were designed to be separate and there's a reason why this is only happening in white countries.

They're already here, see: science fiction general.

Daily reminder that reddit is NOT WELCOME HERE.

You reject basic science because it hurts your simple nonwhite feelings or it contradicts your evangelical-tier neoliberal world view. You're like flat-earthers and you're really damaging the world with your support of flooding EU and NA with tens of millions of illiterate, rapey subhumans.

Equality of opportunity is, in small but vital ways, also incompatible with freedom. Freedom allows the people who gain capital and influence to give their descendants unequal advantages when it comes to opportunity.

I tried to get into R*ddit once. Its format turned me off permanently. People on Veeky Forums always joke and meme about 'go back to r*ddit' and things, but now I see they are semi-justified.

Had to add those asterisks because "Our system thinks your post is spam." Zozzle

I'd rather be with the Asians desu.

How new are you?

What are those? Facts for ANTS?

science does not give objective truths.


>muh pseudoscience infographic

Jesus Christ

New to this board, been coming on Veeky Forums for about 1.5 years. Not once have I tried to type "r*ddit" in a post. But apparently that's enough to trigger the spam filter. Why?

Making reddit threads should be a bannable offence.

But if the individual at the bottom is able to have an excellent offspring, that individual should be able to accrue wealth and status and education and eventually challenge the person at the top.

open in a new window newfriend

try responding with an argument

Because reddit is trash

The ability to have excellent offspring is aided by wealth. A wealthy man has a wider range of choices for whom he decides to mate with, and is far likelier to have access to doctors who ensure that their offspring are healthy and attractive.

m8, you're lost. stop shouting in the library and read a fucking book, or you're going to get stared at.

I just think he's a terrible person who's not very good at thinking, giving atheists a bad name. He has all the mannerisms of being a patient intellectual when talking, but his interactions towards other people betrays the fact that he doesn't know very much at all and is very much concerned about his appearance to his cultish band of followers. Peterson is kind of the same way, except at least Peterson doesn't try to provoke fights with prominent intellectuals like Dennett and Chomsky and publicly sulk when they hand him the kindest cerebral beatdown he could have possibly have hoped to receive after his snide behavior. I actually like listening to Peterson because he has tremendous expertise in psychology and he isn't afflicted by much hubris.

I totally get why badphilosophy hates Sam Harris but they're obsessed with him. It's fucking obnoxious. Like, get a fucking life and move on to laughing about long-winded nonsensical rants on rphilosophy.

Yes but if an absolute stereotype nigger in queens has an outlier child with a 160 IQ that somehow gets it into his head that he wants to be professor or CEO, having no institutional barriers to his attaining this dream does not cause a dearth of freedom for anyone else.

>But if the individual at the bottom is able to have an excellent offspring, that individual should be able to accrue wealth and status and education and eventually challenge the person at the top.
They can, moreso than they've ever been able to do thanks to western capitalism.

That was my argument. If you think /pol/ infografics are in any way accurate and unbiased you should put a bullet through your brain.


range ban america + canada when?

It was an argument. The claim was "Why is Sam Harris not a respectable intellectual." The answer is because he doesn't behave like one and he doesn't have expertise in anything. You're free to present a counterargument of your own. I can also play the Molymeme game.

Not a rebuttal.

hes an ok interviewer, in that he gets good guests 50% of the time, lets them talk, doesnt interrupt, and challenges them when they bullshit.

The worst episodes are the AMAs

>/pol/ infografics
every piece of that image is cited

one more chance to post an argument, friendo

It's mainly only white societies that are structured like that, and when those societies import a bunch of third worlders, even if the first generation is smart, it only goes the opposite direction, and is called "regression to the mean."

This would vastly improve Veeky Forums

That's fair. I don't mind some his podcasts when he's interviewing other people. Like I said before, he's good at the soft-spoken intellectual appearance when speaking, and he isn't rude to his guests, even if they're controversial, like Molyneux. I only have gripes with Harris when he tries to prove himself or when his hubris shines, and it's a spectacular failure on his part because he has little original or well-thought ideas of his own but portrays himself as if he's some sort of scientific mastermind.

>being this mad at inoffensive public intellectuals
he is just a guy with a podcast

>this thread

Looks like imbred rednecks don't know what genetic variability is and why it is important.

What does that have anything to do with anything? I must be new because I decided to look at r*ddit myself, and if I wasn't new I would have just taken everyone's word for it here instead of actually taking a look and deciding for myself? Man, and you guys accuse 'normies' of being
>muh sheeple

Don't get me wrong, I agree with the general consensus on here, but because of my own experience, not because it's the consensus, or because of memes.

