>Peterson on Veeky Forums
Peterson on Veeky Forums
>Almost no videos on philosophy and even fewer by philosophers
What did they mean by this?
there is not a bigger hack in the world than jordan peterson. he's surpassed sam harris
Why do all the youtube clippers only post videos of Peterson's self-help book advices?
I don't like Peterson at all, but I do hope his work gets more people to Jung. Last time I bought some Jung on amazon I saw Maps of Meaning was the first book in the 'customers also bought' section and it made me smile :D
What part of the quasi philosophical eintopf he cooked led him to get hair transplants?
Because you can take them out of context.
because his misunderstandings of postmodernism are too embarrassing to even warrant discussing
He's the mot disappointing intellectual figurehead of a political/social zeitgeist ever.
I don't get it. His "body of thought" is shallow. He has virtually no charisma....... is it really based on him riling up a handful of trannies?
What sort of retard goes into formal academia spouting nonsense about jungian archetypes?
Why do academic institutions tolerate his fuckery?
We will look back at him and laugh......... or we are doomed.
at least zizek was entertaining, even if he was a charlatan.
>tfw you realise half of the negative posts on Veeky Forums about Peterson are just troll posts
Currently this is the best we got.
Be happy: you have a chance to impact the world with this weak competition.
Same for politicians: there aren't extremely strong statesmen around lately.
I dont know, to me he seems like a highly intellectual professor that doesn't go out of his way to appear intellectual.
Which is pretty much the opposite of Veeky Forums who isn't academa or intellectual but goes out of their way to appear so.
>What sort of retard goes into formal academia spouting nonsense about jungian archetypes?
That's anglo academia for you, anglos have a near instinctive fear of Freud, who they claim has been "disproved", "a charlatan" and so on while they suppress their inner trauma through pills, mindless consumerism and utilitarianism.
second post best post
peterson, knowingly or unknowingly, is making all free speech and anti-postmodernists look bad
he's ironically the most pomo public intellectual there is.
I'm mad I'm not old and fatherly enough to capitalize on the massive amount of young men raised without father figures, Peterson really hit the jackpot and I'm jelly as fuck.
How is Sam Harris a hack?
Not anglo but he has been disproved and is largely a charlatan. He admits in his letters to friends that he sneaks in naps while his patients are talking. He charged what would be $500 euros a session and recommended people go 5x a week. And then he says he can't cure you but make you cope better...because no one recovers from the Oedipus complex, amirite?
Literally just rich people paying to make themselves feel better that they igonore how they walk all over poor people.
Both Jung and Freud were hacks. Joyce knew this.
good one lad
>e admits in his letters to friends that he sneaks in naps while his patients are talking
Why even waste time typing that if you can't answer the simple question
>he sneaks in naps while his patients are talking
Can't blame the guy, shit must have been boring as hell.
Such an ad hominem. Freud contributed a literature of his own to the world; like Shakespeare, who cares that he rused a few people, he cured the rat man anyway.
thought you were joking, aren't you?
> Freud contributed a literature of his own to the world
Not a single follower of Freud is 1/8th as good as he was as a writer and thinker. And there have been many, many solid and diverse critiques of Freud's thought.
Don't you dare compare him to Shakespeare.
Peterson is no hack.
I wouldn't call Sam a hack either. It's more like he's naive and lacks depth.
Freud was as seminal to literature and art as Shakespeare was. I cannot exhaustively list who he influenced here but it would be a fucking long list. The reason people get him wrong is because they don't understand his psychoanalysis was an artistic pursuit and not a scientific one.
I'm not joking. I'm just interested in your opinion and want to hear why you think Sam Harris is hack
>Veeky Forums dislikes Peterson
Yeah, to be expected, a board full of pseudo-intellectuals would feel insecure by a man such as Peterson
Hahahahaha. Your entire statement reads like a performance art piece by some lesbian schizophrenia.
>Freud was as seminal to literature and art as Shakespeare was.
Yeah, I'm in a Peterson thread alright.
Is Veeky Forums really this full of tumblrinas and women? Peterson is trying to save whiteness and masculinity in the name of Lord Kek.
Pic related. It's Peterson inhabiting the body of Lord Kek and bringing the sword to liberals anad degeneracy. The sword represents redpills as the weapon to destroy women and minorities. Deus fucking Vult.
