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Literature #98
This guy here is so incredibly right that when I understood what he was trying to say I almost started to cry
Nothing must disturb my undiluted Englishry — God Save The King! I am naturally a Nordic — a chalk-white...
Be Susan Sontag
ITT: Books that read like an anime
ITT: post top tier biographies and auto-biographies
Which book actually improved your life?
At what point in your life did you start "seriously" reading, and why?
What is the scariest book you've ever read?
Everyone says start with Greeks
Whats your opinion of Bolaño?
Carl Jung reading guide? Where to begin?
Why do you still eat animals?
Leftists hate this book because it acknowledges Africa's inferiority...
They say that the first sentence is the most important. It draws the reader in and sets the mood. With that in mind...
What are Veeky Forums's thoughts on nicholas carr's the shallows?
Stop using language
Which publishing houses put out the most aesthetically pleasing books? I mean not just in terms of covers, but font...
Just finished the communist manifesto for the first time
Learning to read in Japanese
Really makes you think
ITT: Authors who only get more correct as time goes on
What are some good lit forums that aren't swamped with
Post yfw the last book you read
Should I read the Bible or the Quran?
What exactly is it about Nietzsche that is so attractive to people who haven't read any other philosophy?
Which do you think is the better sentence?
Is there any philosophy more useless and baseless than postmodernsim?
Have they had an affect on your writing?
Light novels
Moby Dick
Did any good literature come from the Confederacy?
Stop reading incorrectly
ITT: We make our own pseud quotes
Is meditation a meme?
Have you ascended yet?
Really good analysis on the culture of protesting and activism, for those interested
Has literature ever got you laid user?
ITT: favorite Veeky Forums photos
I want to get into books and music that don't come recommended by 4can. what's my exit strategy?
I can't help but notice that there's a lot of hate for Jordan Peterson on /lit. Why is that...
What have you learned by browsing Veeky Forums, user?
ITT: We post our poetry, and rate each other. Give some criticism
Any book about violence...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
These are the Jung books I currently own...
Why do you read literature?
What did Solzhenitsyn mean by this?
Btfo philosophers
Slavoj Zizek vs Jonathan Bowden
Be cara
Why does Veeky Forums like the maximalists so much?
Best books on zen Buddhism?
You can look at it, but you can't see it; it has no color, no size
Does he actually believe the shit he says...
Why do people try to debate Chomsky?
Post a book
I am constantly with anxiety, can Veeky Forums recommend me a good book on the subject?
How do I fully unspook myself...
Just where the fuck am I supposed to get Deer and the Cauldron?
He didn't start with the romans
ITT: post what you're reading and get roasted
God exists; God lives within us. And we have resurrected him
They're talking about us Veeky Forums what do we do?
Hey Veeky Forums, recommend me something depressing. Something that'll give me pic related feels
What is the word for ideas competing with other ideas?
Tfw you started with the greeks
Is this the best contemporary philosophy of our generation currently alive?
To lash out at art is the bastion of the left
Jaime is good guy no really
Do you move your lips while reading or is it all in your head
What books can I read to help me better understand the absurd and disturbing political climate we find ourselves in...
Tfw I'm a backslided Christian who's considering converting to Buddhism
Does the subjective worldview destroy critical thinking...
What the FUCK was his problem?
Is religion for smart people or dumb people?
45 minutes on a single paragraph of Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil
I've always read fiction growing up, now i want to read for self improvement and knowledge...
My reading of Plato
Request books about being/becoming a (gamma male). I could not find a better term
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
Do you have to be a naive upper class white american to enjoy this book and ''broaden your mind''...
A few days ago someone here posted a link to some study that showed that ereading is worse than normal reading
Dude consciousness doesn't exist lmao it's just an illusion bro
How many here has schizophrenia? Does it affect your reading?
What are some good war novels?
Pleb encounters
Open my bookcase
How do you deal with people having a far greater IQ than yourself?
What are the funniest stories in the bible?
Which one is more difficult overall?
This man uses Veeky Forums for book recommendations. This is not a joke. He admitted it on his livestream...
Where to start with T.C. Boyle? What does Veeky Forums think of him?
Is the KJV Bible the true patrician's Bible?
What do you live for Veeky Forums?
Which story is the best and why is it Araby?
