What's the Youjouhan shinwa taikei of books? Not counting the original novels

What's the Youjouhan shinwa taikei of books? Not counting the original novels

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Is Tatami Galaxy worth watching? I have it downloaded, but never watched.

Yes, it is very good

One of the best anime ever

I'll watch it, definitely. But no, the best anime ever is Kaiba.

This isn't an /a/ thread, i just want recommendations

Snow Country

A good yet overrated entry level work that a bunch of insecure manchildren on Veeky Forums praise 24h a day? Probably The Trial by Kafka.

are you seriously being an elitist about anime? the fuck would you define as non-entry level anime?

>are you seriously being an elitist about anime?
You'd be surprised

But the character development doesn't make sense. It's forgettable short stories for 9 episodes and then they force some superficial twists in the last 2.

I hate anime and I hate magical realism.

Did you even watch the show?

these are watched under thirty series opinions. same director on both series, by the way.

he's right. the same author occurred to me before opening the thread. yuasa is the kafka of anime in every single way.

Yes, he fails at everything and then has an epiphany in a magical room. The logic for the character development is missing.

if you hate anime you should get to liking it or leave. Veeky Forums is first and foremost a website for anime lovers.

character development isn't a requirement for a story whatsoever.


Why would there be character development, when the lack of it is the entire point of the show, until the ephiphany?
It's literally different versions of the same year.

>these are watched under thirty series opinions.
And why is that user?

It's pandering really hard to the early-20-something demographic. Great editing, sort-of funny at points.

can this meme just go FUCKING DIE already. fuck you faggot. (you)

>yuasa is the kafka of anime in every single way
Name one.

if you like anime and dialogue then yeah i guess. its kinda of like monogatari without ecchi or action
also this:
