How many books do you consume in a year?


Other urls found in this thread:

>reading books

You mean to aid digestion?


Used to make thread about what i read, but Veeky Forums never replies to them, instead they reply to these shitty pretentious threads.

I don't 'consume' a book you filthy plebeian.

Do it again.

depends on the quality of the paper and the available sauces.


About 20 last year, going to be something like 60-70 this year. I fixate on quantity a lot, being self-conscious plebian that I am.

>I fixate on quantity a lot, being self-conscious plebian that I am.

You should not have included "being" in that sentence. It doesn't belong there. Please delete your post and try again.

Thanks for this tip.


Yes it does. He omitted 'the'

It's also 'plebeian'

No it doesn't

"I fixate on quantity a lot, self-conscious plebian that I am."

^^^ That is perfectly fine.

This is true. And I missed it. Brb getting a knife to cut my wrists.

Once in a while I'll treat myself to a leather bound edition. It has to be a book I like well enough to own in hardcover, at least.

So far this year, fewer than 20. I prefer to check out from the library because I'm not rich.

Self-conscious plebeian that I am,
I maximise the quantity of books that I cram,
Read Infinite Jest purely for the meme,
It's how plebs like myself prefer to be seen,
On the train.

I like to read book

I consume ops moms pussy in large quantities on a regular basis. She's kinda my purveyor in that regard.

I read a book daily using this technique

It has changed my life

2-3, but I lie and say 30.

I read 46 books in 2016 and 21 books so far in 2017. I'm not that much of a reader, I'm mostly into films.

did you go blind in 2007?


impossible, bro

Maybe he's including greentext stories.

Usually between 0-5. I think this year i'm at 4 so far.

user... easy on the books


He's probably including pamphlets that take about hour to hour and a half , manifestos and some short fiction that takes just as long to read , W.S. Maugaum's The Verger comes to mind.

Less than 20

Anywhere from 30-50. I kinda cheat thought because I include comic book trade paperbacks and novellas.

23 this year. Hopefully gonna make 40, and then 50+ next year. I don't focus on quantity though, and some of the books I've read this year have been door stoppers.

When I was younger probably like 40-50. Now in my mid 20's I'm lucky to get through 10. Life has really taken a dump on me the last couple years and I've lost most passions. Mostly just drink, fuck, fight and doodle.

Does Dr Suess count? If so, 80.

Consume as in eat? None.

I only consumed my first book recently - my AP Physics prep book - after I promised leddit I would eat it if I got a 5 on the test.

I'm more quantity this year, unfortunately. I've had bad luck so far. Besides some comics and the occasional genre novel for fun, nothing has really captivated me yet this year. Feelsbad.

52 (weeks/year) × 2 (books/week) = 104 (books/year)

went from 0 a year to 15 a year so far i think im doing pretty well

One for breakfast, two or three for lunch and a small one or leftover pages from lunch before I go to bed

That times however many days there are in a year and theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere you go

>I like to read book

>eating books

Pleb numbers. Once you've read over 4,000, then you can have an iota of arrogance.