He's a Christian via Jung. Dude is too dumb to realize Jung implicitly denies the after-life and only has an aesthetic stance (at best) towards the existence of God.
Jung = "I'm not religious but I want others to be religious, it's cute."
If you kids think he's good, you're putting your eggs into a retard basket that will collapse sooner or later. Hence why he's given so much media attention. His critiques of po-mo are embarrassing to those who were already critiquing post-modernism. He's a hack.
2/10 try harder.
The sad thing is that /pol/ tards will think you're one of them and agree with you.
Veeky Forums was a mistake.
What a poor straw man seeing as lesbians dislike Freud so much. Why do people dislike Freud without the least idea what he was about ?
/pol/ tards hate what reddit has done with this kek bullshit. Reddit ruins every thing it touches.
Peterson has the same sort of beliefs about Christianity as Jung. He's not a traditional Christian. You could at least be informed before you start mouthing off.
>anyone who isn't a brainwashed bluepilled normie cuck is a 'troll' xD
Feminists, I take it?
I get that he's memeing impressionable 19 year olds. I'm not disagreeing with you.
>memeing impressionable 19 year olds
What are you getting at?
/pol/ did it to itself
The stupid lay there waiting.
Peterson is to accessible for these threads to not be absolute shit. The nonintellectual crossboarders made sure of that.
However, I find that this might be remedied somewhat is the original post is too complex and intimidating for the avarage brainlet to comment on. If the OP carries the thread it just might some merit.
Cool non sequitur
7/10 made me chuckle
Eh, wasn't trying to make some profound statement. But I think in a sense that parts of Veeky Forums in it's origin was that intellectual oasis for the misfit hyper creative and hyper intellectual. It's is just that Veeky Forums never bothered becoming wise. And now reality and the hyper space has merged into some weird fucking hyper reality. I can't keep my sanity in check anymore.
He's right
You wanna get drunk and suck each other off and cuddle afterwards?
When will the Peterson meme stop? A couple of months I suspect.
i guess i shouldn't be surprised that no one has commented on the actual video itself. Peterson detractors and lovers alike. Disappointing, bros.
Peterson has a great message that can be learned from the classics. Intelligence does not equal wisdom, and so someone who thinks he should be successful just because he is intelligent is wrong. He mentions the allegory of Jesus as a carpenter to paint the picture that intelligence does not equal superior morality, but I would go on further to say that (along the lines of Delillo, Steinbeck, or even Thoreau among many others), a great man should be better with his hands than not.
When a new meme comes to take his place.
Deus vult my white brother. My right hand contains the touch, the power of white masculinity; my left holds the scepter of divine Western Truth. Our brotherhood holds the strength to resurrect Lady Evropa from her death and push her beyond the stars. Shadilay! Praise KEK!
yes it is, this place in reality is a total shithole but its aight when a thread is dedicated to one specific book
A new dawn is fast approaching, my logico-rational supreme being of shared white ancestry and moral development.
The rise of Kekistan will signal the extirpation of degenerate liberalism and we will once again reclaim our natural-born position as leaders and conquerors in a white world of abundance, plenitude, and virtue. We will wash away the stains of the human skidmarks that are women and ethnic minorities and erect in its stead a community of white brethren who will carry out the Will of Lord Kek. Praise be upon Lord Kek!
>no one even discusses the video
blacks do lack the capability of abstract thought
their is no black kurt godel, grothendieck etc.
>a great man should be better with his hands than not.
Why? Hands are pretty irrelevant these days.
>misunderstandings of postmodernism
This is impossible.
>Jung implicitly denies the after-life
How many leftists are carbon copies of Marx?
It brings us closer to nature. It reminds us that we're human. Recommended readings to check out this idea and to have it better explained.
White Noise, Delillo
Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck
Infinite Jest, Wallace (careful)
Starting Strength, Rippetoe
>It brings us closer to nature. It reminds us that we're human.
I don't see why these are necessarily admirable without presupposing some sort of sappy romanticism
and there is no Anonymous No.9752564 kurt godel, grothendick etc. either and there never will be
fair enough. Do you believe in God?
stop discussing things retards, it's awful to read
Harold pls...
well then without getting into it, that's an integral part. Maybe, for you, like it was for me, reading these books and others, thinking about it, suffering, getting close to nature, working with hands (working out if that's the most one can do), will tend you toward that viewpoint.
