inb4 pseud but how do you come to grips with the fact that the average normie is little more than an animal?
I work in an engineering office with a bunch of former frat bros and sorority whores. It amazes me how empty and vapid their lives are. Bars on Friday, leased BMW's, """"traveling"""" to Cancun or a resort in Jamaica. It irritates me that we even share a planet t bh
People that never once in their lives have recreationally listened to classical music, gone to an opera, read literature or philosophy, learned a foreign language, travelled to a foreign country, visited an art museum, learned an instrument or tried painting or sculpting or drawing. How do you even go through life like this? Sometimes I think communism was right about elevating the artist and the intellectual to a privileged position in society.
Jose Rivera
I'd be careful what you wish for. You don't even really know what you're saying because you are shaped by those same forces in a reactionary way.
Daniel Russell
Reminder that your peers are reflection of yourself
Parker Hill
>engineering Wow what a shock that people around you don't care about intellectual pursuits. I'm shocked that engineers are a bunch of superficial hedonists.
Isaac Hill
Move to Europe friend.
Adam Walker
It's possible that some form of red pill - more as suppressant than stimulant, and ultimately one self-prescribed - is just part of a balanced 21C breakfast. Take it with your Sun Salutation and shitpost on Veeky Forums when it gets too much. Avoid committing arson/punting stray kittens through windows/unironically giving a fuck about anything you see on television.
"Works" for me. I have to keep upping the dosage tho. I plan on starting a small online business that leases Hazmat suits you can put on whenever you find it necessary to go outside and interact with The World. >howard hughes did nothing wrong
Julian Sanchez
Also an engineer here, with similar thoughts to yours, OP. I basically just consider myself and God as all that exists and everybody else is worthless beyond the necessary interactions I have to make with them. Like you said, they're not much different than stupid animals and are therefore not even worth consideration.
Might sound neurotic, but I'm happier this way than I was when I had to fake who I am and pretend to be happy partying and having a girlfriend. I just focus on myself and live alone.
Ethan Nguyen
Well there are two things I'd say about this. First, those people serve vital economic purposes, and there has never been an era where the conoisseur was in or of the majority. We don't need them to feel inferior, even, we just need them to continue doing what they're doing.
Secondly, communism only elevated the artist and intellectual so that it had a pretext for interfering in their work in hopes of achieving further intellectual control of the populace, and most of the prestigious art in communist societies - prestigious within those societies rather than abroad - was kitsch.
Alexander Bennett
>Bars on Friday, leased BMW's, """"traveling"""" to Cancun or a resort in Jamaica.
>recreationally listened to classical music, gone to an opera, read literature or philosophy, learned a foreign language, travelled to a foreign country, visited an art museum, learned an instrument or tried painting or sculpting or drawing.
what makes any of these things objectively better than each other? why are you triggered with how people spend their free time? why do you think art has so much value?
Camden Evans
Fuck off. The things they like are stupid. The things you like are stupid. The things I like are stupid. Even if you were objectively the best human ever and cured all disease now and to come, unlimited free energy, wrote the most amazing novels and music, etc, you're still a human. You're 99.5% genetically identical to niggers.
Carter Myers
>how do you come to grips with the fact that the average normie is little more than an animal? I value them for their other qualities. I have friends who aren't normies but I still value my coworkers for chatting about current events or joking around. Surely you can see the benefit in seeing the glass as half-full, to use a tired cliche. Besides, looking down on people is unhealthy and suggests insecurity and a need to feel good about yourself. I could look down on you because you didn't attend an Ivy league school like I did (I'm taking a guess here) and don't know about biology, which I have a master's degree in, but this is just mean behavior for insecure people.
Jeremiah King
>I work in an engineering office with a bunch of former frat bros and sorority whores. It amazes me how empty and vapid their lives are. Bars on Friday, leased BMW's, """"traveling"""" to Cancun or a resort in Jamaica. It irritates me that we even share a planet t bh You wouldn't happen to be in the bay area would you, user-tan?
"Travelling" is one of the biggest memes I've encountered. I do want to travel at least a bit, but people are obsessed with it. Always people who are transplants to the area here.and "cultured"
Zachary Lewis
>On Veeky Forums >Questions the superiority of culture to high-end wageslave consumerism
Why even post here?
