You know how there are white nationalist authors, are there any nationalist authors from an asian perspective(korean...

you know how there are white nationalist authors, are there any nationalist authors from an asian perspective(korean, chinese or japanese)?
yukio mishima is the only one i can think of.

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Praise Lord Kek!

It's a strange question. What we consider "nationalism" in the West, they take for granted in the East. The idea that Japan should want to keep itself mostly ethnic Japanese is so blatantly obvious and accepted that it hardly even needs to be mentioned.

Japan funded research into their genetic origins. They pulled the funding and refused to publish when they started coming to the same conclusion.

plenty, remember it's not nationalism in the retarded broad races but nationalism in their ethnicity. There is no made-up solidarity or sweeping generalisation, their ethnicity is more about their world-view and culture than some hamfisted physical trait groupings.

I envy them. Though my white ancestors crossed an ocean to get here, a land already inhabited by other races, and then we forcibly brought a whole different race of people here. So America as we know it was never really ethnically pure, it was just less diverse than it is now. But Europeans should take note of the Japanese attitude, before it's too late.

America was in fact ethnically pure because slaves and Indians weren't citizens. Until the mid 1800s the only "diversity" America had consisted of Dutch and German minorities.

>America was in fact ethnically pure because slaves and Indians weren't citizens
The Earth is ethnically pure because only my race of people counts as human, everyone else doesn't count as human. Until everyone else is counted as human, the only "diversity" the Earth has consists of sub-populations within my ethnic group

human != citizen

You can visit a country and be considered human without being considered part of its citizenry. Free blacks, slaves, and Indians were essentially treated as permanent visitors, albeit with fewer rights than a European traveler.

We don't consider the American marines living in Okinawa to be Japanese citizens, even though they've had a rotating population there for decades.

There's an entire field of studies and theory about it in Japan.

>The idea that Japan should want to keep itself mostly ethnic Japanese is so blatantly obvious and accepted that it hardly even needs to be mentioned.
Would you consider that to be true even today?

are there any INDIAN nationalists?

Hajime Isayama, that I know of, if you count mangaka as authors.
Not , but 98% of their population is Japanese; its self-evident.

"Japan" "funded" research?
everyone who reads history seriously in Japan is aware that genetically the rulers (and probably half the genetic material of modern japanese) originated from a southern korean kingdom
they are also aware that most of their culture is chinese in origin
that doesn't mean that they are not of the opinion that in the intervening 1000 years, korea and china became shit
there is no connection here

For the Japanese it's the equivalent of the "Aryans," they think they're divinely superior to everyone for various reasons including the island having some sort of magical qualities.

>island having some sort of magical qualities
well, it does

Hey, they can survive not one, but two atomic bombs, maybe they are onto something.

If I counted mangaka as authors, a hack like Isayama certainly wouldn't be one of them.

>Yukio Mishima
I'm not sure how much he counts; he was pretty afflicted with whatever the illness is that makes the West sick.

Daily reminder that relativism and fascism are both insufficient responses to nihilism.

One of the Governors of Japan wrote a book along these lines. There is also a Buddhist in Burma who advocates along these lines. I'll post more details when I can.

Who do you suggest then?


The japanese are aryans you chuckle fuck, as are persians.

It does. It's also pretty obviously likely just from looking at a map.

Fun fact, ghandi was a nationalist.

He wanted nothing more than to drive the whites and blacks from india and reunite with pakistan to maintain the bloodlines.

Essentially no great man who ever achieved anything did so without the love of his people in his heart.

Manga, but Koji Kumeta. Go read/watch Joshiraku.

>insert meme about Sakura being in OP here

Thanks for these leads.

whoa... so THIS is the power of aryan beauty

Fun fact: No non-Japanese can be a part of the Shinto religion because it's strictly bound with the Japanese ethnicity. It's literally a race-based/racial religion.


Nationalism is a fucking spook

You are a fucking spook. Get out anti-nationalist.

So is the ego, which is the identification of an organism with its cognitive model of itself, the "I". If nationalism is an illusion, so are you.

