Fourth Nick Land article on Jacobin

The topic is lighter and less philosophical than his usual work but it's great analysis and people actually ask him about things like this much more often than they should.

Other urls found in this thread:



No u

yea horrible naming on their part

The end of this article is complete bullshit

>Quoting Rod Dreher: As is often the case with conservatives and Trump, no matter how much you may despise him and his pomps and works, in the end, you know that he doesn’t hate your beliefs, and that he and his government aren’t going to use the power of the State to suppress you as a threat to public order and all things good and holy

Ummm. What about the all the people and groups he and his group of followers do hate and want to suppress?
Or do Muslims, immigrants, most women, gays, etc not fully "count"?
Is this how conservatives actually think?

You're a faggot.

But I just want to take a moment to laugh at Nick Land followers and Land himself for quoting king cuck Rod Dreher.

A post like this is why Land needs to stay behind a wall of amphetamines and jargon.

He's talking specifically about conservatives and their relationship to Trump. Trump isn't going to use state power to suppress his conservative detractors. That he can and will use state power to suppress the typical enemies of conservativism, allowing conservatives to safely make criticisms of such actions while still reaping the benefits.

The quid and the quo are forming Mandelbrot sets within the pro forma of right intra-wing politics.

fuck off to twitter, teen shit


>Implying the brutal suppression of cultural marxism isn't neccesary if the west is to survive

>He's talking specifically about conservatives and their relationship to Trump
Ok i see how I misread that.
Definitely makes more sense then. Still don't really get Lands point after that though. If conservatives are going to fight the enemies of conservatism still, of course liberals are going to fight what they think (true or not) are the enemies of liberalism, which for many is conservative ideas and ideology.

4d chess is indistinguishable from retardation

in an after-Trump world it is/will be near impossible to be a conservative or to believe in populist or anti-globalist ideas without being put into Trumps camp by his opposition

Nobody's talking about 4d chess.

In the case of Trump, I think that's true. He doesn't really understand what he's doing, but it's working marvelously in his favor. Land seems to agree, but chooses to be publicly agnostic about what he thinks is really going on in Trump's brain.

Land is trying to point up the irony of this particular 'event', which places the 'enemies of conservatism' squarely in the same corner, in the political imagination, as the Nazis, even as Trump and co. push for actually fascistic, nativist policies.

That's also kinda Land's point, I think. I don't think he's happy about it, but he's smart and removed enough to be amused (or bemused) by the whole thing.

Who is the Nick Land of the left?

Mark Fisher

he ded tho

Not being a genius cold and calculating political analyst isn't equivalent to being retarded. Trump clearly has a very strong intuition or he wouldn't have got as far as he has.

Doesn't count if he's a literal Land fanboy.


If you're looking for 'left' 'accelerationists' than you might as well start with Marx and follow through with anyone that sees the advancement of capitalism to its historical conclusion as the necessary precondition to a post-capitalist society.

what is land''s endgame for accelerationism

if the lefts is post-capitalism, what is his?

Yeah but someone asked who the Nick Land of the left was and I don't think someone who intentionally took Land's ideas and tried to force them into a left-wing worldview fits that description well enough.

Land reverse the paradigm Marx made. Capital is the only thing that exists. Humans are like bees pollinating the flowers. We accelerate capital until it has no need for us and we are shed away.

What has Trump done to suppress gays?

But that self-evidently goes against our interests.

these guys maybe

>The autonomy I’m talking about isn’t temporary nor simply defensive. It is not a substantial quality of beings, but the very condition of their becoming/future. It doesn’t leave the supposed unity of the Subject, but engenders multiplicities. It does not attack merely the sedentary forms of power, like the State, and then skim over the circulating, “mobile,” “flexible” forms. It gives itself the means of lasting and of moving from place to place, means of withdrawing as well as attacking, opening itself up as well as closing itself off, connecting mute bodies as bodiless voices. It sees this alternation as the result of an endless experimentation. “Autonomy” means that we make the worlds that we are grow. The Empire, armed with cybernetics, insists on autonomy for it alone, as the unitary system of the totality: it is thus forced to annihilate all autonomy whenever it is heterogeneous. We say that autonomy is for everyone and that the fight for autonomy has to be amplified. The present form taken on by the civil war is above all a fight against the monopoly on autonomy. That experimentation will become the “fecund chaos,” communism, the end of the cybernetic hypothesis.

worth reading if you're into debord
worth reading even if you're not and just want to catch up on your cybernetics

D&G obviously

Typical Nazi thinking. "I can't out-argue it, I can't get rich and outspend it, therefore I must chimp out and attack it with violence."

