Read book

>read book
>forget entire book

me really bad

how does one prevent this?

>read book
>forget if you've read book

>read line
>forget it by the time i'm on the next line
>read 5 lines back
>have to reread the entire book

such is life

>forget lots of what i read
>afraid to sound like a pseud so i never discuss anything except the book i am currently reading

>scan my eyes across every line on the page
>no comprehension
>do this for every page in the book
>6 hours later i have read the book without absorbing 1 unit of meaning

>read an entire page at 20 words per minute while subvocalizing slowly and taking notes
>can remember just 99%

> meaning units

>read book
>forget how to read

LMAO ;alkjsdf;lkajsdf;lkjasd;flkj ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh me too

mindless reading is a thing. fuck.

>reading pages upon pages and not knowing what the fuck i just read even though i thought i was 'present' -- even worse; not being able to teach anyone! gah.

a lot of writers talk about how their memory is shit and can never remember. they dgaf and you shouldn't either, but just hope that somewhere in your unconscious someone is taking notes.

Happened to me with Kafka on the Shore, kind of. I started reading it in 11th grade, and thought I read only half of it before I had to return it to the library. Started re-reading it in 12th grade with the intention of finishing it, and it turned out I had read at least 90% of the novel.

AIl me

Fuck it.

I donnot remember the books I've read anymore than the breakfast I had this morning; even so, they've made me, as the proverb goes "you are what you eat."

>never read whole books
>read wikipedia snippets and small portions of books
>don't forget anything because I only take what I need
>waste time on Veeky Forums
>somehow book learning transmutes into penile growth
>have a 15 inch dick

>read book
>can remember near every word of book
sucks to be neurotypical

>never read whole books
>read wikipedia snippets and small portions of books
this is me unfortunately. i don't have the attention span for reading even though i want to literature. i am on the path to becoming an english professor

desu reading entire books is for normies
just read the summaries and then paste them on your wall if you start to forget
chads will deny this

>The first paragraph of Don Quixote

>Nietzsche has a half-page long sentence with twenty five semicolons, colons, and dashes to "punctuate" it
>forget how the sentence began by the time I get to the end
6 minutes a page, boyos. TWO HOURS per chapter.

Y-you are a lier! this cannot be possible. I cannot be just me

Melville's also guilty of this but to a lesser extent.

>Recite sonnet for class
>Think back to it 2 years later
>Get word wrong

>read schooenhaers essays
>forget most of it
>remember he specifically insults people who read for the sake of not thinking, and insults erudition

This is why I buy books ratter than check out from library

I'm wasting half an our on a page of Mrs Dalloway - finding the proper translation of words according to context, trying to visualize the descriptions, trying to visualize the comparisons and metaphors, trying to conceive how the sentences are connected etc.

It helps if you use run a pen under the lines you're reading as you're reading. It keeps you focused

>thinking about last 5 books ive read

>reading something fairly smoothly in a foreign language
>native language part of the brain jumps in and asks if you really understood that
>next hour spent looking up every other word or phase in the dictionary and feeling like you're getting further and further from the meaning that you intuitively understood the first time you read it

> pick up a book
> read for an hour
> remember everything I just read
> finish book
> enjoyed book

I don't forget books after reading them but I can't recall my favourite quote or whatever from the book.

I run a black marker pen over every word I read. This way I know I can never go back and I simply have to pay utmost attention in the present moment.


>start reading the brothers karamazov
>narrator notes that I should try my best to remember some specific facts about the brothers
>don't read it for a few days
>forget all those facts
>start reading a different book

Same here. I've gone through 29 copies of Finnegans Wake.

>Book you have almost encyclopedic knowledge of most every detail
>Book you retained the least of

For me:
>Divine Comedy
>The Aeneid

That reminds me about a Veeky Forums meme some time ago (I think it was that expanding brain meme) where you cross out every word you read after you've read it and tear out every page after you've completed it

>start reading penelope chapter of ulysses
>forget everything I read before I reach the first comma

>have problem where I forget what I've read
>sometimes even forget previous paragraphs or lines
>have a bit of a think of how to fix this
>start reading aloud
>wildly gesticulate as I read
>end up looking crazy when I read

It works.

reading in your head is just modern degeneracy, so well done

>read the bible
>realize it's a bullshit story and self help book

>stop subvocalizing
>also stop breathing
>breathe manually and stop paying attention to what I'm reading

arms spaghetti

This deserves to be a meme.

Fuckkk I thought I was going crazy.

>read book
>forget nearly everything except a few broad things
>but remember specifically where I was while I was reading one specific part

Is it bad to read out loud when people come near me?

>trying to read inside my head and can barely focus
>someone enters the room
>the closer they come and the more noise they make, i switch from being dead silent to vocalizing every word in an increasing tone of voice

Am I autistic?

if you get murdered in the Wire and they come looking through their bookshelf I'd love to see Bunk's reaction to your black pages in book after book, all through your shelf

>The Catcher in the Rye, obsessed with it back in eighth grade
>How would I know what book I've retained the least of? Probably something I read back in elementary

This often happens to me with meh books.
I usually remember enough of the books I either loved or hated but I tend to forget books that were nothing but painfully average.