Keep in mind that that is barely touching upon arguing for God from a logical standpoint, which is another ordeal.
Veeky Forums hates Peterson because they don't want to be associated with the illiterate riffraff who watch his videos. It has little to do with the validity of his claims.
what a pseud
takes one to know one, buddy
I have similar views on Nietzsche, Dostoevsky and the Bible, and I have also never read any of them, so you are right.
It has. He's so mediocre.
You obviously haven't read Maps of Meaning.
You obviously haven't read much besides Maps of Meaning, and I even doubt you even finished that.
You're wrong on both counts. Go read the damn book if you want to have a legitimate opinion on it.
I remain unconvinced of your reliability, sorry.
I guess the fact that I can only give my word is a very convenient excuse for you to keep your head in the sand.
i'd rather everyone that wasn't compatible with me died, even a if it were a painful, slow, and tortured death, than adapt and readjust myself at their convenience.
What makes him a hack? I get the feeling you're only throwing that out because he's a popular meme on the internet. His lectures can't be anymore in depth than what they already are. He's smart, erudite and has top tier credentials.
He isn't adding to the body of knowledge, only rehashing and disseminating old ideas while wearing the badge of scholar.
I want mods to ban any peterson thread as soon as they come up
>muh safe space
I want mods to ban you.
You obviously have not looked at anything but his joe rogan videos. Try to get into his actual substance before you claim there isn't any you superficial cynical sheep!
Lol you need to read more jung bucko! Jung has said that part of the reason for living was so that we could retrieve information and resolve questions for people in the afterlife. He said multiple times how he felt connected to his parents even after their death. Please don't apply your own rationalizations to jungs framework. You are obviously not intelligent enough to do so.
Good one, m8t.
B8? I mean, have you ever heard of "on the shoulders of giants?" you think piecing together enormous chunks of literary history and theology with modern clinical psychology is useless? You think people are cheering at him because he's making their lives worse?
He is one of the clearest bastions of anti-nihilism for modern youth. He's doing a good thing, whether you like popular people or not. Get over it.
>writes sage at the bottom of every post
>clearly keeps coming back for more discusssion
The funny thing is, peterson literally talks about the kind of people who only explicitly value discourse if everybody already agrees with them. The fact that you imply this thread is worthless with every post, while still being drawn back to the discussion, says to me you fucking need a bit of Petersons perspective.
Is this guy just Jung for teens?
This. He is an affront to pseuds everywhere.
>bheu! No! Not speaking academic enough! No! Enough metaphors! Euck! Don't refer to pop culture and academic works simultaneously! Euck! Speak dignified! Don't tell more stories! Aaaugh! THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE MAKING ME RESPECT MYSELF MORE THAN OTHER PEOPLE.
Jung for millenials. Thank goodness.
>shilling for le pronouns man
He's saying what you want to hear for money. Look at his patreon. He's not only a pseud, he's also an asshole. If he wanted to earn that money he would do something besides being wrong
My only gripe with Peterson are his fanboys who think everything that comes out of Petersons mouth is his.
As a hardcore Dostoevsky fan, it kinda annoys me to see the true anti-nihilist get so discredited.
Gen Z, the people who came of age around the late 90s are nothing like the people who are coming of age now
Name one meaningful thing this guy has said
No, 'leftists are stupid' doesn't count.
Stop being envious of him you spineless leftist.
Peterson is a cringe worthy idiot and further proof that Academia has a leftist slant because all the right wing academics are morons or hold positions in the economics department because they prop up the economic theories of the current right wing consensus.
He doesn't say this. To sum up his message about leftists I would say is this: political ideology is based largely on personality, and so political diversity reflects personality diversity which is a good thing. Therefore, we should not attempt to make leftists right OR VICE VERCA, but encourage open communication (i.e., without strawman or ad hominim) between people who disagree.
No generation has the same kind of consciousness as the last. The messages need constant revision and update so they don't get lost.
>He's saying what you want to hear for money.
Which is ultimately not different from the average professor in the humanities