End notes instead of foot notes
How is it possible to be an atheist and not believe in free will? to defeat the cosmological argument...
So why aren't you reading the GREATEST American poet?
Veeky Forums confessions and pet peeves
I'm trying my goddamn best. Why do people like this book so much? Am I too dumb to understand it?
"Redpill" me on the Gulag Archipelago
Why aren't you reading futurist works right now, user?
What was Freud's fucking problem?
If I wanted to resist giving myself into a political ideology and becoming resentful as the world itself fails to meet...
Do you and your girlfriend share similar tastes in literature?
Describe the last sexual encounter you had (jacking it counts) in the voice of a famous author
Does no one see a problem with the publishing of a little girl's diary when she never consented to it and almost...
Who are some great australian writers? They can be pre or post independence
Humor = Tragedy + Distance
Ordered this bad boy
Have you ever jerked off to a book before? Hard mode: something that wasn't erotica
Just finished it. It was amazing
ITT: Veeky Forums pics that make you go hmmmmmm
The perfect book cover doesn't exi-
Why should you improve yourself by reading, working, and striving when you can just binge movies, vidya, and porn?
Is he wrong?
Write what is on your mind
I'll talk to anyone about anything
What went wrong. Where did she Go?
One hundred years of solitude
What are your least favorite words, Veeky Forums? Hopefully not because of definition, but because of sound or usage
Someone write my essay on this regarding marriage. I fucking hate this book
Do an impression of a writer, other's guess who its is
Isn't the Übermensch itself the mythologizing Nietzsche warns of pursuing?
Tfw fell for the hedonism meme
Is anyone here actually a writer...
Veeky Forums opinion about his books?
Writing Critique General
What are some books of epic high fantasy? Think ASOIAF, but better
Are there any books with stable, happy polyamorous relationships in them? I don't like romance...
Recent Purchases
Book Depository proxy
Is this book Capitalist propaganda?
E-reader general
Join us in an hour as Veeky Forums takes on /an/ int the Quarterfinals
What does Veeky Forums think about Terry Pratchett? Prolific writer but seemingly not as appreciated as King...
How do I do what he did?
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on Hunter S. Thompson?
Reading is degenerate
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Fashy Post-Modernism
Is there anything interesting from the Medieval period of Western philosophy to cover...
Stack, which one to start
Thoughts on this?
What should I do with meager talent?
What are some good books about fascism?
I'm looking for a life changing book. Any recommendations?
Vegetarianism & veganism
How would he have felt about the internet as it is today...
Try to read philosophical text
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on Charles Bukowski?
I'm 22 and having an identity crisis
Are there any fictional accounts of an all-out race war in literature?
Western vs Eastern
How about a bookshelf thread? Rate and recommend a book
Write about your job
How does one live authentically? What does it mean to live authentically?
Am I God?
I fell for the nihilism meme. How do I get out
I'm curious, where does Veeky Forums buy their books, and how much do you usually pay?
Honestly going to get this tattooed on my forearm
How do these three tomes stack up against each other? Best of each? Worst of each? Most ambitious of each...
Nick Land has (mostly) overcome his usual obfuscation on this one
Who's your favorite author?
Does Marxism mean anything today? Does it have meaning?
What is a good book on make sexuality? I want to learn what makes men tick
The truth
He's /our guy/ right?
If I start with the Greeks, who do I end with?
"The Sun's not yellow, it's chicken."
Trees in literature
Are there any good books that are straight up anti-politics, anti caring about politics...
What are your favorite books not on the lit 100? I love classics but I'd like some more personal stuff too...
What are your favorite works of literature published by the intellectual, writer, journalist...
Why is there something rather than nothing?
What is the dance?
Contemporary links between fascism and futurism
What did he mean by this?
Why do people like Debord?
Hey Veeky Forums
Anyone reccomend more fun campus or young artist novels...
Should I study History, Classics, or English?
Take Dan Brown
Are you reading this generation's philosophers yet?
Move out
Join us while Veeky Forums takes on /jp/ in one and a half hours
Guy Debord was right
As someone who has read Stirner and to some extent "bought into" it, why should I read Nietzsche...
If you had 6 months to train any 6 philosophers into the ultimate military team...
Who do I read to prepare myself for getting started with the Greeks?
