Why Are Writers So Fucked Up?

Ernest Hemingway, Lucretius, Gérard de Nerval, John Berryman, Jack London, Stefan Zweig, Virginia Woolf, Walter Benjamin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Anne Sexton, Cesare Pavese, Primo Levi, Yukio Mishima, Sylvia Plath, David Foster Wallace, Hunter S. Thompson, Leonid Andreyev, Hart Crane
Generally Screwed Somehow:
Tolstoy: Thought about suicide all the time. Ran away from his wife aged 82.
Proust: Asthmatic, germophobic loner mama’s boy faggot.
Dickens: Bipolar insomniac who was afraid of bats. Said his characters introduced themselves to him in his sleep.
Dostoevsky: Epileptic, borderline personality disorder, gambling addiction, scared of being buried alive.
Gustave Flaubert: Pessimistic asshole, hated everyone and everything, FRANKED a young Turkroach boy
Joseph Conrad: Miserable pollack, tried to kill himself with a gun
Kafka: Nervous kike, cringey irl, totally fucked in the head.
Horace: Depressed
Chaucer: Aggressive cunt, charged with beating a friar in London, and with rape in 1380
Boccaccio: Failed at fucking - turned full-blown woman-hater
Li Bai: Drunken chink who drowned to death trying to grab the moon’s reflection in the water from his boat
François Villon: Murdered a priest, assaulted others, was a burglar who ended up banished like the faggot he was
Montaigne: Hid in a tower for 10 years
Torquato Tasso: Persecution mania, went insane, committed to asylum for 7 years
Jonathan Swift: Gloomy bastard, misanthrope, said he only laughed twice in his entire life, didn’t speak to anyone for a whole year, went mad in 1742.
Voltaire: Chronically constipated frog, drank 50 cups of tea a day, spent16 hours a day in bed writing.
Samuel Johnson: Monstrously cantankerous fucker, Tourette syndrome, rude manners
Jean Jacques Rousseau: Admitted to being an exhibitionist
S.T. Coleridge: Drug-addict
Byron: Sex-maniac, even fucked his half-sister
John Keats: Sad motherfucker, attempted suicide
Balzac: Crazy bastard, glutton, lived life in dressing gown
Hans C. Andersen: Wimpy crybaby hypochondriac
Edgar Allan Poe: Depressed, alcoholic drug addict who married a 13 yo
Gogol: Went insane
Nabokov: Paedophile narcissist
Euripides: Recluse, misanthrope, hated women
Virgil: Weakling manlet, once held a lavish funeral for a pet fly. Died after being in the sun a bit.
Herman Melville: Had a mental breakdown in 1855
Charles Baudelaire: Sexual deviant, depressed, drug addict
Emily Dickinson: Agoraphobic
Lewis Carroll: Pedo
Mark Twain: Bitter fucker, smoked up to 40 cigars a day
Maxim Gorky: Bitter fucker 2.0, attempted suicide
James Joyce: Awkward bastard, phobias of thunder, firearms (faggot) and dogs
F. Scott Fitzgerald: Tiny dick couldn’t satisfy Zelda, alcoholic, attempted suicide via morphine overdose
Samuel Beckett: Bitter fucker, recluse – didn’t even leave house to get Nobel Prize
Tennessee Williams: Drunkard
Dylan Thomas: Drunkard

Other urls found in this thread:


Dostoyevsky was borderline? So was my ex. What a nightmare that was.

A lot of people are pretty fucked up, but you only notice it when it's someone important, like family or a celebrity. My guess is that the good writers are fucked up, and that is what gives them the push to be good writers, above the lofty faggots who have never seen struggle in their entire life. Like how we probably have more English majors right now than there were 'college' level people in 1600, but there's substantially less worthwhile literature being produced.

>fucked up
pretty subjective. some of these people sound pretty fucking awesome to me.

>ywn be a good writer unless you're a suicidal addict

Well desu I laughed when I read Jonathan Swift wrote a treatise on excrement under the pen name "Dr. Shit".

