Is this the logical conclusion to literature?
Is this the logical conclusion to literature?
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>Broadly, I've been made well aware that the world will remember me as "the girl who smoked weed out of Infinite Jest after turning it into a pipe" when I am old and dead.
She's so deluded she actually thinks people are going to remember her
Eating infinite jest is much healthier than dragging yourself through that slop
>What I will say is this: David Foster Wallace seems fine, but I will not take time out of my only life to read a footnoted book that is 1,079 pages long. I refuse.
ok sure i'm not reading it either but you probably should if you're making a whole thing about it. on that note, i'm going to stop reading the article
>Dont' read books, read my VICE clickbait instead.
I think this is lame
But I can understand his fans can be annoying
Clickbait represents the total refinement of all human culture into monetizable pavlovian contentblasts. Clickbait exists beyond signification in an immanent plane of pure reaction. Clickbait is the end of art and the logical conclusion to art.
But I don't think so
i always thought that the 'minimum wage crank' was the end of art. its ostensibly a performance piece, but its also incredibly symbolic of the clash between the realities of automation and the ideal of the protestant work ethic
Spotter the liberal cuck with a Bernie Sanders Tattoo.
What the fuck is wrong with you people
what did i do?
>Turning David Foster Wallace's acclaimed novel into lasagna, eggs, and a cool outfit is better than reading it, writer Mira Gonzalez and comedian Jamie Loftus learned.
>Mira Gonzalez
Didn't she publish "Selected Tweets" with Tao Lin?
I want to hatefuck Mira Gonzalez and brutally smash her face in with an empty whiskey bottle afterwards, but let that remain our secret.
I don't mind Tao, however. His literature aside, he's not nearly as obnoxious as the rest of his alt-lit peers. Some of his stuff is even interesting if not worth reading (Bed.)
>Some of his stuff is even interesting if not worth reading (Bed.)
>the rest of his alt-lit peers.
Like who? I'm fairly new to alt-lit.
>Like who? I'm fairly new to alt-lit.
Rupi Kaur, Megan Boyle, Zachary German, Spencer Madsen. Mira of course.
To remain fair though, I've read and enjoyed a poetry collection of Madsen when I was 17.
Names and faces! That's bold. You guys should fuck off to some e-celeb thread.
We're discussing published authors. What's the problem?
Why are white men so fucking stupid?
Hi, I work for VICE. Would you be interested in writing a piece for us?
Let me know!
>Being a writer known primarily for desecrating a classic work of literature can get pretty bizarre. I get a lot of emails from 20-something dudes angrily explaining to me why smoking weed out of Infinite Jest is "not journalism"
Yes, they can, but the ones who tend to be the annoying ones are also the ones that didn't understand it on connect with it at all, that instead brag about the length, difficulty, or density. Those same people that never move on. Infinite Jest is the only "literature" they've ever read, and they still claim it as the best. It changed the way I view lit when I read it, but it made me want to move on to any author that influenced him. Once I did so, I realized that there is an unbelievable amount of lit out there that can do to me what IJ did. It might still be my favorite book, if only for my personal connection to the themes and the fact that it opened my eyes to what I had been missing, but I'd never claim that it's the greatest of all time. It's my favorite, maybe, but it's not the best novel I've ever read. Most people can't admit that.
Romanticism degraded Byronic hero, automatised into postwar anti-intellectualism, pleasure buzzer ringing drug oblivion, postmodern lifestyle optimised and self-selected from cosy options of seriously relevant nostalgia and wisdom of the ages, then anti-hero decadence, more american style populist newsspeak decontectualised affirmation and virtuous veneer gleaming on communication infrustructured screens of centralised intelligent actionable infestations that god damned amicable hopes in self selected souls of the damned to google earth and watch cat videos to be in with the in crowds or delightful cheerful estranged automated renergised - and highly predictable, highly profitable - nostalgia, for the benefit of life and meaning and pursuit towards this and only this, and this and only this, and each a sentry with only a glimmer of knowledge about their expendable nature, their wanton privilege in the arms of their electric brides, the glass beyond opaque, sometimes so beautiful he weeps.
>It was rather the rabid, pseudo-intellectual (or in her words, "chode") fan base the book has developed that sparked her desire to physically consume Infinite Jest out of spite.
Veeky Forums BTFO
how was he so dreamy
These are literally adults in out society. Devoting a part of your life to a piece of art you are willfully ignorant about to garner attention and seem edgy. The left really is cancer.
What really disturbs me is that they both make it a point to state they don't dislike the book itself (and one of them states they like some of DFW's work) so they either don't want to offend the very fan base they're decrying or it's painfully obvious contrarian attention whoring.
I'm not even mad. But she is :^)
> Posting article from vice.
>Not archiving it.
Bad form, desu
2. DFW was a sad over-educated, over-entertained writer writing for sad over-educated, over-entertained readers. He does not transcend his niche.
3. Stop using DFW as some literary litmus test. This is why people get triggered by him rather than just not caring about him. This is why he has all those awful pseuds running around praising him but completely misunderstanding him. This is why people say colleges need to teach black authors instead of Shakespeare -- because if DFW is transcendent, then everyone is and no one is, so mine as well teach MY culture not yours.
>reading anything about literature on vice
What the hell did you expect to find?
Eating Infinite Jest is the equivalent of using a cucumber as a dildo; sure, it's plenty filling, but you've ruined some perfectly fine sustenance.