
That sounds pretty depressing and suprisingly accurate in describing my inner circle of family+friends. The guy also concludes it does little to treat individuals into therapy since they only spiral back into the cultural chaos sooner or later. I suppose this is when autocracy kicks in claiming to restore order.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hey OP how was your day at work?

I think I saw one of your shitposts this afternoon so I guess you have a somewhat comfy job?

This has been self-evident for quite some time to me. Even more horrifying is that the pace keeps accelerating. Things are going to shit on so many levels.

Thank you for the article, OP, sincerely.

I found this article to be a more eloquent and scholarly appraisal of the problems of modern consumerist culture very much in line with my own thoughts, especially the part about consumer anhedonia

>Consumption itself is a flawed motivational platform for a society. Repeated consummation of desire, without moderating constraints, only serves to habituate people and diminish the future satisfaction potential of what is consumed.

That precisely describes my own experiences with consuming media and profound boredom. "The Century of the Self" would make good companion watching.

Article is shit. People are depressed because of pollution and crap food. People are depressed because they have chemical imbalances. Other cultures don't see it as depression because they don't have any concept of not being depressed. In some primitive cultures everyone starts getting weepy at sundown because of the diurnal cycle. I can't believe how stupid the left and the right are about their own mental health.

t. Clinical therapist

>wahh, all my problems are capitalism's fault

Consumerism and capitalism aren't interchangeable concepts

>wahh, all my problems are consumerism's fault

>The society in which I live have no effects on my mental health

Most of the article talks about demoralization rather than actual depression.

There is ongoing disillusionment in our society as a whole. People are absorbing more and more fast paced stimuli constantly (twitter, snapchat etc.) and the platforms reward this activity along with egomania.

Before you would buy a car for a status symbol. Modern urban generations don't have similar need for cars (or the money) but they have smartphones. In the 90's you were a nerd if you spent all your time on a computer. Now it's popular to have a flagship smartphone which you use constantly.

There is a craving for nonstop bursts of information, even if it's just mindless scrolling or scoring $social_media_points. Not that Veeky Forums is that much better. It's just that now everyone has been absorbed, instead of just weird losers.

Won't ramble on, this is just one of the things among many I consider detrimental to modern mental well being.

>Three decades ago, the average age for the first onset of depression was 30. Today it is 14.

Dubious. That would mean statistically there would have to be depressed 6 year olds.

Lots of vague generalizations, no specific examples. Says nothing about what society used to be like before we all became demoralized, or what could change things.

Read the unabomber manifesto.

>implying you aren't just looking for a place to dump your responsibility

Before we all became demoralized we all believed in God, and received our psycho-spiritual grounding from religion.

The text does not talk about depression but demoralization, read it again c'mon

So how to change things? About before it did talk specifically: we believed in either god or ourselves, and that our actions had deeper meaning.


who /beautiful/ here?

>problems are contextual

Also Nietzsche hated capitalism and thought it bred the worst kind of humans with lowly values. Socialism as well for that matter. Every system that puts economy first is bound to select for less than lofty individuals.

This only works if everyone is unboard though sadly. You can't just individually meme yourself back into the benefits of religion without the greater community.

It's one of the saddest things seeing young lads trying to LARP themselves into trad catholicism only with their family, friends and sometimes even GF just giving them shit until they relapse into degeneracy and nihilism.