>Emily Dickinson: Agoraphobic
good lord
the nutcase

Nabokov wasn't a pedophile.

aint foolin anyone, he was merely completing a cycle his uncle started, he loved to dissect their genitals, you know, the nymphs?

the butterfies. the girls.

Outcasts and misfits are more likely to become introspective and critical of the popular social order. Those who thrive in it are less likely to write against it or propose new and controversial ideas which could lead to upheaval. The out group has the special talent of analyzing and criticizing the in group.

I have lived with lots of different strangers from all backgrounds and different professions, and I can safely say not one of them was sane. People are all fucked up and broken, stop romanticising it as artistic.

We're living in a madhouse desu

You forgot Joyce's scat fetish

“Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth.”

― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment

So he was arrogant, too.

>a character's words = the writer's beliefs
You are dumb

>I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.

>Boccaccio: Failed at fucking - turned full-blown woman-hater
>Montaigne: Hid in a tower for 10 years
>Voltaire: Chronically constipated frog, drank 50 cups of tea a day, spent16 hours a day in bed writing.
>Jean Jacques Rousseau: Admitted to being an exhibitionist
>Byron: Sex-maniac, even fucked his half-sister
>Edgar Allan Poe: Depressed, alcoholic drug addict who married a 13 yo
>Nabokov: Paedophile narcissist
>Virgil: Weakling manlet, once held a lavish funeral for a pet fly. Died after being in the sun a bit.
>Emily Dickinson: Agoraphobic
>Lewis Carroll: Pedo
>Mark Twain: Bitter fucker, smoked up to 40 cigars a day
What's the problem? It's Veeky Forums - the thread.
>tfw you will never hold Emily Dickinson in your arms lean her a bit backwards and tug gently at her pubic hair

Holy shit I laughed for ten solid minutes after reading this.

>Virgil: Weakling manlet, once held a lavish funeral for a pet fly. Died after being in the sun a bit.

Jack London a suicide? No prokf


It still is a quote from Dosty, and a good one at that.

May I just say that suicides by artist often disappoint me?
You are a creative being so why not make your suicide a little more artistic.
The gun to the head, rope in the garage, Oding on whatever drug you currently are hooked on is dull and has been done so many times.
If you go out, go out with a bang.

>It is better to burn out than to fade away

This thread needs to be preserved.

people who decide to die lose interest in going out in style and choose whatever is at hand or the path of least resistance. Many serious suicide attempts even end up without a suicide note.

>hey I want to end this terrible existence as soon as possible so let's do it in a way that will impress a faggot on an Armenian stamp collecting subreddit
How about you go out with a bang instead?


>Dickens: ....Said his characters introduced themselves to him in his sleep.

I'm okay with this.

>don't take "bang" literal even if a svbied death would make Hemingay a lot cooler
Drown yourself, shot in the heart, knife wound, falling of significant place (if building or jsut location), self imulation (incredibly fascinating death), sallekhana, ...

I do realize how stupid this is.
People don't commit suicide because their work will somehow gain esteem after death,
but I truly wonder how so many genius men decided to take their own life and didn't think of a way that would perhaps hold personal meaning to their life or even their works (if they haven't come around to hate it yet).
For example: Hemingway wore his Gott Mit Uns Belt when he pulled the trigger but really only did it because he was sick and had been diagnosed with different diseases.
It was a very conscience act and was something that weighed on his mind a lot.

is there any evidence nabokov was actually a pedo?

>even considering suicide an option, ever

baka desu senpai

check out his internet search history

when you grow old without any serious loved ones and your body starts hurting you can tell me suicide is baka

How many writers have comitted suicide in the 21st century? You are talking about writers who lived in a different time from now and therefore they had different problems than we people have nowadays.

>How many writers have comitted suicide in the 21st century?
Not nearly enough

There's also a rumor Dostoevsky raped a really young girl. Turgenev (who called him "the Russian de Sade) claims he confessed it to him, but he hated big D because of his political views, so who knows?

