Name any decent writers who wrote (not published) their first work before the age of 30

Name any decent writers who wrote (not published) their first work before the age of 30.


Most of his poetry is from his early twenties

Keats, Chatterton, Shelley

James Joyce was 22 when he published Dubliners and 24 when he published A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. What's your fucking excuse?

OP here, alright, let's narrow this down a little. How about contemporaries? Or people born after 1899.

No way lol, pretty sure he wrote The Dead in 1907 which would have made him ~25 and then it took him forever to get Dubliners published.


Are non-burgers even trying?

Emil Cioran and Mircea Eliade.

>inb4 "decent"

He was 34 or 36 when he finished A Protrait

Brett Easton Ellis, started at 21

Thomas Mann published The Buddenbrooks whne he was 26. I think he published some short stories collection since he was 18, but for such a masterpiece, i think it's quite impressive

Foster Wallace


Gaddis was 25 when he started the Recognitions


I really wish I could go back in time and sit on his lanky cock. I wish I could sit on it and bounce up and down as my balls lightly spanked his bellybutton and we blushed from how silly it all sounded. How my cute little penis pointed up at his intelligent head, thirsting for knowledge, while my boy pussy swallowed his carnal knowledge wave after wave as I clutched it all in. He would tell me he loved me. And I would pause, and ask if he were Earnest.

Otto Weininger
He killed himself afterward

Terrible delivery

Another parallel with Eliot Rodger



You're sick. Please don't post here anymore.

How the fuck would his balls spank your bellybutton

Borges published poems and essays before the age of 30, same for Italo Calvino. T. S. Eliot was 27 when he published Prufrock. William Vollmann was 28 when he published his debut novel. I'm sure there are many, many more.

Pynchon wrote V. and The Crying of Lot 49 before he was 30