What book deals with the collapse of white western degenerate civilization that isn't from 1930?
Your favourite philosopher
How late is "too late" to get into literature?
Veeky Forums view on Heidegger?
Hey lit, how do I write essays like a high IQ person?
How come most people are christians here?
What are you guys doing today
"just be weird!!"
Romans 10:13, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Say, "Father in Heaven...
Can I get some recommendations on French literature besides Camus...
Where is he today?
Any good books about chess? I fucking suck at it
You have 15 second before you forget everything you've ever known what are the two books you should read immediately...
Reading The Canterbury Tales while listening to this. It's pretty comfy desu
How do you take notes while reading?
Are Game of Thrones and its sequels really Reddit-tier SJW trash, or are they worth reading?
I got something in the mail from lulu Veeky Forums, what could it be?
Tfw identify strongly with Raskolnikov
What did this philosopher mean by this?
"Philosophy is an artform of what man does best: explain. Rhetorical mumbojumbo with, at least...
Jordan Peterson says the basis for truth is utility
I just found out I'm gay. What books should I read? Do we gays even read?
RIP Elliots book store in Toronto. This one hurts
Should evil men create art?
Applying to seminary, what books should I read?
Book of the new sun
Holy shit, y'all - I think I just had a Marshall McLuhan moment...
Love thy neighbor
Has Penguin given up?
I'm 37 pages into this after finally giving in and I like it so far but what the FUCK is this Wardine shit
Veeky Forums view on zen Buddhism?
New Rupi Kaur collection
"Psycho Politics" by Nick Land
Worth reading? Why or why not?
Feminist theory
You have 10 seconds to name a poem of his that isn't The Raven without googling
I'm taking my wife and her son book shopping later today, and she's letting me pick something out for myself...
Sibling gets high school english reading list in the mail
Whats the difference between a pseudo intellectual and a verified intellectual? Is the accreditation from a University...
Rupi Kaur = Indian
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Could Donald Trump be considered a philosopher?
What are some books with sexual tension between sister and sister?
So is this Mein Kampf for the Capitalist age?
Jesus of Nazareth
Did Chaucer browse Veeky Forums?
What feelings do you experience when you meet a girl who knows a lot more about books than you?
What can I expect from this?
Where do I start with Nietzsche? What order should I read his works in?
Who were the greatest thinkers of the 20th century?
New Tunnel thread. Old one was hilarious. Gass is a fucking hack
Hosianna Mantra
Literature memes?
Which book is perfect in your eyes, user? Not just something you enjoyed, but something that's a full 10/10 for you
Authors that are secretly White Nationalist
What are some of the most intellectually stimulating twitter accounts?
Why can't people like you accept there is not such a thing as a god that watches over us, do you think you're special...
This is fiction
Is it worth reading if you're an atheist?
I am a stupid man
Started with the Greeks like Veeky Forums told me
Just got to Germany. Staying in Bayreuth. Gonna go see what I can dig up at Stirners house...
Does qualia derive from the brain and cease existence upon death
Are there any philosophical stances, thinkers or books that supports the idea of omnicide or...
Should I learn Hebrew or Arabic?
Tfw internet and phones have collectively destroyed the western attention span and nobody sans an even smaller niche of...
What should I read next?
Is there a person who BTFO'd Christians harder than Nietzsche did? this okay Veeky Forums?
Why does Gen Z hate classic literature?
Been awhile since we had an r/books, jbp yt comments thread
Infinite Jest
I just dont give a fuck anymore
Who are the 4 greatest literary giants of all time
He will never finish writing the books
Do Analytical philosophers
Petersonfags btfo
Any "so bad it's good" books you know of? Excerpts would be appreciated
What are some worthwhile contemporary philosophers to read? I've been thinking of getting into Giorgio Agamben
This book made me an atheist
Outside on a hot and sunny day in London
I'm honestly scared to read modern philosophy, especially continental, because of what it might do to me...
What's up with all these Japanese literary giants killing themselves?
Why was the last thread on Christian esotericism deleted? Here is another one:
Anyone else so intelligent that they scare people? Are there any books/poems for this feel? Ever since I was little...
Oldfag Thread
You on this, boys? Opinions?
What are Veeky Forums's thoughts of Thomas Merton? His Christian work and his work in the east
The Man in the High Castle
Are the worth a read?
