What the quickest you've ever trashed a book and for what reason?

what the quickest you've ever trashed a book and for what reason?

Less than Zero by Bret Easton Phallis because he is a 9-gag tier edgelord.

Purchased a translation for La vida es suẽno because my Spanish is not that good and right there on the third line I realize it's not an actual translation but a loose adaptation of the text for playing to modern audiences. Hurt my hand wrenching the book out of anger.

have you ever even gone on 9gag or are you just repeating what you saw on your computer screen

After the first paragraph of anything present tense

Neil Gaimen's American Gods.

Hated the dialogue, story, characters, just about everything.

Either The House of Mirth because it was painfully boring or From Russia with Love because it was poorly written and painfully boring.

I've read some pretty bad books in my life but usually I finish them because I enjoy relishing in noticing how bad they are

As I Lay Dying

Country bumpkins are a boring subject, and the writing doesn't help too much either

The Recognitions. The sentences were so poorly arranged for the sake of being difficult, I knew I wouldn't be able to tolerate an entire book full of this bullshit.

In close second is A Secret History, which is strange because I can't quite remember why I dropped it. It's weird because I've given even the most obnoxious post-modern meme tomes their pre-requisite 100 pages before ditching them.

>goes to 9gag

on the road because it was fucking stupid

Scrabble dictionary
like I'm supposed to believe 'aa' is a real word

I don't read books

>thought henry james was english-born, find out he was american-born
>crack open the portrait of a lady
>first page welcomes me with a warm smile
>get a whiff of that nice book smell and bask in it
>focus my eyes on the first sentence
>Under certain circumstances there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.

I've picked up A Clockwork Orange on three separate occasions, each time putting it down quicker than the last. It's been a few years since I tried it last, but I remember the style to be grating and frankly unenjoyable to read. I understand it's a "classic", but I just don't care enough.

I purchased a copy of Fifty Shades of Gray at a Goodwill just to throw it away. Picked it up because this was when it had just came out and I was curious about all the buzz. A few pages in and I was deeply affronted. So I figured I'd do a good deed.

JR because it wankery trash.

Understanding Trump by Newt Gingrich

I looked at the picture on the back.

It's an edgy story but that writing is taut.

The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway, the moment I saw it

Any book where the first line is just "Fuck."

I really liked the atmosphere.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Some Schmuck

So, it starts off with a kid talking about his farts. It doesn't get better from there with this annoying as fuck little twerp. I knew right there the book belonged in the trash!

Houllebeq. It was like reading something written by an adolescent. He's terrible. I don't even mind self-indulgence or edginess but do it with some grace like Celine.

>starting literally with a fucking adverb
Joyce you hack

Gave up on the film similarly quickly. So fucking pretentious and boring.

I couldn't make it through A secret History either. The characters were these rich kids role playing like they were living in the 19th century and reading about a bunch of dorks jacking off the the Greeks in a classroom is not my idea of an engaging book.

im glad you liked it senpai

>female protagonist
>in an interracial wf/bm relationship

literally dropped five pages in

In another life you and I were probably best friends.

10/10 bait, almost got me