write what's on your mind
Write what's on your mind
Weenies should be allowed.
Yes. David Lubar was one of my favorite authors in elementary school.
Weenies have at least 1.5 huts all for themselves
Plus look what they've done to this sign
Good taste user, good taste
New York is shit and being a lawyer is shit. I want to move back to Michigan and teach elementary school kids.
After reading Bolano's work it's hard to read most other authors who bloat every page with needless exposition and description.
His style just feels very honest, real, tight but not pretentious in any way
I feel like I can feel his sadness and romanticism in his writing, he seemed to be very in tune with himself and his work
Seriously ? Michigan ? I've been there 4 times and drove there from Ga driving through all those states and once I reached michigan , I hated everything about it except the perimeter towns and land , and now I have dreams about 15 ft high waves rising mehind me in a beach to only wake up moments before the wave falls on me all because of Michigan .
Fine. Ohio then
Never underestimate how shitty it is to live in NYC
Just taking the subway every day with the fucking dregs, and the homeless and the smell of wet ass and dog shit is enough to make you hate the whole place, not to mention what kind of fucks live/work in Manhattan, it's like LA without the sun or the beach, not to mention that's its several times more expensive than most cities and all the extra you make is taxed and sucked dry by housing
I'm from the bronx it is shitty
Serious question. Where should a midwesterner who hates the void that is the Midwest, but also hates everything you just said about NYC and more, love?
Mid Atlantic or parts of the North East
Boston is good city, as is the surrounding area, especially Cambridge which surrounds Harvard.
It's far less expensive in the east of boston area with all the culture/art/authenticity of any major city
Philidelphia is also cheaper and better in a lot of ways, very real people
Parts of VA are populated but quiet outside the cities
Fuck the midwest, it's rough, but NYC is pinnacle east coast douchebaggery and usery
A few years ago my rage was strong enough that I thought I could kill my uncle but after years of inaction and having to deal with the legal system it slipped from me. Help me find my anger again Veeky Forums. Or help me forget it. Either is fine.
What did he do? Did he feed you your children? Did he fuck your wife? Did cut cut off your tongue and lock you in a room? Did he tickle your dingus? Did he kill your best friend Patroclus?
I can't help you until I know whether your rage could be justified.
I don't if I'm retarded or if I'm just trying too hard to not appear so.
i'm becoming an unironic fascist. i feel trapped in a bleak atomised hellscape and violence is the only way out. the world i grew up in is dying, being slowly poisoned by marxism. I am surrounded by enemies.
Don't scapegoat Marxism just because you're miserable.
I can spend hours triggering myself watching youtube videos about fags/ leftists/niggers doing obnoxious shit, it's the only way i can feel anything anymore. you know violence is just around the corner.
After my father passed away from brain cancer my uncle took everything in the will for himself.
He took advantage of the time I was away to force my father who was bedridden to sign another will where everything went to himself. He pretended to be helping me and when the time came he took everything. I'm pretty certain he actually killed my dad too, but he had been suffering for some time by then. He took away everything and I was left without a family and without a house. What really pains me is that he also took away my dog. I don't have anything left from then.
Violence is certainly around the corner. I expect to spend the second half of my life underground, if I manage not to perish on impact.
That said, I can't single out one ideology for the decrepit, horrendous, despondent state of the world. Feels too simple.
Hegel was correct. History has an end and has likely ended already. The two remaining Ideas—Democracy and Communism—are no longer compatible. Both Ideas supported with nuclear weapons, the success of one Idea will be the end of both.
My god user I'm sorry. The dog part really hit hard. He's an asshole and it'll come back to him. Hugs from afar.
Concentrate your rage in a way that evades criminal culpability but still results in maximum damage to that man. Maybe through the legal system, maybe by humiliating him publicly in some way, Im not sure. Don't fall for the Christ meme and forgive him though.
it's like going to the circus
>the dick circus
Are you NEET by any chance
She's tired of me
I'm legitimately autistic, and it seems to be the reason I have such a hard time understanding irony. Or, I understand it, but it doesn't come naturally to me. I had the hardest time getting through Ulysses.
Our dick was thick, their ass was slick, its face was pretty enough, so in it I slid my wet wick. However, no homo, not that there's anything wrong with that, though.
I'm in community college atm, but my lifestyle is pretty NEET-like outside from that.
Oh no
Not again
It's happening again
I... just
I don't
please don't
My older brother and I suffer from the same intrinsic issues relating to a severe lack of identity. I'm struggling to find reasons to refrain from killing myself knowing that I'll be just as lost and pathetic as I am now when I'm his age regardless of any routes of self-improvement I undergo.
Maybe I'm just taking a very roundabout path towards self-actualization with realizations such as this one? I don't know, if feels more like a dead man's curve than anything.
