Is he right about E-books?

Are physical books superior?

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Yes they are and those who question are plebeans who should work the fields instead of reading.

Just arm yourselves with knowledge brothers

Even Ergo Proxy is better than this shit

>that dub

Absolute brainlet. Psycho Pass was an amazing sci-fi trip, every episode deals with themes and questions made famous by stories like Johnny Mnemonic or Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Of course that's not all, that whole scene in the OP is a Proust reference. The antagonist, Makishima is himself a giant nod to Nietzsche in his own dark humanist way. I deeply enjoyed it, it reminded me of one philosophy course I took where we read sci fi stories to explore philosophical ideas and questions, like the brain in the vat, or A Sound of Thunder. PP has considerably more depth than most animes and isn't even based on any source material like a manga, it's an original idea.

I implore you to calm down.

Kids raised on both e-books and physical books prefer physical books, they're better for memorisation, it's easier to take certain kinds of notes with them, they have an aesthetic quality, they are renewable and don't rely on rare earth metals that china has a monopoly on, they have less issues around DRM and such, 1 book costs less than 1 e-reader which is a huge advantage if you're mostly reading 1 book, they allow high resolution vivid color images without backlights.
At any price with an unlimited amount of storage, paper books are superior overall.

The advantages of e-readers, and just devices with screens generally, are obvious enough. Where they really excel is reading while travelling. The death of paper books is as much as a meme as the death of the paperless office because paper simply has too many fucking advantages. People overestimate how much people who look at screens all day at work, go home and relax in front of a screen, desire sitting in front of yet another screen.

Board games similarity had a bit of a comeback in part because of the advantages of physical with a lot of people that played video games picking them up, despite owning 100 board games being far more expensive and taking up far more space than owning 100 video games. Despite the existence of portable gaming systems and smartphone games you can play with friends that you meet. Despite the fact you can say, load up chess on a computer, and conveniently play it online for free, people go to a club, bring a chessboard they paid money for, and play against meatsacks. Similarly, I see people going to their library, picking up a book to read, often reading it IN the library, rather than simply downloading an ebook for free more conveniently. Fancy that, people acting so irrationally.

P.S. Jesus CHRIST that dub is ear gratingly fucking bad. It sounds like they recorded the lines one at a time. The VA should be shot.

>1 book costs less than 1 e-reader
in my country, in second-hand bookstores I can get literally 25~45 used books with the price of a cheap e-reader. not to mention you could always trade the books you don't want to keep, possibly raising that number even more

is she wearing tights UNDER thigh-high socks

I prefer physical books but my goddam library is huge already.

Last night I downloaded 50 ebooks that I can read on my laptop or have on my phone with me wherever I go. I read my choice of literature as I wait in line at the checkout.

relax. it was probably cold outside

you can get a lifetime's worth of books for free trough piracy. main reason i bought an e-reader.


Psycho-Pass wasnt even that good. Better than most anime that come out, but the character tropes were simply generic and the plot was very expected. Anime isn't supposed to be deep. Deep shit in anime sucks anyway.

E-readers advantage is pirating obscure books that would cost a lot to purchase

The story underlying psychopass was predictable and honestly kind of shallow in depth. It didn't have a very deeply engaging plot or very deeply developed characters.

My vote for an anime with Veeky Forums merit.


The Jew blood in me demands the cheapest course in life.

Really I thought the only thing psycho-pass had going for it was atmosphere, it actually had a fairly good one.

Psycho-pass was passable, but mediocre ultimately. It will be quickly forgotten.

Makishima was the only good thing about Psycho Pass. The series went to shit after he died.

it's basically the anime version of The Sea Wolf

E-book fags are the biggest plebs.

>implying you even understood it

>he character tropes were simply generic and the plot was very expected
I don't recall ever encountering a sociopathic Jesus figure before. Find me a link for that on tvtropes? It was pretty damn novel and asked real questions about morality and justice, which is more than most anime or even books can say.

And the plot? I invite you to describe it. I wonder if you faggots even realize that Makishima won in the end?

>I don't recall ever encountering a sociopathic Jesus figure before.

If we're using "Jesus figure" that loosely, pic related, and that series did it better.

How is Light a Jesus figure? He never had any intention of sacrificing himself, he was just a megalomaniac. The two are nothing alike, and he certainly doesn't resemble Makishima either. Did you get confused because they both kill people and are from an anime?

The term isn't being used loosely at all, you're just retarded.

It's not just price of books but rarity. E-books opens up a whole new way to get a ton of shit you'd normally never find or have to order for premium prices somewhere. If you're an ultra casual going all physical is fine but when you start getting specific interests and diving deep into things, wanting certain translations and so on, the price and availability plummets.

How is Makashima a jesus figure? Remotely? He's also a megalomaniac, but unlike Light, doesn't have worshippers. There is a truckload of people closer to a Jesus figure than Makashima.

The titular character from Akira is closer

Lelouch from Code Geass is closer if you consider the end of the second series the true ending.