What are some books with sexual tension between a brother and sister?
Write what's on your mind
Shakespeare, actually
What is the greatest work in 20th century philosophy
Greentext your life, other anons will recommend you a book
Goo goo g'joob
The Divine Comedy is the greatest work of literature to ever exist. Prove me wrong
Watches videodrome once
What are some good critiques of antinatalism
Post age and last five books you read. Others will shit on your taste. I'll start
What was the most profound reading experience you had?
Weekly Reminder
WOAH... this is deep
Was he right? Is philosophy unnecessary in a world dominated by modern science and its offshoots...
Describe what your novel is about in 85 words or less
Alice in Wonderland Thread! :)
Read common philosophy for ten years
Your honest thoughts on Joshua Cohen?
Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and this moocow that was...
Please recommend anti-civilisation works
What did Ze think by Zhis?
What is it that makes Russian literature so good?
I don't need literature. Just don't need it. I can entertain myself. I can form ethical value systems myself...
The absolute state of our century
Dude all characters in myths are like... psychological states man and like it's all about conquering chaos bro
What does Peterson's ideal world look like?
Anyone starting to develop their own philosophy on things? what r you interested in
So... this is a thing
Do I have talent? Please be honest
Is an optimistic post-postmodernism possible?
Supreme-gentleman Kim fires missiles to your city
Just finished the part about the critics. I feel like I'm floating it was so good
There is no such thing as bad literature
What the fuck do I get for my mom's birthday...
I feel like Socrates was making a few too many assumptions about the soul here
How do I prevent myself from going so deep into reading philosophy/sociology/etc. that I lose touch with reality...
Achilles and Agamemnon
Post the cringiest books you unironically liked when you were young
While Veeky Forums bitches about jews/capitalism ruining their lives this guy is living it up in venice with his hot...
How come life is so objectively terrible
Christian Esotericism
Haiku thread
Is stirner a meme?
Finding Literary Agent for Weird Fiction
English Major = Critical Theory + SJW activism Major in American universities?
Shoots arab for NO reason
Mfw I remember my "I want to be an author" phase that I went through when I was thirteen
Is this a good way to open a story?
Society is the root cause to all human misery
Why do economists disregard Marxist economics?
Veeky Forums lyrics
Is this what Debord meant by "spectacle"?
Is Veeky Forums the pinnacle of human civilization?
Font Showdown
What are some good books to read after smoking a couple of bowls of dank ass weed?
The most profound thing I ever witnessed was a dream I had where all the water on earth turned to jelly...
You hype?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Nihilism is the ultimate philosophical doctrine for teenagers. It's juvenile and shallow...
Why are film novelizations a thing?
How would you prove to me that you exist, anons?
Veeky Forums humour thread
Is this a great poem?
Milk & Honey was decent. I'm looking forward to the Sun and Her Flowers
How do I live a virtuous life?
What was his end game?
Read L’Étranger
Name a more iconic duo. I'll wait
How much reading a day do you do?
Are there books or philosophies about being heartless, emotionless or just letting go of all emotions?
Is it good
I want to sort myself out more Veeky Forums
Why do people have an issue with books that are just fun?
What are some good books on torture?
I think one of the most striking things about this guy's essay was all the people claiming it was immaturely written...
"Okay user, you are desperate to enjoy poetry. Oh, what is this? Milk and Honey...
Sentences or phrases you can get away with in Literature but not in speech
Life is pain
Name five books in your to-read stack
Translation thread
Books you would wipe off the face of the earth
Can we talk about this?
What does stoicism offer?
ITT: The best NYRB Classics
I saw a girl riding the train today. She was reading 1984
Can we get an update on those 2 Greeks images that float around in every Greek thread...
Can I sue a literary agency for mocking my work?
Tfw Newton's 3rd law of thermodynamics means that all suns...
The Bell Jar
Is Nietzsche actually worth reading?
Reading fiction is childish and immature
Describe Veeky Forums with a quote
What's a good book to help me cope with my complete and utter mediocrity?
Redpill me on this man
Is inherent vice a good entry book? Almost halfway through the book I find it boring and pointless...
See everyone shit talking the tunnel by Gass
Objective morality
Does pic related gets harder later?
