>told myself I'd stop drinking coffee because it harms my sleep, costs too much, and the worse sleep makes my gym lifts worse >feel sad about being the ugly loser loner beta at work and hearing people talk about parties >can't really bear giving up coffee because water and regular food provides pleasure but coffee and junk food provide jouissance, the decadent and possibly self harming version of pleasure (one of the few insightful abstract things Zizek has said) >having coffee at lunch
So either I'm a weak willed faggot or I have profound existential reasons for acting the way I do.
Grayson Mitchell
>With dopamine depression, you may use sugar, caffeine, or nicotine as a quick fix to temporarily feel more alive.
>This is no coincidence — they all increase dopamine.
Henry King
Coffee's great
Cooper Cook
don't be envyious when u hear people talking bout parties they become boring/annoying as fuck as soon as you hit your mid 20s. the only "parties" I go to nowadays are raves, where noone drinks alcohol in very irregular intervals because the molly fucks wih your dopamine if you go to often --> avoid junk food because it's kinda like masturbation - makes you feel good in the moment but afterwards you always feel bad about yourself --> coffee isn't half as bad as people say, up to 3 cups a day are still consired "healthy consumption" so don't worry about it, drink water and coffee and you're good to go, if you are having problems with sleeping train harder my man
Lucas Bailey
sex is overrated
Jordan Wood
How much coffee do you drink on a regular day? If you're quite sensitive to caffeine then I suggest drinking less and not after 6 PM You can still enjoy coffee and sleep like a baby. I'm quite lucky that coffee has barely an effect on me so I can drink like 10 cups a day and sleep just fine (I usually drink between 4 to 6 cups a day tho)
James Scott
normble's lives are so vain that it's funny if it wasn't sad
Charles Cook
Is there anything as sad as young man unable to convince his mind to align to his own goals
The mind is a child. Easily distracted, easily immersed, and if untrained, flees from any form of accountability and responsibility.
Levi Foster
>he doesnt drink loose leaf
god I hate plebs so much
rn drinking superior iron godess, a nice keemun and mei leaf's ruby gaba
Isaac Jenkins
on the other hand you have infinite curiosity and energy, never get bored, learn faster and see beauty in everything
I will always remain a child and I am very glad. not OP if it wasnt obv.
Jonathan Rivera
Well at least you aren't rationalizing why you don't need to read those boring "hierarchy reinforcing" books this time around.
Oliver Richardson
get decaf coffee, mix it with normal and reduce the normal coffee in two-four weeks. caffeine is not really addictive anyway. beware not to get other caffeinated drinks like coke though.
Ryan Cox
>costs too much The fuck? I buy good whole beans and I average about $0.40 a cup!
Gavin Hall
>Can't give up coffee It's just a chemical addiction user. Don't you even into biology? Coffee isn't even that bad though. Your body's need for it resets pretty quickly (like a week or two) compared to other substances.
Owen Rodriguez
>it harms my sleep and the worse sleep makes my gym lifts worse don't drink it past 1-2pm. avoid blue light ~3hrs before bed (look into f.lux software if you use a computer at night). your gym lifts should be fine, and frankly lifting makes you tired and so that afternoon coffee might be necessary unless you lift at night. >costs too much lol
at least you aren't taking 40mg vyvanse everyday with coffee, l-theanine, rhodiola rosea, ashwagandha, and marijuana at night. now THAT will fuck up your sleep.
James Garcia
Unless you're a starbucks/nespresso fag coffee is absolutely inexpensive.
I drink 3 cups in the morning. I maje my coffe with pic attached, 250g of good coffee costs me 3.5 eur perhaps and it lasts some time.
Gabriel Brown
Parties are worthless. Find people who want to do actually fun things (rock climbing etc)
Any friend group which centers on partying naturally peters out as everyone moves away/start families and only the depressing dregs of the social circle keep it going. Let it go
Nicholas Reed
>Veeky Forums is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. Really great thread OP
Owen Evans
What's wrong with coffee?
Oliver Cox
Are you the same fucking loser who posts about coffee all the time? I swear you've been doing this for a month or more.
Jaxon Miller
I love coffee. Sometimes, but not always, halfway through my first cup I feel a spike of pleasure in my brain not unlike a huge bong hit or a mild orgasm
>costs too much Do you work? Drink work coffee
Joshua Taylor
You do know you can have a Beginner's Mind, which is what you're referring to, without being undisciplined child who's pulled by the whims of his mind.