IIRC, as the story goes, Dostoevsky was writing an article about some girl who was being mistreated by her parents, or her stepparents, guardians, whatever, and as a result, the authorities took her away. One day, Dostoevsky meets her out in the street and picks her up and forces himself on her.

Don't know if it's true, but it does add a certain eeriness to Stavorgin's confession in Demons.

He used the raped child as a common theme of suffering in his books, so perhaps

there's also a rumor that he killed an old lady and the whole point of c&p is to tell himself that murderers sometimes have normal underlying personalities and aren't necessarily evil

Mishima did it right

confirmed for never experiencing recurring physical pain

To try for a career in writing you have to be mentally disturbed.

>born into wealthy upper class family
>becomes mentally ill after reading marx due to guilt for his privilege
>tries to become a man of the people by being a vulgar communist and spending all his money on alcohol and whores
>tries to commit suicide when the working class hates him for being snobby no matter how vulgar he tries to be
>enrolls in university and drops out immediately to run away with a geisha
>attempts double suicide by drowning with another girl a week later, who dies, while he goes on to marry the geisha
>writes a few books, then tries to hang himself, but fails and develops morphine addiction instead
>gets locked up in a mental hospital due to addiction, while his wife cucks him with his best friend
>after being released, he learns about the cuckoldry and attempts double suicide with wife, both survive, then divorce
>becomes severely alcoholic, destroying his health
>cucks mishima's literary ambitions by writing better novels despite being an ugly, unhealthy, depressed leftist, ultimately causing mishima's suicide
>finally succeeds at double suicide by drowning with a young mistress, killing both

Nah he was just an assman

damn that guy's life was truly dramatic

Did Fitzgerald really have a tiny dick? Source?

This post reminded me to watch Happiness thanks

>Gustave Flaubert: Pessimistic asshole, hated everyone and everything, FRANKED a young Turkroach boy

Franked mean killed or fucked?

Im dying, you're ripping a hole into everybody lmao

>Balzac: Crazy bastard, glutton, lived life in dressing gown

Alfonsina Storni did it best

Deleuze has written on this but I forget what he said.

These are all famous persons so of course [we're] well aware of their weaknesses. Something further seems to prevent most all of these persons from becoming 'adults' in the traditional sense. I mean, was Nietzsche an adult? Flaubert? Even Hume or Kant? A certain alien love or generosity not only seems to prevent this from ever occuring, but also seems to leave literary folks vulnerable to the adult populations at large.
I love these people. I don't care how 'fucked up' they are. They are 'bright blots upon this gloomy scene' to mar a Shelley quote.

And look what they've contributed to humanity. You're missing the point.

>no burroughs

Fucking lmao

>treatise on excrement

Debord: drunkard then suicide
Otto Weininger: suicide
Lautreamont: suicide

>why are writers imperfect human beings, unlike me and everyone I know

Berryman jumped off a bridge but hit the concrete and then drowned while conscious in a puddle


Also you missed

Milton - Literally went fucking blind
William Blake - Most likely schizophrenic

To solve the problem of meaningless in a Godless world they become hedonists, romantics, leftists, nihilists, degenerates etc.

The trend of the "mad poet" only started in the mid-18th century. Before that there are virtually no writers who had any mental problems. It was probably the rising rationalism and atheism and the consequent rise of romanticism of the 18th century that deranged the minds of our artists. Modernism and post-modernism are really just forms of romanticism.

>Ran away from his wife aged 82.

>Modernism and post-modernism are really just forms of romanticism.

>Before that there are virtually no writers who had any mental problems

Anglo Modernism's big memes were basically ideas borrowed from Romantic writers and critics, stemming ultimately from Poe via the French Symbolists, especially the ideas of the individuality and originality of the artist, art for art's sake, and the focus on ennui and fragmentation. One of the major ideas of twentieth century poetry and novels is the idea that form should be "natural" instead of "artificial", first developed by Coleridge.

And yes, most writers of the past couldn't be depressed because God solved all existential issues and they were almost always high-class.

