Why were all the popular authors of the 20th century either a veteran or mentally ill?

Why were all the popular authors of the 20th century either a veteran or mentally ill?

pic not related

omg that's so wrong you fucking misogynist
go back to /pol/

Hemmingway reaaaaaally overblew all his war experience. Google up some articles on it. He was practically a very secure pussy who never fought in the front lines but wrote like he was a fucking war hero.

Two World Wars back to back destroyed a lot of people's spirits, boyo.

How dare you say that about a man who faced death squarely and stood his ground? Can you say you've done the same?

I do dare say it.

Because the 20th century was a terrible fucking idea in general

He drove an ambulance, through that he got to witness a ton of death and misery. He never wrote like he 'was a fucking war hero', one of the greatest war novels of all time, (The Red Badge of Courage) was written by a man who never served and got all of his information just talking to veterans

Thread should be about this amazing picture.

Mental illness is the fuel for creativity.

I love Einstein's writing.


I think it would be very insulting to the guys on the right to be compared to tv personalities.

>pic not related
That isn't true, Tyson believed there was a literal conspiracy against him during college to prevent him from graduating.


this pic is proof that anglos can't think, they can't write, there's no discernible talent

Einstein wrote well, but let's face it, relativity has been critiqued many times over. He's popular because he was good with the media and could communicate to the plebs.

Norbert Wiener is the true genius of the 20th century imo. Genius insights and way more influential over people's lives. He shunned publicity like a true patrician.

I plan on starting a Wiener revival movement. Expect memes.

You want to ressERECT the Weiner :D?


>Norbert Wiener

What a name

I must be five years old

the Roman emperor Pupienus is pronounced "Poopy Anus"

everyone is mentally ill, it's just the famous people you are about

he fits into the mentally ill category desu

Quotes on the right just need a "LIKE IF U THINK THIS TOO"
In thirty years they will hopefully be forgotten so even worse people can take their place in the facebookverse(™).

Oh gosh seriously? I always felt he was too much of a sham.

Bill Nye 50 genders guy

Those Dawkins quotes are unrelated

Hrrm sadly I suspect this might be the truth.

Not least because "mental illness" is just a modern way of saying "bad personality" or " negative emotions"

If somebody has personality traits not conducive to functionality in any given society, including high neuroticism (which covers 'negative emotion'), how is that any worse than the lack of function stemming from psychopathology?

Technically poopy ah-noos

Thats what I mean though, it's the same thing really.

Ok, sweet.