I wrote a poem in order to win a girl back. Is this a terrible idea...
/v/ here. Is Keira Metz also the best girl in the books?
You gotta train your brain
Book of the new sun
Let's write something one word at a time
Is this good?
What book or author made you start reading books more often
Im at a used bookstore recommend me a sci-fi or fantasy series or author
Childhood is idolizing Hemingway
Remember when
How pages do you read a day Veeky Forums?
Who is the better writer: Nabokov or Borges?
/I posted a PDF of a book so this is technically a lit friendly thread/
What is the Rick and Morty of literature?
Don't rate; appreciate. Patrician coming through
Which is your favorite Veeky Forums-country and which would you choose if you where determined to read literature from...
(1) We define God as something than which nothing greater can be thought
Are journalists failed writers?
We did it boys
Do you buy books?
I either lose page numbers/Table of contents, or it's formatted shit...
Is it socially acceptable to use an ereader in public?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Where do I go from Dorian Gray?
Why do you write?
Hey Veeky Forums
Read a chapter of a philosophy text
I like my men ordinary and my gulags archipelagoed
Wallace can't wri-
I fundamentally mistrust all history books. It is an irrational paranoia...
How much philosophy would you expect a philosophy major to know?
Hasn’t history proven that Marx’s vision of an egalitarian utopia is unattainable...
Reading and immersing myself in literature--reading and writing--has turned me into an introvert. What gives...
What are the funniest books in the canon?
Have I made it?
Is there a website with a list of allusions and a glossary for the neologisms?
What's the secret to writing good comedy?
How do I get into a good university?
So, what did we think of this?
What are some good books on metanarratives?
Oh hey guys
Is this country ever going to contribute significantly to literature?
Has anyone read it? Even one person? Not even one? No one? Well, then has anyone read any Schmidt at all...
Greentext the plot for your novel
Why didnt it get published
What books should I read in order to pick up cute hipster chicks?
With so many movie soundtracks being unconscious hackjobs and rearrangements of modernist "sound poem" music...
What are some good WW1 novels?
Don't purchase any of GRRM's upcoming books
Can I get some weird fiction recommendations?
What is a good book on female sexuality? I want to learn what makes ladies tick
How does one go about writing a female character in my novel so that I'm not called sexist...
Why do most writers fall off once they reach their older age...
Now that the dust have settled
Starting with the Sumerians
Post a book
How do i improve my attention span, Veeky Forums? i always drop a book after reading 50 or some pages
What did this writer mean by this?
Women can't wri-
Finish reading a Metaphysics introduction book
*Contributes nothing to the western canon*
Henry Kissinger books changed my life anons. I fucking love the dude
Scared of reading
Why do women read?
What is your thoughts on Borges?
Books that contain high brow humour?
God doesn't exi-
Why didn't Satan just apologize to God?
Philosophy is value-judgments, not truth-judgments; the Enlightenment was wrong
Title of the book has punctuation marks
Hi Veeky Forums, what do you think of my non-fiction collection? What else would you recommend?
Why don't modern Christians follow the OT? I believe the standard answer is that Jesus came to reinterpret it...
How come Ayn Rand is always shit on for having zero subtlety and making her enemies look like poorly written strawmen...
If you could only save 3 books for the future generations to read what would they be?
I'm extremely self-conscious and care about what other people think of me. Books to get over this?
Not reading business books
What does Veeky Forums think of Steven Pinker...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Why do undergrads think they understand a subject that JP has dedicated 25 years to?
Yeah, it's called incest I'm done. I'm just fucking done. This book is so hard to read...
What's your excuse?
Communism promised to be both morally and economically superior to capitalism...
What is Nick Land's opinion on the JQ?
Did nothing all day yesterday
How do I stop myself from laying down like a quadriplegic when reading? I want to read while sitting
Is My Twisted World worth a read?
Reading Nietzsche will change your fucking life and reprogram your brain
Where to start with this faggot?
Was tolkien a racist?
What are some Veeky Forums approved manga?
Went to the university 2min from my house, in the program I was considering but was like meh and skipped
Why do people seem to "grow out" of atheism...
A frolic of his of his own
/ñ/ - Hilo general en Español - Contemporary Veeky Forums edition
I'm not studying philosophy. Is there anything I should read before I tackle this book...