>Book you have almost encyclopedic knowledge of most every detail
Gravity's Rainbow
>Book you retained the least of
The Brothers Karamazov

I did this with my kindle and I wasted a ton of money

>be highly intelligent
>but also unable to remember dick about lessons, movies, books, or even what I had for dinner two nights ago
name a worse mental betrayal

We have a memer here!

Yes but do you remember what background noise was occurring at that moment and refer back to that noise to subsequently trigger your memory of that passage?

What have you done that indicates you're highly intelligent?

>reread book
>entire chapters are completely unfamiliar to me
I get great value for money out of books. I'm so forgetful that I can reread a book and 50% of it is basically completely new to me. I've had the same thing happen on 3rd and 4th readings, too.

> Read the title of book
> the end

>forget which books I have read even though I've only read like 30 books in my whole life

This is beautiful.

I was so inspired I decided to do this myself

forgot it was a library book tho

I had a real problem with this. Then I decided to start taking notes and writing summaries and shit after chapters. This worked, but it ended up making me not enjoy reading and it always broke the flow of reading. Truly life is suffering.

>le classics: 90% retention rate
>philosophy: 60%
>STEM textbooks: 20%
>popsci: 1%
I really don't like analogies for explaining stuff and always wanted to have it explained to me like a big boy, so it makes sense

meaning what?

>Reads book
>Forgets main characters name
>Forgets what the book was about entirely

I have read 18 books this year but could only name you about 10 of them. If you read the others out to me I'd recognise them, but otherwise I completely forget they existed.

>tfw autism and amphetamine master race and able to remember everything i read and write, including specific passages nearly verbatim if it stands out enough

>all i had to trade for this was social skills, something that people (apparently) barely have here in the first place

jelly neurotypies? if i took notes while i read, who knows what would happen

Take notes along the way. Highlight relevant portions (don't over do it and use an aesthetic color, otherwise you will ruin the book). And finally write a book report (imagine you are in your High School English class), but here's the catch: write it using handwriting.

Yes but can you memorize the entire text of the book and the pages, and turn the page inside your mind?

that might require too much of a trade off. too much autistic brain power and you turn into some fucked monster like kim peek

or even less than that you would become a massively creepy weirdo like john carmack

>book has more than 1 character

Rly fucking testing me

I cannot for the life of me differentiate between characters and relationships

In the generation below thirty actually reading some classics statistically speaking already puts you way above talented tenth. Likely it's even pretending to do or try.

>read page
>realize I've no idea what I just read
>have to read page 2-3 more times before finally being able to move on to the next
>rinse and repeat

And this is why I almost never read books.

>have awful social skills
>unsure whether any conversation in a book is supposed to be awkward or not
>constantly misinterpret people's feelings just like in real life
There is no escape

>constantly misinterpret people's feelings just like in real life
I can relate to this. I often cannot read characters at all except by their actions. There are certain emotional tensions and subtleties my professors and classmates will notice that go completely over my head.

The older the lit the worse, too, for obvious reasons.

What are some good books with just one character.

Eeeee Eee Eeee

>reading book
>Hey I can make a connection to a real world event
>get so side-tracked in my head I forget I was reading a book
why do we suffer?

>start reading thing
>realize I don't care
>stop reading
>this happens anytime I read almost anything
fucking help me

>spend more time shitposting on Veeky Forums than actually reading

>read a sentence,
>move to next sentence
>you start back at the beginning of the sentence you were originally reading.

Have you ever considered that you are in the wrong field?

>Always tell people my favorite book is Catch-22
>The only part I remember is that there was a guy named Major Major

That MAJ Major Major

I don't think most well-read people remember every part of every book they've read, they just pick out quotes and ideas that are most pertinent to their interests or needs

Why hold on to a bunch of useless information

Just reading classics doesn't prove that you're intelligent.

>get sidetracked and start daydreaming while still scanning my eyes across the page and convincing myself I'm reading
>suddenly realise I didn't take in anything from the last 5 pages

Reading isn't intelligence. Understanding and creating further is intelligence.

Well done

>Forget book until a random sensation or thought makes you remember it for the next minute

Anyone else?

>didn't even read a single book last year
>Veeky Forums is my home board because I like to see if I can pass myself off as an intellectual while being a complete unread uncultured moron

Jesus, just read at comprehension speeds.

I tried this when I'm writing but my publisher didn't like the result.

I think that constitutes 50% of everyone on this board

But I'm a brainlet if I don't read as fast as I can at all times

So what is your real favorite book user?


I'm the same, to a lesser degree maybe.
The weird thing is how after a few weeks; I can almost totally recall a day.

>the sentence makes enough sense like that to make you confused about its meaning instead of realizing your mistake

>think back to a book
>memory is a bunch of images, not words or concepts or emotions