Thoughts on this book?

Thoughts on this book?

Whiny, meandering, trails off on tangents and never gets back around to the point. Several obvious plagiarisms from Marx's dispatches. Overall I rate it 7.3/10 because it made Vienna sound like a nice place to live in that period.

I'm into genocide
I'm into redpill
I'm into Lord Kek
I'm into whiteness
I'm into masculinity
I'm into anime and vidya
I'm into hating women
I'm into hating nonwhites
I'm into anti-semitism
I'm into shitting on liberals
I'm into racial hierarchy
I'm into traditional gender roles
I'm against pre-marital sex and promiscuity
I'm against feminism

Hitler was redpilled on a lot of those positions, and for that I am an admirer.

Did nothing wrong


I'm only about four chapters in and christ is this guy a scatterbrain.

I just threw up in my mouth.

>Several obvious plagiarisms from Marx's dispatches.
Are you sure you aren't a biased commie?

Are you a women or a libcuck?


Praise Kek, brother.

Shadiley! XD

so retarded

Don't forget Deus Vult lol

I don't ascribe to any political belief, I find them all utterly lacking. Politics is a swindle and anyone offering you a magic bullet to solve all your problems is a fucking charlatan. Whether it's 'eat the rich' or 'kill the jews' it's all just a lie to trick you into deflecting your own shortcomings onto someone else.

I am Veeky Forums

You, I like you.

i want to read it some time to understand the motives behind hitler's actions instead of relying on what third party documentaries offer as information.

Overmemed edgy trash.

It certainly is broad in scope, but not scatterbrained at all. All sections are well thought out and soundly argued. If you can't follow the book you are either a lazy reader or mentally defective.


You sound like a massive psuedo-intellectual
>political doctrines are just a lie to make you deflect onto others haha I'm so noble

Hitler is overrated as fuck. He was a butthurt faggot who put his nose everywhere and it's because of his faggotry that Germany lost the war not to mention he fucked more than half of Europe. It's thanks to this faggot communism reigned supreme over half of Europe. And his little scientific racism experiments and gay authoritarian regime fairy tale land of make believe bullshit is not much better.

I can't take anybody who admires him seriously. he's a fucking failure and delusional lunatic - a useless sack of shit. If you're going to be a little bitch utopian fetishist then at least choose a fascist who wasn't a completely impulsive complete moron.

No, I'm an actual intellectual. You made that mistake because you've never seen one before, I'll bet.

Very good.
Well be remember as an national epic in the future.

Agreed entirely. He should've known his place and brought back the Kaiser.

Instead, he cucked Europe. It would've been great if Hitler (and Horthy) let the Kaiser/Emperor return instead of dicking around doing fuck all.

How can anyone even praise Hitler's "genius" when he picked Mussolini as a fucking ally? The only Axis member worth a damn was Japan and that's just because they got epically lucky (just like Hitler, in fact).

>a fascist who wasn't a completely impulsive complete moron

So pic related?

Thanks for reassuring me that I was right

can you imagine a person like this actually exists?

There are millions of fourteen year olds out there.

This is a fairly intellectual position to take.
It's the one that really has a chance to save us in the 21st century; an inward examination of our own shortcomings and feelings and just how they manifest in the realm of reality is something that's going to become absolutely vital in the next few years.

Politics BTFO
but seriously, you sound like a narcissist

>Das Kapital
>Mein Kampf
>Die Metaphysik der Sitten

>be you
>trump is a shit
>hillary is a shit
>democrats want to "help" people
>i.e funnel more money into our programs so we can pay our friends pls
>republicans want a return to "Greatness"
>both are still hellbent on furthering technology that always starts in the realm of the Military Industrial Complex (rockets, planes, ships, the internet)
>Lolbertarian politicians want true "equality" so sayeth the person that's vying for a powerful position of influence
>political disagreement over the 20th century encouraged world states to construct weapons that can destroy the entire planet

it hasn't really done us any real good... really.

>trump is a shit

That's where your wrong, kiddo. Also this is why your knowledge of politics should not begin and end with what you pick up from CNN in various waiting rooms

he's a literal moloch worshipping Jeffrey Epstein-befriending puppet just as much as anyone else who they let up to that level.

fuck off, you blind bitch. I don't even watch CNN.

My views on politics don't come from television. At all. It comes from Plato, Machiavelli, Hobbes, etc. But when I look at Trump I see a half-baked Buzz Windrip. He has no political acumen, he is not an intellectual, he's not even a successful businessman. The only success he's ever had is in criminal ventures and scams directed at the credulous. He rode a wave of discontent with the establishment and the stupidity of the right into office, has done nothing but make a mess of things while in it, and will in all likelihood be drummed out in disgrace.