Write whats on your mind
Join us while Veeky Forums takes on /mu/ in an hour and a half
Hey Veeky Forums, I'm updating my reading list. Which books are must reads, in your opinion?
Tfw you finally realize that God is nothing but a subconscious hierarchy of morals imposed upon us by society
No longer human
Yukio Mishima
Ever since I've gotten into philosophy and literature, I feel like I have been slowly going insane...
Hermeneutics of post ironic racism
What did Taleb mean by this?
Was casually talking about freud to my mom last month and she acted like it was weird...
I have never understood what is the appeal of poetry. To me, it is just pretentious prose...
Anyone else listen to music while they read?
What's the consensus on Bukowski?
Wordpress or Blogspot?
Digital library of over 4,000 ebooks
Stack Thread
Why is this fuck so arrogant...
Why does Stephen King write about Man-Boy couples so much (especially in the 70s and 80s)?
I finally understand greek homosexuality
Be part of a guild with the sole purpose of torturing people
Has anyone here tried starting with the Aztecs?
Favorite book
Where do I start with Dostoevsky ?
Describe "time" in a sentence
Time has come! you have three choose wisely
Books you enjoyed in middle school and high school thread?
Roast me Veeky Forums
I went from putting girls on a pedestal to thinking they're worthless whores (especially because they have low loyalty...
Remember when Wikipedia had a "Cultural Marxism" article, but then in 2014 the Wikipedia mods buried it?
Serious question: I don't know how to use punctuation marks properly, etc...
All memes aside, was Nietzsche a little bit stupid?
The new harry potter book
Latin thread
What's the most Veeky Forums game?
*drops pen*
Any good modern (post 1940) British lit?
What is it about Russia that inspires such incredible writers? Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Solzhenitsyn, Nabokov...
We did it, Veeky Forums
What do you think of "The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey?
What's the best drug to take for better reading?
So Microsoft is now requiring its users to pay about 80$ a year to use Word, which is ridiculous
Is there any literary way to say "flip the bird"...
I can't read anymore
They aren't even trying to hide it
Chart thread
Christian Lit
For a large class of cases of the employment of the word "meaning" - though not for all - this word can be explained in...
Hi Veeky Forums, dumb highschool dropout hikiNEET /v/irgin /a/non here...
No poetry thread?
Write what's on your mind
Why do they kill so many people for basically no reason?
Why did all of his stories take place in Europe instead of the United States?
Why has the quality of contemporary literature been so stagnant? What went wrong? What will improve it?
How many of you fuckers are actually trying to write a novel?
Reading at the bar
What are the best discworld books?
This is my first post on Veeky Forums...
What are some novels that deal with paranoia or have paranoid main characters?
How would you describe Randian Objectivism?
If you could bring only one book to an empty island, what would it be?
Please recommend edgy thinkers that are actually good
I am depressed. nothing makes me happy or interested...
I realize he's falling fast in the estimation of the Establishment Left...
What's the best site for learning french? I don't mean duolingo and shit, just site where there are examples...
Feynman Lectures - could i understand them as a physics layman (only some basics of chemistry)?
J is the title that scholars ascribe to the nameless writer they believe is responsible for the text...
Tfw you started with the greeks and your brain is getting enriched as fuck
What did Nick Land mean by this?
Birth is not a beginning; death is not an end...
How do I into nihilism?
Tfw finished another chapter
/crit/ - Writing Critique General
The UK political correctness mob.Britain perfectedthe scholar with “f*** you money”, but today’s typical U.K...
What are the best books about rabbits?
Why aren't you reading the best contemporary philosophy yet?
Ok, so how do i read this thing so that I'm actually getting stuff out of it and not wasting my time...
I want to dive more into libertarian literature, what book should i read ?
User, why did you fell for the analytical meme? My book isn't even that hard
African Philosophy
Which forms of self-medication are the most beneficial and detrimental to the literary life?
What is the word for when you purposefully bastardize a word?
Definitive Veeky Forums top 100. Why haven't you read everything on here yet?
Veeky Forums takes on /n/ in two and one-half hours...
Heroic texts
Whats the best non fiction book youve ever read?
ITT:Recently Published Non-Fiction you are reading
Deadlifts and God
Is this any good...
