Name a living author more unique and original than Joseph McElroy. This should be good

Name a living author more unique and original than Joseph McElroy. This should be good.

John Ashbery. People try to copy him and they just can't. The only poets before him that are even similar are Stevens and Auden but he doesn't sound or write like either.

Neat sounds good. What are your favorite works by him. I will check them out.

Peter Esterhaz..wait, fuck, im sad now.

Tennis Court Oath, 3 Poems, Some Trees, Houseboat Days hold most of his revered poems.

Portrait in a Convex Mirror (the collection) is my favorite other than Some Trees. The titular poem is really incredible.

Nick "Ulillillia" Smith

Other than Ashbery, I think Alexander Theroux is unique but perhaps a bit too fierce in how unique he wants to keep himself. Brion Gysin wrote a pretty unique novel.

not really, but I can name others who have talent and have written good books. I know that has nothing to do with McElroy though.

Did anyone get their money back from the Women & Men debacle?



stop memeing this hack ffs

this. Does Mcelroy even exist in his present form without Pynchon and Gaddis? His neural neighborhood essay suggests no

Given how many good authors have died in the last 5 years, this has become somewhat more difficult, but:

Vollmann, Coetzee, Everett, Gass, Llosa, Le Clezio, Aira, Marias, and Nooteboom


I would also include Theroux but i can also understand how he could be a bit of a polemicist if you're not completely sold on the pomo vibe. (but if you like mcelroy you should have no issue)

Also relevant is Barth, who is more than a little underrated here on this board

I don't really understand Coetzee. Why does he write about such relentlessly depressing things, in that bloodless, surgical tone? Why do I keep reading his books when I don't really enjoy them?

The only books of his I really enjoyed were Summertime, Dusklands, and maybe to an extent Age of Iron.

It's hard to be African and be upbeat. Go easy on him.

McElroy isn't that great. I've been reading through his catalog and most of it is crap so far.

Pynchon's style is so unique and perfectly measured it's insane. He's a whole artistic movement in a single author, and somehow emerging fully formed in his debut novel. After reading him his style almost seems obvious, but only because it works so well. There's nobody else like him to come before and all that come after bear the burden of unoriginality.

I am artistically bankrupted for having read such a master. What could I ever hope to write? I can only read and reread him ...

came here to post this since i figured nobody would, surprised to see it as the first post in the thread. good job user



oh hey Dorian

I see we've both dropped by this crappy board at the same time for the first time in over a year

> somehow emerging fully formed in his debut novel

Not sure I agree with this. The themes are there, but the prose in V. is very pedestrian compared to everything that came after it.

He's old as fuck tho. He could die at any moment. It would be a great loss