Joseph Cox
I don't know. I agree that some people do it for show but my parents travel a lot both for work and for vacations and they seem to enjoy it for the food and the sights.
a true patrician enriches his life with all of these things and does not discriminate
Jose Powell
how did you attend an ivy league school
im a lazy fuck who cant manage to create a future for himself despite wanting to. are you like very productive or something or just naturally very smart, like how do you do it
Hudson Gomez
You're not poet enough to enjoy and symapthize with the folly of the average man, you can only think about your own superiority (inferiority) which you aren't even poet enough to amuse others with, as Nabokov or Nietzsche or Kafka. With that said it's no surprise why people dislike thinking, it's difficult and requires a great deal of time. Why not just worship structures in place that provide meaning and value by way of received non-thought? It's the most simple logic ever
Christopher Lopez
This is Veeky Forums, the whole website is basically insecure people creating reasons to be elitist.
Ethan Nelson
Nobody's memeing about "normies" or "patricians" except you. Conoisseurs value what is valuable. You're advocating the equality of consumer choices. There's nothing serious in what you're saying, so again, why post here?
Luis Garcia
>Move to Europe friend. Bad idea
Dylan Martin
My parents valued education a lot and motivated me to study by basically raising me to think of being good at school as the most important thing in life. Partly I genuinely think the stuff I've learned in school is interesting, but partly I see doing poorly as extremely shameful. I also exercise and meditate daily which helps my focus greatly.
Owen Gonzalez
Ouch. That reinforces my belief that I got fucked because of my parents. They always praised me for being so very intelligent, so my entire early life I was pretentious and afraid of losing that image of inelligence instead of actually working humbly and hard and and continuing to nurture that side. I could handle everything to the best quality without ever trying, so I didn't have to get any type of work ethic and my parents reinforced that lifestyle of never being productive because I was already so smart and why would I then have to become structured. I'd go so far to say they're the root reason for my social situation, they osioned my personality then and as a result I got bullied for five years until I started gymnasium.
I'm just now getting hold of my life, but there's not much to do about my grades this late. Now it's my performance on our equivalent of the SATs that will get me somewhere
Haven't tried meditation, but exercise and other healthy habits like that really do spread out positive effects on every part of your life
Carson Allen
>Besides, looking down on people is unhealthy and suggests insecurity and a need to feel good about yourself. Its not unhealthy if its realistic
Christopher Gutierrez
A way that I can imagine it to be unhealthy is that it will become a common part of your thoughts and then affect your personality and interactions with people in a bad way
Aaron Ross
Just because something is true doesn't mean thinking about it isn't unhealthy. If you feed the need to feel good about yourself by looking down on others, then you should ask yourself why you have that need. Often it stems from being insecure, and being insecure is unhealthy.
Oliver Ramirez
>have a dilettante interest in "cultured" interests because you think you're supposed to >complain about coworkers who actually enjoy themselves who could be winning in this situation?
Caleb Wilson
I'd like you to know that it's rather poor form to inb4 as OP.
Isaiah Cox
Why are you posting on Veeky Forums if you think all cultural appreciation is fraudulent?
Nathaniel Ramirez
>I work in an engineering office
How could you expect them to be anything other than boors? There exist many worldly erudite people but you aren't going to find any of them working in an engineering office. Either seek new surroundings or lower your expectations.
Isaac Hughes
This is the logical conclusion of Last Man egalitarianism
>everything and everybody is equal nobody is worse than anybody else as long as they're having fun
Mason Cooper
It's tall poppy syndrome. People are fine with you being superior as long as you don't actually outdo them in anything.
Anthony Hughes
>if you think all cultural appreciation is fraudulent? Where are you getting this? It's just obvious that cultural appreciation is nothing more than social capital for OP.
Ayden Perry
How bout you just go out and meet people with similar interests to you you silly cunt Join a book group, go to poetry reading, take after work classes in art and meet people and hang out with them and quit complaining with your bitch ass
Also those people might have cool interests but you'll never find out about them cause you're a snobish dick
What's the point of complaining something you can't change? Surely someone of your 'intellect' would understand that
Ryan Jenkins
There's a difference between traveling for education and enrichment vs sitting on a beach in the Gulf of Mexico drinking for a week.
William Nguyen
>I still value my coworkers for chatting about current events or joking around. Chatting about current events is a no go and is only asking for more reasons for becoming a misanthrope. Joking around is okay, but will quickly get old as you realize how much other people are scum as they show their true colors.
>Surely you can see the benefit in seeing the glass as half-full, to use a tired cliche. We'd all like to. Unfortunately, the glass is totally empty, and projecting an illusion onto reality eats away at your sanity and spirit.
>looking down on people is unhealthy and suggests insecurity and a need to feel good about yourself. Not if it's based on personal experience. It sucks to see so much mediocrity and suffering in an age where it has never been easier to make yourself and your surroundings a better place. It's downright insidious to suggest that having standards and believing in ideals is a pathological condition.