How long did it take you guys to read Les Miserables?
Is this a fucking joke?
Forgotten philosophers
/stack/ thread
How can prose even compete?
What would a left neoreactionary read?
Learning language through book reading
Found erotica on my girlfriend's kindle
Last read book
I'm escaping my cave tomorrow and going to a small local bookstore for the first time. any advice?
Post stuff you wrote in your adolescence
How to BOMB the U.S. Gov't
"unnamed colour"
What is a good reading list for a beginner ?
Do french write obscurely on purpose, so as to hide their cluelessness?
Norms losing it
Can we settle the score on this edition of Gravity's Rainbow once and for all...
Neg my shelfs
Proclus' triad of goodness, wisdom, and beauty:
Justifying Suicide
What do you think of classic novels getting light novel/manga treatment?
Is Metamorphosis a fundamentally marxist text?
What are some books that are essential reading for weeaboos?
What's essential dog literature? Can anyone provide a chart?
Nick land interests me
Write something profound
Language Learning Charts
What are some books where the main character is decidedly the villain...
What's the point of even writing anymore? Literature is no longer significant. No, you will not be a Tolstoy, a Joyce...
What are some red flags, pitfalls, or immediate indicators that a story is going to be shit?
What's the most difficult book of all time?
Spanish or french?
Predicted the 2008 financial crisis
What are some good books on American history?
The first person narrative made the book a real disappointment. All that time he spent crafting this dark...
God almighty this is shit
Going to the library to lend a book by Vladimir Nabokov tomorrow. I have read Lolita and The Enchanter so far...
I dont "get" poetry
Novels about whores/hookers/prostitutes
This is Nick Land, say something nice about him
I want to write the most disgusting, transgressive and most fucked up novel to ever have come into existence...
Distasteful Criticism
Was it autism?
QTDDTOT - Questions that don't deserve their own thread
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
What literature captures what it means for a child to become a man?
Between The World and Me by TNC
What are some patriotic books that will add some red and white to my current blue feelings?
This is Hunter S. Thompson, say something nice about him
Long Sun
Browsing the book store
How does someone without a college education get into understanding philosophy?
Jung thread
Who was the overall better writer, Melville or Twain?
University/College Thread
Last, current, (firearm) and next
Is he right about E-books?
JK Rowling's return to Harry Potter makes her world's richest author in 2017
What are some books that will teach me to become an alpha man ad relinquish my beta ways?
Why are Jewish people so talented at writing Veeky Forums?
TFW want to study philosophy...
/ñ/ Hilo general de literatura en español
Have day off
Is suicide morally wrong? If so, how and why?
Post a book
This is genuinely the most thrilling thing I've read all year
Is this a good list? Which books can I add to it?
What exactly is wrong with this translation?
How to manipulate others?
What are you thoughts on pic related? I don't read often and a female friend recommended this
Read Crime and Punishment
What did famous author Bret Easton Ellis mean by this?
Admit it
Is it worth it to read a translated version of this, Veeky Forums?
What are some good novels from the Oceania region...
Literature nourishes the human soul
What say you Veeky Forums? Do you agree? I especially agree with the poetry...
I was scrolling down my facebook (yeah, I'm pondering to delete it) and I got stumbled to this post:
Writing Skills
Sorting your reading list
Who is a poet that writes in the same ecstatic way as nietzsche/stirner and will get me all pumped up
Poetry/lyric metaphors that you never understood. OP starts
Start reading Crime and Punishment
Isn't it sad how a smart yet unremarkable guy like Peterson can come along and BTFO both the radical left and radical...
Have I been meme'd? This guy writes dogshit dialogue and is worse at dialects than HOL UP posters...
What does Veeky Forums think of Kantbot and his body of work?
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Brékkek Kékkek Kékkek Kékkek! Kóax Kóax Kóax! Ualu Ualu Ualu! Quaouauh!
What are some good books for that will help me understand economics and finace so I can become a wall street trader...
Nick Land is promoting Joe Rogan videos again
Do you subvocalize while reading?
Where do I start?
What are some book characters you want to be like
Veeky Forums meta thread
Any good books about alcoholics?
So, is that it for Europe?
Write what's on your mind
God tier pen
Top 100
Is it me, or the feminist movement just died in his third wave? Could you anons kindly suggest good fem books...