It's been 3 years since then so I'm mostly okay now. It's been a long fight with the legal system mostly because it's all happening in Mexico and I live in the US. It seems like I'll get a good amount of money from a life insurance my uncle couldn't get but I don't think I'll be seeing my dog again. I didn't care too much for the money anyways but I'm not so stupid that I would refuse it. Last I heard he was trying to get into politics but I'm not sure how I could ruin that for him without appearing like a kid that just wants attention.
Thank you for reading my story user.
What happened, user :(
Of course. I'm sorry about your dad. As for your Uncle, fuck that guy. Live a great life in spite of him, and for your own sake.
I'm tired. My emotions range from unbearable sadness to directionless anger. Everyone told me that getting friends and hobbies would help make me more fulfilled but it hasn't. Now I'm even more miserable because it feels like my emotions aren't warranted; I shouldn't be sad because I don't have anything to be sad about and more that empty sadness makes me angry. The more I fight these emotions, the more they are compounded and the more miserable I get. I honestly can't keep going like this. Running out of options.
Philosophy is for pseuds since you're literally having someone else do the thinking for you. And don't they have their own board anyway?
I've had a thought boys, while I was bored and musing a bit. Most of life is spent trying to escape boredom. The internet in particular is largely devoted to running away from boredom. It's a shitload of stuff to keep our mind occupied.
Why? Obviously because boredom is unpleasant shit, but why? Because it's the void of our inauthentic living, of our failure to live up to the great dignity given to us by God. It is just nothingness, but it's also a moment of clarity, where the shallow distractions that we give ourselves can no longer help us lie. When we're bored, we see clearly our own lame and inauthentic living.
It also just speaks to a need to keep the mind occupied. I'm gonna go play some agario. It's pretty good desu.
To distract us from anti-capitalist thoughts
I want you to know that I love you and I love you and I love you. I miss you. I want you to know that there's no day I can't stop thinking about you, do you think about me? I'm very sure you do but do you miss me? I still deeply in love with you. When it's going to be gone? You told me that soon. Ah, it just hurts. Last night, I was so anxious to see you and I just told myself "well tomorrow im going to" feeling happy and smiling then I realized that I was just dreaming and that I was not longer with you anymore. What have you done to myself? I'm just sad, I need you but how can I be with you if you don't? I want you to be happy with someone else so I can accept that you share with someone that is not longer me.
All my plans with her keep falling through, I lie about the simplest things, and she's tired of me doing and saying the same things. Anything I say is instantly shot down even if I feel my argument is justified. She's tired of me and I guess I'm tired of everything.
Make all your dreams come true in real life
But you're supposed to be the one doing the thinking, user. The purpose of reading philosophy is using the thoughts of many others before you as a point of reference, so you don't spend all your life on ideas that have already been explored by others. You can, of course, go sit in a park, pretend you're in Ancient Greece and try to discover the very basics of thought and nature all over again while ignoring the millennia of ideas you're behind, if that's your conception of "doing your own thinking". Good luck getting somewhere in your own lifetime, if you refuse to stand on the shoulders of others, which science and philosophy - civilization, really - are based on.
What are you even on about?
pic related, Emperor Hiroshima has spoken
First of I really believe these people should be quarantined to Veeky Forums since boards are there for a reason.
secondly, I guess it's ok if you honestly get something out of it. Like some sort of actual enlightenment then cool. I'm a live and let live kind of guy at the end of the day. But what I seem to see the most is either A: people who just read stuff they'd more than likely already agree with and confirm their prejudices in life( Like for instance some egoist deciding to read Stirner and Ayn Rand to justify his lifestyle because it's philosophy man) or B: Huge pseuds who either reads a lot and doesn't retain shit but to just say he did and "impress his peers" on Veeky Forums or even worse doesn't read at all but just pretends to, not that that's exclusive to philosophy here I know. Shouldn't enlightenment come from challenging yourself and going outside your comfort zone to find something surprising and eyeopening? Which you can also find in prose anyway.
Besides, it's really impossible to ignore the ideas that we ended up actually using anyway since they're ingrained in our culture.
I don't believe in attainable "enlightenment" in any meaningful sense. The reason, to my mind, for exploring science and philosophy, among other things, is curiosity. The desire to understand more about this world. That, as I explained, is necessarily a team effort. Both of the categories of people you mentioned exist, sure. But then there are those who desire to know and understand, and philosophy is one of the ways people do that. Of course, it's not for everyone. If you're not curious about the world, that's that and you shouldn't force yourself to "get into it", or you'll likely join one of the aforementioned categories. People are different.
The point is to *understand* the ideas ingrained in our culture and civilization, instead of simply being led by those who do.