>I could look down on you because you didn't attend an Ivy league school like I did (I'm taking a guess here) and don't know about biology, which I have a master's degree in, but this is just mean behavior for insecure people. Beyond the point. I wouldn't care if people developed themselves in one way or another, as long as they did SOMETHING and had some sort of common decency. But we're all degenerates living in a society that encourages degeneracy. Even HYPSM (I attend one of these universities) is unnerving because you see a lot of accomplished people grow to hate themselves, hate their lives, and hate the average person because their degenerate environment erodes their spirit over time.
You can talk a big game about pseudointellectuals, narcissists, etc., and I'm sure there's plenty of people who fit that definition, but what about the honest and jaded people here? Who gets to speak for us? I'm not going to actively judge other people but there's a breaking point where either we have to engage in cognitive dissonance or simply cut off ties.
Jackson Gomez
>That reinforces my belief that I got fucked because of my parents. No you didn't get fucked over by your parents. I also went to an Ivy League. I was raised by a single mother. Never met my father. Didn't have the income. Mom praised me for my skills, wasn't concerned about my education, though there was not much to worry about desu.
You know what I did? I read books almost 24/7 so high school was a breeze. Did some great extracurriculars, wrote some bomb essays, aced some tests, became good friends with my teachers, and now I'm being paid to get a prestigious undergraduate education.
Pull yourself together and make something of your life. You owe it to yourself. Stop blaming other people. You can always raise your kids differently and pass on the wisdom if you like, but whining about your life circumstances will get you nowhere.
I'm glad that you started taking steps but holy shit the entitlement is real.
Brayden Walker
No, not at all. OP is frustrated that most people are oblivious to culture, whereas someone who wanted it only as social capital would be pleased by their obliviousness. Your rush to misread his post that way suggests to me that you have some inverted snobbery to overcome, some inner Burkean telling you that nothing is of worth.
Andrew Miller
>is unnerving because you see a lot of accomplished people grow to hate themselves, hate their lives, and hate the average person because their degenerate environment erodes their spirit over time. But most people at these schools aren't normie-haters. It's possible to see something as bad and still not feel hatred of it. I agree that it's sad that, in the age of the internet, people gravitate to wasting time watching mediocre TV and movies, and don't learn useful skills or read books that are legitimately edifying. However, many things are bad in this world and I can detach myself from them enough mentally to not let them drive me insane. For example, disease is bad. I work with diseases in my career and I had to adapt to thinking about disease without getting worked up about how sad it is that people can suffer from such awful diseases. You can call it cognitive dissonance, and you're right, but it's a healthy cognitive dissonance with benefits that outweigh the costs of rescinding whatever value you attach to not engaging in cognitive dissonance. It's simply not useful to contemplate the suffering caused by disease every time I think about it. It's not useful for my performance at my trade and it's not useful for my larger goal of living a "good life", as I understand that concept.
And don't get me wrong, I do have standards for my friends and I have a real need for intelligent conversation, but I tolerate bad conversation and unenlightened coworkers because it helps me live a good life. If it works for your fellow intellectuals at your school, it's worth considering whether their outlook has merit to it. Understand that I am not saying that happiness is more valuable that truth, but I am saying that taking care to minimize pondering unhappy truths is important and not at all intellectually dishonest.
Nathaniel Young
No you are wrong. I am doing very much now but a child can't have that level of conscientiousness to realize what's going on and act on it. A child is most often a product of factors outside his/hers control because they don't often think big picture and act accordingly. My parents caused me to live an bad lifestyle and it was hell to unlearn it when I was old enough to realize what was happening. It still takes extreme mental effort for me to be slightly productive but I know what I'm working towards so I want to do it well. Any entitlement you interpret is from your imagination
>You know what I did? I read books almost 24/7 so high school was a breeze. Did some great extracurriculars, wrote some bomb essays, aced some tests, became good friends with my teachers Doesn't matter what you did, it has no relevance. An 11 year old doesn't often have the big picture awareness to start reading all the time and wrtie super essays, no one can expect that from me when nothing in my environment even planted anything resembling that idea in me. For me to think of that would be luck, and then to apply that would crave dedication that no one taught me to have. I was taught that I never had to work, so I didn't.
>Pull yourself together, stop blaming people. I am pulling myself together, but for me to analyze the real world factors that have contributed to my situation? No no I can't do that then I'd be blaming people, I should close my eyes instead
Brayden Martinez
>but for me to analyze the real world factors that have contributed to my situation That's important but just he careful to not veer into blaming and self-pity. If your parents indeed did do a poor job raising you, then it's worth reflecting on the possibility that your current pondering of your parents failure is unhealthy.