He fell for the KJV meme
Dear Memerson retards
Who else reading the Bible here? I'm currently getting through the Old Testament...
So the power of the female reader
How am I supposed to woo women using literature?
Look up any famous thinker from 150-300 years ago
How is the Frankfurter School different from other Marxist and Liberal schools of thought?
"Philosophy is just opinions and food for thought...
"SPQR by Mary Beard is a fantastic introduction to Rome."
Modernity causes a man to only act on his impulses and not toward a greater cause for the betterment of his people like...
Is The Idiot better than Crime and Punishment?
So what is your number?
Writing is for the reader, not the author
Tfw when you read 6 hours of philosophy a day and the hole inside you still isn't going away
Thoughts about the Cyberpunk subgenre?
Bob: i can i i everything else
/HPG/: Harry Potter General
Did intellectualism peak in the early 20th century? We had Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Sartre, Freud, Jung etc...
Just applied for law school, Veeky Forums. Any essential legal core / philosophy book recs?
Chart Thread
Paradise Lost Reading Group
Post those story ideas, they aren't going anywhere and you know it
What are some books about losing control of your life
It was so good i couldn't put it down
Give me some good self-help books that weren't written by shills
Was he african?
"Late Feminism" on Jacobite
He purchases his books through Amazon
There is no point to philosophy because it cannot be quantifiably proven...
What is the funniest thing you've ever read?
Itt: books that made you cry
If i bought us a warehouse in a mid sized us city...
Will he every make a comeback?
So I see this posted here every once and awhile and people consistently say Chomsky shouldn't be on the list...
How do we save them
/mu/ here how the do i get into the habit of wanting to read everyday...
10 years from now, no one is going to care how quickly the books came out
Used Books
What is a good short story collection in the same vein as Kafka?
I can't overcome a past relationship
Should reading be treated as work?
Apologies if this is off topic but I believe this kind of thread will do better on Veeky Forums than /tv/
Describe 'love' in one sentence
"Hey, user, what's up? Have you ever read this book called 'Things Fall Apart'? I think you'd really like it!"
Write me a thought-provoking one sentence story
This is the author of Moby Dick. It's his birthday today
How long will it be before there are AI authors writing beautiful and profound works of literature?
“You are ill, my dear fellow,” he said firmly. “Perhaps it is only physical, and if so...
Veeky Forums magazines
I'm a straight male that wants to write a novel about a gay main character...
Why aren't you a Situationist Veeky Forums?
Neal Stephenson
Handwriting bread
Self Help
Guilty Pleasure Thread
Hace par de meses puse aqui en Veeky Forums unas mierdas escritas por mí quizás demasiado largas...
Where to start with her?
Ernest Hemingway
Any good cute LGBT books/short stories?
What's the consensus on the old testament
Young Authors
No guys getting cucked is beneficial and totally makes you a good person trust me
Is this book legit or is it a hoax?
Evola Thread
Insane/weird/innovative/difficult books
You could be reading right now
Will reading this turn me into a schizophrenic?
Mfw I bought the meme cover
Life Changers
Why do people still think this garbage has any value?
Reading Nietzsche
What's the closest novel to the aesthetic of Report of the Week?
Poltard here what are the best books to learn and understand the leftist/communist worldview?
How do you go about getting children to love reading? What worked for you?
Looking for some decent horror that isn't pretentious or art-house horror
Endless /pol/ bait threads
Be literally me
Why do people who have never read the works of the Frankfurt School insist on commenting on them anyway?
You're an avid reader, what's your favourite book and why?
Blood Meridian
Who is the David Lunch of literature?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
"Wow user you Speak like a book"
Are all Canadian writers this shitty?
/Romanticism/ General
Favorite work of His and why?
There's a new DeLillo short story in the New Yorker called The Itch:
How long does it take to become literate in Russian?
Veeky Forums, please settle an argument
Start losing argument
Hey guys
Victor " The Madman" - Pelevin Books
Post a book
Religion and Spirituality
Books where the main character is a Chad?
Does anyone have any writing hacks. Give me some of your prose secrets, and tricks
Reading literature
What's your opinion on weed?
Will she be the next Zizek now that he is no longer with us?
Have I fucked myself up?
Obscure awesome books
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games