>this post

Looks like reddit's back on the menu, boys!

I don't care about his podcast. I just thought he was a stupid cunt after picking fights with Dennett and Chomsky, getting smacked down, and then complaining about the "limits of discourse" when the real fault was his own ignorance and his dramatic personality. Sam Harris the patron saint of Reddit.

And wonderfully cherry-picked to create a false sense of significance.

You are as underage as a newfag can get. Kill yourself.

alright, show me the data that was left out that proves me wrong

Looks like I struck a nerve. Doesn't it, Cletus?

What does this have to do with literature? /pol/tards make the most retarded threads, lame mouth breathing inbreds who will chimp out whenever their shallow view of the world is shattered.

A) true believer
B) mulatto
C) jew


it's fine user, you just have an alternate huxley thread and use emphasis on clades and albinism and they have no fucking idea what you're talking about because it's a thread about malaria resistance and they won't fuck with your shit since they're american. they have a special environment that causes ischemic heart disease and cancer if you actually let them touch you with their ways. swerve them like you would a bible thread with only protestants


Nice argument. Sorry for expecting reason and intelligence in a board about literature. You're literally just as bad as the r*dditors you despise so much. And also just as self-aware. In my experience, the people who use the 'underage' bitch are usually about 12.

holy shit that place has turned into an absolute shithole, it sounds more like a petty teenage clique by the day

>worldview that takes evolutionary biology into account

>worldview that ignores evolutionary biology and genetic diversity entirely because it hurts their feelings
>not shallow


>I tried to get into R*ddit once. Its format turned me off permanently
Camaraderie evoked by parroting one's peers is not the good kind of camaraderie. It makes me wonder how many channers don't like r*ddit because of what they experienced, and how many just need a bandwagon to help drive out the utter loneliness spawned by not having a single original thought. Sad!

>it sounds more like a petty teenage clique by the day
That's what inevitably happens when you let women vote, have opinions, and speak publicly.



Well, first and foremost, hundreds (if not thousands) of other publications. It looks like whoever made that just chose the most 'controversial' ones he could find and packed them into a single image, without actually contrasting the content.

you're not fooling anybody

>assuming my stance when literally nowhere in that post did I state my opinion on 'evolutionary biology and genetic diversity'
>not a retard born from multiple generations of sister brother marriages

>he thinks racism takes genetic diversity into account


Redd*t is shit because any 'unsafe' view gets censored. The vast majority of the website is comprised of fat tumblrites and virginal male feminists parroting each other (anything else is hate speech!) to help drive out their utter loneliness spawned by not having a single original thought.

Seriously think about the type of person that hangs out in an online community like Redd*t where they're just agreeing with and upvoting each other all day. It's the exact type of person you projected onto Veeky Forums. Sad!

>there are hundreds of other publications
>shows us none
and yet you expect us to take you seriously?

>Blacks commit 50% of the crimes while only being 13% of the population
>People don't feel safe and don't want to be near them
Shocking isn't it.

>diversity therefore you should fuck niggers
Hilarious. Mullatoes are subhuman and pollute the white race.

>Well, first and foremost, hundreds (if not thousands) of other publications
Show me 1(ONE) that proves that niggers aren't wildly inferior.

You criticized /pol/'s worldview (which includes racism foremostly) as being shallow, so you didn't have to give your opinion on evolutionary biology for me to know what it is, Jamal.

It literally does. What else would it be based on?

I'm pretty sure most of them are not women, but the few prominent women who do participate are exceptionally bratty. Except for the Anscombe person.

I agree with you, and the censorship is absolutely ridiculous. How that can even be a thing blows my mind. But you have to admit, the vast majority of people on Veeky Forums who say things like
>Muh sheeple
>Le hivemind
>Wake Up!
>Think for yourself
Are guilty of pretty much all the things they are accusing their opponent of, and then some. It's just that they belong to a different 'heard' and think with a different 'hive,' but instead of recognizing the main distinction between them and their opponent is "which side they are on," they just think they are enlightened original individuals and everyone *else* is a drone. At least, I feel this to be a fair assessment based on my experiences here over the past 1.5 years. Like anything, it varies from board to board, of course.

>You criticized /pol/'s worldview (which includes racism foremostly) as being shallow

If you honestly think /pol/'s worldview can hold up to ANYTHING and has any depth, you are objectively mentally retarded.

It literally takes seconds to find something in Google Scholar, so if you actually value acquiring information I recommend you do that.

I'm not detecting any arguments, friendo.

I'd replace race with culture. the differences between the races of human are very minute (having to do with our species at one point going as low as a few thousand relatively little time ago evolutionarily speaking), whereas cultural differences can be very noticeable.