Which 5 philosophical books would you bring with you to a desert island

Which 5 philosophical books would you bring with you to a desert island

Complete Works of Plato
Complete Works of Aristotle
Kant's Three Critiques
Hegel's System of Science (Phenomenology of Spirit + Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences)
Heidegger's Being and Time

That's cheating.

1. Complete Corpus of Western Philosophy
2. Compete Corpus of Oriental Philosophy
3. Complete Corpus of Middle Eastern Philosophy
4. Complete Corpus of African Philosophy
5. Complete Corpus of Native American Philosophy

If I'm being stuck on an island, I might as well pick books that'll keep me sane. Does The Bible count?

Complete Works or Plato
Complete Works of Aristotle
Oxford Classics Discourses, Fragments, and Handbook - Epictetus
Marcus Aurelius' Meditations
The Bible (KJV)

>4. Complete Corpus of African Philosophy
what is that, some graffiti on a banana leaf?

>graffiti on a banana leaf

You do realise that Africans used to be Kings in Ancient Egypt with more advanced technology than any Europeans don't you?

GTFO of here with your nigger kings. We all know they were pretty much White.

>Ooga Booga detected.

If you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic you're probably too much of a brainlet to be on Veeky Forums

>perfect match for Veeky Forums then

I wouldn't bring any books

Perfect except Heidegger should be replaced with Wittgenstein

None, all i need is my mind so i can THINK

The great philosopher of language on an island with no one to talk to.

It's a meme you dip

I mean, Wittgenstein wrote about more things than language.

Just one, the unbound book of wisdom containing 78 pages that is the Tarot:

Éliphas Lévi "wrote that a prisoner with no books, but only the tarot and the knowledge of how to use it, could ‘acquire universal wisdom, and speak on any subject with unequalled knowledge and inexhaustible eloquence’."

I read the Tarot as a form of meditation. Is Levi worth checking out? He dissed my nigga Crowley.

Levi lived in the 19th century, he never met Crowley, who came along later. His work is a rather incomprehensible mish-mash of many things, but with some startling insights.
I just happened to like and to remember that particular image, appropriate for a thread on Desert Island books.

Ah I must have been thinking of someone else, whoever kicked Crowley out of The Golden Dawn. Anyway interesting fact: I smuggled my Tarot into jail once and it was taken from me because gambling was not allowed. Bad times.

You're probably thinking of Mathers or Waite.
I guess you missed your chance at testing out Levi's theory then, bummer.

Great lists guys.

>reading 5 books
>not using language

1. Wittgenstein thinks meaning is use.
1.1. What used to be the ordinary language of the authors is no longer ordinary.
1.1.1 Wittgenstein is not a hermeneuticist.
2. Books don't speak.

1. The secret
2. The ego and its own
3. The alchemist
4. Dianetics
5. The art of the deal

really big thick ones
they'd burn quite well if i needed to start a fire