>Or do Muslims, immigrants, most women, gays, etc not fully "count"?
those aren't real people

Trump is a salesman and a professional wrestler. He is these things quite literally. This turns out to be the perfect combination of occupations with which to thrive in American politics.

>Trump is a salesman and a professional wrestler. He is these things quite literally.
He is a real estate businessman who appeared on WWE once or twice as a celebrity guest, what point are you trying to make?

Land is

No, none of those groups count as being "oppressed" in the United states in any way.

american politics was a mistake

Are you ready for Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to run for president in 2020? I sure am.

Walter Benjamin, Nikolai Fyodorov, Ernst Bloch.

Fyodorov's theological vision is the exact opposite to Land's

>implying it won't be kanye


2020 is going to be an even bigger shitshow than 2016, especially if Trump hasn't been impeached or forced to resign (which he won't have been).

2019 Dem primaries:
Mark Zuckerberg, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, The Rock, Kanye West, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Mark Cuban, a slew of Democratic no-names.
Zuck will win it, but I can't wait for the memes and the shitshows.

I mean 2019/2020


That turbo-autist won't even make it to the Iowa caucuses. Sure, he's got the most money of anyone by far, but he'll be nuked in the debates because he sounds and acts like a fucking alien. Jeb had lots of money too, look where that got him.

I don't know anymore. The next election cycle is going to be a shitshow, where up is down and down is up.

I wouldn't be surprised if some meme candidate wins the day by winning the crowd, e.g., Zuckerberg winning on a combination of being more recognizable, and simply different from (novel compared to), boring politicos, now that Trump has changed everything. Plus he'll offer some UBI magic sky candy shit and dominate news cycles.

If it isn't him, it'll be some other meme doing the same shit. No one wants Jeb because Jeb is a fucking boring politician. The proles want !!!!!!!THINGS TO HAPPEN!!!!!! now, they want candidates who will promise the sense of something being different for a change if they win.

>Jeb is a fucking boring politician.

It's not like the Dems have great talent just waiting to slaughter Zuck in the primaries. And unlike Jeb, Zuck has the benefit of Democratic voters actually believing what the media says.

I've got my money on The Rock. He's an even bigger celebrity than Zuckerberg, and holy moly is he charismatic. Motherfucker lights up every room he's in. He was born to be a politician. He can probably do the Trump thing, too, where he gives out as few actual policy details as possible while saying things that sound good but mean nothing.

>The proles want !!!!!!!THINGS TO HAPPEN!!!!!! now
It's not like you can blame them, literally the only function of politics is entertainment and ideally some division along with it. I can only pray Republicans hate Zuckerberg as much as Democrats hate Trump.

I don't see The Rock having the unagreeableness needed to succeed in politics. I can easily see him in a debate with Trump saying shit like "Well I agree with you but yada yada yada." He's just too friendly to succeed in such a tense environment. Also, as much as people rip on Trump for having no experience he at least has discernable talent besides just being a good wrestler (I presume) and passable actor.

The Rock is a Republican. For that matter, I think Kanye might be leaning further to the right than the left these days. Now Zuckerberg, he's a slimy autistic creep who'll make Jeb look like the American Cicero.

>The Rock is a Republican.
Shit you're right. Yet I hear everyone here and in the media saying he'll run for president as a Democrat. I guess it's just because he's brown.

Not to mention he can just spam unlimited Zucc 2020 ads on everyone's Facebook page

welcome to nick land

>welcome to nick land land
>now get the fuck out

Amazing how quickly this thread went off-topic, considering that in the article posted Land comes pretty close to talking about Jews. Veeky Forums usually goes apeshit for that sort of thing.

Or a combination effort by Russians and the Trump administration "hack" the election and do a lot of shit to either mess with results or deliver them win. Then with anger/lack of trust in results from American people, Trump calls off election and says all positions will stay for the next 2-4 years.

Also Zuckerburg running is pretty dangerous considering the power facebook has.

as entertaining as zuckerburg would be, the democratic power structures are going to force someone boring like warren or clinton. so much money is going to be thrown around on this election by the entrenched elite its going to be hilarious.

thanks for keeping us informed, op

doing gnon's work

Impressive trolling, kudos

yea its pretty sad.The DNC has a true death-wish
Im hoping Jeff Merkley runs

none of those are oppressed under trump and co.

>he'll be nuked in the debates because he sounds and acts like a fucking alien.
didn't stop hilldawg

I think Land's next article should focus on the evidence for the coming singularity. Mike Enoch for one has said that if the singularity if it was proven that the singularity was imminent it would basically invalidate the Alt-Right and this has always been Land's proposal to white nationalists but he hasn't done much in the way of convincing them this is a thing,I think bevause it's so ingrained in his philosophy that he assumes everyone else believes in it or something.

Die normie

It's a "Nick gets mad that his Twitter buddies scored more capitalist on an Internet political test" episode

Is it worth anyone's time to bother convincing the ethnat's of anything? They're so deep into identification, loyalty, tradition, etc, that the basic format of philosophy can't touch them. Fundamentalism is a pretty rigid position.

Not to mention that you can't even debunk all of ethno-nationalism at once. Any argument directed against the greater phenomenon will fall on deaf ears. You need a custom tailored debate for each variety. If the white supremacists deny they have any formal similarities with black supremacists, and so on.

to expand this a bit further, any interaction with the ethno-nationalist position has to be tactical, political and not in the realm of journalism or philosophy. I think Land sees them as useful idiots, though he's careful how he voices that opinion. His Red Ice interview was pretty reserved, whereas the Synthetic Zero interview pulled no punches about how he felt toward traditionalisms.

what did i mean by this?

Left-wing scum

94.7% nationalist, 62.8% socialist

not necessarily a left wing combination. more like a hybrid third position. like social nationalism or something.

What's this? Stalinism or something?


Damn Commies in here.

Nick Land

Can someone please explain to a brainlet like myself why Nick Land is so enthusiastic about the replacement of humanity by AI/machines?

Nothing particularly special about being human, only that yippy happen to be one. If technology is optimizing for intelligence, and human beings can't keep up on their own, they either get assimilated or get eliminated. Selection is a supremely harsh master.

He avoids the question 'why submit to technological selective pressure when we are capable of manipulating it and ameliorating its worse effects' tho

suddenly I feel a bit out of place


>those values look alright
>look up


this is now an 8 values thread

Because any good part of humanity can be made better by deliberate design. The artificial übermensch will not only be smarter than us, but more artistic, more ethical, more introspective, etc.

>He avoids the question 'why submit to technological selective pressure when we are capable of manipulating it and ameliorating its worse effects' tho
The obvious answer would be that we are actually not capable of doing so.

if you score

he's married to one, his children are

you guys need to stop jerking off to virtue signalling meme faggot """""""philosophers""""""""""

>He actually fell for the nation meme

From syntheticzero interview:
>I think that natural sciences and capitalism are different aspects of the same thing. Both are an effective self-propelling mechanism that gives the Outside a selective function in a domain considered, that domain being perpetually expanding, depending on how much autonomy you’re seeing. In that sense to be on the side of the natural sciences is to be on the side of the Outside. But there are all kinds of silly ways you could be on the side of the Outside, just as there are a whole bunch of silly ways you could be on the side of capitalism. You could say, the bourgeoisie are great, very admirable people, or, I love this company. I am not saying there’s never a case for that, but you’re totally missing the point, just like you’d be missing the point by saying, this particular scientist is a great guy and I think he is really honest and I trust him. It might be he is a great guy and he might be really struggling to be honest and he might be much more trustworthy than most people, but this misses what science is about. Science is orientated against scientists, capitalism is oriented against businesses. These are processes that are in a relation of subjecting the elements within their domain to aggressive destructive criticism with some kind of selective criteria, which means they push things in a particular self-propelling direction.

So does he welcome our redundancy or simply accept it as inevitable?
Also if it's possible that we do have the ability to halt progress towards the singularity then why should we not do it? Do we not have an obligation to ourselves for the continuation of our species?

>not pragmatically embracing the nation meme out of self-interest


>most women, gays, etc
Why do you people always tag on these? He hasn't even hinted at doing shit against women or gays.

>ethno-nationalist with an ironic smirk

Spiritual cancer

>Not embracing ethno-nationalism
You sir are the spiritual cancer here.


you're a retard

>Also if it's possible that we do have the ability to halt progress towards the singularity
It's too late for that. The West can be stopped but Sinofuturism cannot.

Nothing a world war wouldn't fix.

Trump supporters are currently being persuaded to oppose net neutrality. They're a totally lost cause not even worth intelligent discussion about ideology, unless the words you want to use are "cult of personality." Separate the man from his supporters and talk about him like the marionette he is.

What do you even know about net neutrality?

It's Veeky Forums. Everyone knows and supports net neutrality or they're really fucking confused being on this site.

Naw, if I wanted to go to a website just for ebin Internet rights politics I would go to reddit. For the record, I don't know much about net neutrality but I find 99% of people supporting it don't either.