But I'm pretty sure we all get how we got here to some degree. We all went to school and presumably most of us were at least semi-conscious in history class. So I don't need to read books upon books of Plato setting up strawmen to "get it". And while you might not believe in some form of enlightenment I'm sure a lot of non-pseud philosophy readers do and I can certainly respect them for that if they're genuine about their passions and don't just pick up books that they instinctively will agree with wholesale. I mean you do see a lot of posts about lost boys wanting help finding a "life philosophy" so I don't think they're all guided by simple curiosity but more of a higher purpose. Whether they'll find that in some dry philo-tome is another matter.
at some point it stops
Just went for a run, lads.
[citation needed]
fucking old fuck faggot
After spending two hours people watching at this side of town, I've learned how to dress like the niece of a Chinese businessman now.
I have a fucking cold in the fucking summer get me out of this nightmare
Everything is getting to me and I can't take it.
I'm too tired to think
My smartphone is draining me
I hate consumerism. I hate capitalism.
We prefer to define ourselves rather than wait for events to shape us. We are conditioned for and against inorganic ideas, making the arbitrary realer than reality. This is how the schizoid door is opened.
Experience is not to be detested and theory cannot nourish life. Just buy the dildos.
I wish I could still make you happy.
I'm starving and waiting on some nuggies already! REEEEEE
isn't masturbating a vice, though? I agree with what you say about self definition rather than experience. You learn through experience. Experiences are the only things we have aside from inorganic thoughts and ideas like you say. This is more of a modern problem though.
Joy Division is overrated and Mark E. Smith is the greatest frontman and lyricist to come in the past forty years. He was contrived like that.
I think this title may be the worst pun I've ever seen: npr.org
The re-release of Women and Men was all I looked forward to today, and it doesn't look like it's coming
That's a disgrace.
2B's cute butt.
Who's 2B and why didn't you post it?
Falling into such a dark hopelessness and pessimism that I didn't know was possible.
you're right about Smith although Joy Division is not overrated.
Why the fuck can't I accept people who love me wholly and unconditionally? Every time someone seems to like me for who I am I feel a need to move on immediately. I only keep my attention for people who are distant and hard to please.
God, have you even cracked open a philosophy book? Making the reader uncomfortable is precisely the point of good philosophy, especially Plato. If you know how to read you'll realize how little you can be certain of and how many pressing questions that have yet to be answered after 2000+ years of inquiry. You sound like the epitome of a pseud desu.
Tell her the way you feel.Truth is the ultimate value(when it comes to civilised society,which i think still applies to a more intimate relationship beetween 2 people) and i believe it is the best way to avoid unnecessary suffering in the long term.If you tell her this,youve done your job,now its time for her to put forth her side of the story and hopefully reach a consensus.If not,it was not meant to be.
exactly my situation.care to dive a bit deeper?
I've had a field mouse for fucking weeks eating my shit. Showing up when friends come over. Making me feel like I live in an infested shit hole. Got traps. Never worked. Got more traps this week. I heard it work. I heard his screams. I saw him stabbed in half with the trap but still alive screaming. Realized I had to put him out of his misery. I didn't want him to bleed or suffocate. So I got a hammer and some bricks and put the trap and him in a back and whack whack whack. Then threw the bag away. And it was such a good day before I took a life. How is my comfort above his living? What makes a life important? I swear to god if he had a whole hive of children I'm gonna be mad. I don't think it did I had only ever seen one out at a time.
We tend to seek out relationships that are familiar
If you had a very long adolescence, you might be repelled by people who smother you with affection
anyone else here come from an uneducated blue collar family? Neither of my parents have a college degree, my dad is an auto mechanic and my mom works a minimum wage retail job. I just realized how grateful I am that I have no one to legacy to live up intellectually or careerwise. I can't imagine how stressful that would be.
no legacy*
The rat doesnt have the ability to self reflect,its just like the other rats before it.It just wants to eat,sleep and mate,its existence lacks any value,essence.You could say youre justified in killing it,youre just ending the existence of something that aimlessly wanders around,disrupting your noble activites. Thats a fatality a lot of us,mighty humanoids,suffer from,so why would not be justified in killing one of youre own,if they seem to lack the attributes that,on a fundamental level,separate us from rats;moreover,what if they are malevolent,bitter?What stops you from unleashing your rage people,as a form of justice?
Crime and punishment is a great novel that explores this.Read it,before thinking if killing rats again.
Reading my phone in bed was a mistake, I should try to get an app that removes the blue frequencies.
My feet are getting clammy fuck
As someone who plays games, I find it very awkward whenever videa gets brought up on Veeky Forums. I always feel like I'm the only one but whenever they get brought up it seems like one or two other anons also play them.
Also, I bought Shadow of Mordor in the Steam summer sale and I feel disgusted Tolkien's stead. While there is nothing offensive about the nemesis system, orcs that kill you get markd as "revenge targets" and you amass a resource called "Power." These developers have a worse understanding of Lord of the Rings then Peter Jackson.
It's not magical power or anything, they just become more popular and influential.