Pynchon: Pedophile

bicameral theory, checkmate atheists

[citation needed]
>who is Hesiod
>what are the four temperaments


John Green: OCD, banged countless number of teenagers

bullshit, fucking garbage
although i will agree that it's certainly become that way to some people

Counterpoint: Germans.

Goethe: Worked his way up into local government, traveled for years on the state's dime, got a medal from Napoleon, died old and content
Schiller: Best mate of Goethe, productive years together, taken too soon by tuberculosis
Grass: got the Nobel Prize, widely famous, politically influential on the left, died content of old age after revealing some minor Nazi involvement as a kid

your words seem full of random assertions, m8

isn't the simpler explanation just that urbanisation, literacy, printing technology advancements, and education all increased dramatically between the 17th and 19th centuries?

>Grass: got the Nobel Prize

So did Thomas Mann, and yet you seem to have forgotten to include him. I wonder why?

>Herman Melville: Had a mental breakdown in 1855


>Mark Twain: Bitter fucker, smoked up to 40 cigars a day

Fite me irl, faggot

So did Hesse, Boell, Heyse, Mommsen, Mueller, too lazy to write it all out

I know you're cherry-picking on purpose you dope.

Just stop.

>OP's copypasta cherrypicks on purpose
>user defends the pasta

what a great thread

>try to make a counterpoint specifically about germans as though they're devoid of abnormal writers
>gets pissy when user doesn't let him krautlarp

what a great poster

Goethe died 'content' because he was able to complete everything he set out to complete. Have you read the Italian Journey? Goethe was able to put on a face, but he most always felt like a stranger in a strange land.

>italian journey

is it gud? i want to read something that isn't tedious bullshit but i haven't had luck lately pretty much every "literary" piece of shit i've picked up lately fuckin sucks

Hölderlin: went mad after the death of his beloved, lived in a tower for the rest of his life
Nietzsche: we all know the story... sent a letter to Cosima Wagner after his breakdown, addressed her as Ariadne and signed it 'Dionysos'

Was hölden's best before or after the death

Georg Trakl

>became drug addict and dropped out of school at age 14
>constantly banged his young sister, without reprieve, and wantonly lusted after her in licentious poems
>took a job at a pharmacy to get access to drugs, was constantly high
>intermittent bouts of depression and panic-inducing fear of humans, mixed with periods of euphoria, inflamed by incestuous lust
>died of cocaine overdose in a hospital, whither he was committed after failed suicide attempt (only one day before wittgenstein arrived to save him)

Carroll and Nobakov weren't pedophiles.

Add Toole to the suicides.


Yeah, they were virpeds but Carroll really walked a fine line.

why was fin-de-siecle Austria so fucking degenerate?


don't fool yourself, that's a super masturbatory quote.

no problem user, but I don't think I have any more neat phrases for you

Stormcuck, please go.

did u just read man without qualities? your post reminds me of it

it really truly applies in this case, go read up on fin-de-siecle vienna

God Almighty. After reading much of her poetry, I wanted to fuck her so goddamn badly. Please don't remind me.

If you're watching cells in a microscope, you may use the word "degeneration".

She is just sex. Imagine how many men and dykes who have fapped to her.

Because normies do not write.

Much of this can be explained by a blend of introversion and suffering and crazy which are necessary to create great art in this medium. But there's something else. The something else is that large, variegated portions of humanity, have always been, and are now, just as fucked up. The difference is that up until very, very recenty, this other mass didn't leave much of a written record of how fucked up they were, or are.

For proof that everyday human beings in a sufficiently large population are also just as fucked up, I refer you to the book "Wisconsin Death Trip".

The moderately fucked up people of the world are by and large not writers, not people who have their writings survive and become notable in the future.

Goethe had realy intense phases of depressions and sometimes locked himself in for weeks
you are right about Schiller tho, I mean he had some problems about the rise of materialism but he never got seriously depressed, altough ofc he was weak and very sick from a young age and had phases of extreme pain, so I guess there is that