End politics. Smash the state. Let the strongest among us seize power and rule over the weak and stupid while the scholars and intellectuals distance ourselves from the entire den of vipers and pursue self-reflection and enlightenment in the gilded ivory towers we have erected.

Politics is over, guys. Pack it up and go home, user figured it all out.

>nd politics. Smash the state. Let the strongest among us seize power and rule over the weak and stupid while the scholars and intellectuals distance ourselves from the entire den of vipers and pursue self-reflection and enlightenment in the gilded ivory towers we have erected.

That will never happen, idiot. You sound just as zealous and deluded as the Trump guy.

The first ones to go are always the "intellectuals."

If you haven't washed your hands of politics entirely by now then you are not Veeky Forums.

>when I look at Trump I see a half-baked Buzz Windrip. He has no political acumen, he is not an intellectual, he's not even a successful businessman. The only success he's ever had is in criminal ventures and scams directed at the credulous.

Wow, it's like watching CNN in real time. Le Drumpf just slipped and fell and accidentally made and maintained a fortune, then he just slipped and fell and accidentally became president, because he's not an "intellectual". And the scams! So many of them, like that one! And he's made such a mess of things, too, like accomplishing more diplomatic overtures in 6 months than Barack "Nobel" Obama did in 8 years, what a fuckup! You can only believe anything you just said if you have done precisely zero research on your own and simply allow BuzzFeed and bill Maher to tell you what you are supposed to think. Very intellectual of you.

>he's a literal moloch worshipping Jeffrey Epstein-befriending puppet just as much as anyone else who they let up to that level.

He kicked Epstein to the curb when his suspicions were aroused, unlike the Clintons, and he also wasn't "allowed" in, he had to fight tooth and nail for 18 months to get in, and has had to fight tooth and nail every day since January 20th to stay in.

If he actually believed
>A) let muh strong seize power and rule over the weak and stupid
>B) le Drumpf is just an incredibly stupid master-manipulator conman whose voters are also far less intelligent than I
Then it logically follows that he would love Trump, as an enabler, enactor, and embodiment of his political ideology made tangible.

In actuality, he is just an edgy egotistical contrarian of the sort which became tired and gauche around these parts nearly a decade ago

Much better, yeah. Did some good things for his country. Although his death is hilarious. He was literally killed by his chair.

Trump is the most ludicrous and monstrous event to have ever happened in this world. Its a sign of the end times, if you believe he will do anything to help you, America or anything worthy of our respect then just a delusional cuck.

great posts in a sea of reddit shit

This. The only relationship a Veeky Forumsizen should have towards politics is to write about how and why its a total fucking scam.

Yfw, in ten years time, mummy still wants you out of the house and daddy still doesn't respect you. This phase won't work the way your subconscious wants it to.

You shouldn't be 'into' masculinity, you should be masculinity.

>made and maintained a fortune
He went bankrupt repeatedly and had to be given an allowance by his debtors so they could sell his 'image' to try and recoup some of the billions he lost with stupid investments that went nowhere.

>slipped and fell and accidentially became president
I just told you, he ran during an anti-establishment year and played on the stupidity of populists and right wingers like yourself.

>And the scams! So many of them
Trump University, Trump Steaks, etc.

>accomplishing diplomatic overtures
With who? Russia? He has made no great diplomatic accomplishments. He hasn't caused a deescalation with North Korea, Syria or Iran. In fact he's aggravated every one of those with his stupidity.

>done precisely zero research
I've actually read quite a bit, I'd say I'd read his book but then it was ghost-written so it really has nothing to do with him as a person.

We should vote journalists into their positions.

>being masculine is now far-right

A shitty leader, Didn't listen to his Generals who actually knew what they were on about and that cost him to war. Thought he was the best thing since sliced bread and pretty much fucked up the world to this day.

>tfw Hitler ruined nationalism

the greatest book ever written by the greatest man who ever lived

Was there ever a nobler man? A more generous spirit? A gentler soul? I think perhaps that his greatest crime was that he loved too deeply.

>all politics is resentment
>you should just let the rich and powerful rape you in the ass

We would have never made it out of the trees if assholes like you had any say about it.

>Whether it's 'eat the rich' or 'kill the jews' it's all just a lie to trick you into deflecting your own shortcomings onto someone else.

while i like your anti-resentment sentiments, every civilization negotiates it's social contract somehow, it can either at the ballot box, at the picket line or on the battlefield, and personally i prefer ballot box

for some reason i was thinking about this today, and u know i was like wow maybe anarchism really did have a few wins, the anarchist who killed ferdinand managed to start a huge war that destroyed the european empires, washed away the remaining aristocracies, and killed millions of straight white males, pretty big win for the anarchists when u think about it

>killed millions of straight white males

pretty much the only people who become anarchists. actually a pretty big lose for the anarchists when you think about it.

You sound like a fucking imbecile

You sound like a fucking imbecile.


Really wish we got that sequel.