Goku from Dragonball is closer

I think Tenma from Monster might be the absolute closest I've ever seen to a "Jesus Figure". Certainly moreso than a philosophising megalomaniac sadist like Makishima who is far far closer to Lucifer than Jesus.

He is nothing resembling a megalomaniac, hell, the scene in the OP here basically states this outright. No worshipers? The man inspired allies and followers throughout the show with sheer charisma. And in the end he literally and happily sacrifices himself to save and proselytize Kogami -- the essence of a Jesus figure. I was correct to assume you didn't even understand what you watched. I won't explain further, I'd say watch it again but clearly you're incapable of even the most surface appreciation of the media you consume.

Even genreshit is better than this childish garbage.

Makishima was the true hero of Psycho-Pass

100% percent superior because it gives you a break from being showered in technology and allows you to focus and relax your mind and delve into what you are reading.

Also some books layouts get completely fucked on e-Readers.

There's only one legirimate reason to choose physical over digital, and that is 'CAUSE I FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL.

But ebooks are comfy

Is it kino?

He prompted me to read Conrad's Heart of Darkness and other books.

>Read books because animu told you too

this is fine though

I refuse to believe this is real

this is written and dubbed by some Veeky Forums troll

Kill yourself, seriously. That show is dogshit on so many levels and you probably enjoyed it because of literary references and you probably enjoy Stephen King as well.

I didn't even watch the video but seriously when most books are $15+ for a physical book or $3-$10 for digital you have to be an idiot to buy the physical book.

>muh bookshelf
>muh book in my hand

Stop being such an autist. None of that matters at all.

Why even but anything digital when you can pirate it senpai?

If it didn't matter at all why are you telling you chipping in on it?

Because I read niche books that get small releases and no one ever uploads them. Not all of us read Infinite Meme.

Because i'm bound to get responses to that effect.

>buys digital
get a load of this tard

>Kougami is seen reading Heart of Darkness at one point
>he probably secretly thinks he's Makishima's Marlow


Watch the vid brainlet

Hahahahahah. You're funny pleb.

>that video
Motherfucker doesn't even explain why physical books are superior. He just says he likes them better basically.

Luckily I don't have to watch it lol since this guy just summed it all up as bs

I always do in order to better understand the animu.

ebooks are good for when i want to discreeting read while at work

>Brainlet needs to be spoon fed.
It's already an objective fact.

>tfw ywn play Call of Cthulhu with Gen Urobuchi, Nick Land, Hidetaka Miyazaki and Guillermo del Toro

This thread is shit
I just got my holidays and feel like watching some series, but all my friends recommend me Twin Peaks and I don't like David Lynch
What are some good animus or mangos that will at least make me think?


Kami no Iutoori

unironically Evangelion

I saw it, it wasn't bad, but kinda shallow desu
It's good if you follow the mecha genre deconstruction thing though

>It's good if you follow the mecha genre deconstruction thing though
Fuck off cuck, it's not a deconstruction, it's just a well made Lacanian show.

Inferno Cop + Space Patrol Luluco + Ninja Slayer
Hellsing Ultimate
Samurai Flamenco
Thunderbolt Fantasy
Giant Robo the Animation
Gurren Lagann
Serial Experiments Lain
Psycho Pass

You oughta find something you can like in there.

Screens on phones, televisions, and monitors are pretty bad for your brain. You are giving yourself ADHD by using these products. Toss your electronics into the recycling bin and live in the woods.

let's be realistic.


You don't need to read books either, they're summed up on wikipedia

But then I would have to read the Wikipedia summary. I just find anons to green text it for me.

>read a book I was curious about on my Kindle
>love it
>decide I would love to own it physically
>realize I'm not going to read it again in the immediate future and it would only be decoration

I find it profoundly uninteresting how now that a Psycho Pass has concluded and achieved veritable fame and recognition, is regarded as a good show, that is to say popular -- you can count on the more noble denizens of our Mongolian basket-weaving consortium to explain how acclaim and consensus are meaningless, that good is in fact shit. This in spite of the fact it was incredibly well received here during its airing, oddly enough right up until it found its way onto Netflix. Anyway, thanks for volunteering that. I know I'm impressed.

shoot me winona

Plot is full of holes, ideas and themes not properly explored, shallow character who all talk like the worst psueds of Veeky Forums.
Basic writing of plot structure, exposition, setting and exploring the world is all horrendously presented that anyone with just a bit of knowledge about critical theory would see, see for all its flaws and poor structure and misuse of the language of the local text. It's a good show if you're a brainlet who wants hear both equally dumb as well as shallow characters talk about philosophy for 30 second in between segments preceded by retarded exposition and followed up by bunch of rule of cool shit and with just sprinkle enough of literary references and intertextuality that don't really work in context because author pulled them from the book of 10,000 quotes that make me look smart. That's right, all the intertext there serves as a cyclical game of self congratulatory masturbation of self appointed intellectuals where the author and audiences are both the player and the judge. They want to each other feel good and that's it.
When I watched Akira, I learned about the zeitgeist of the Japan in 80s, the inner conflicts of one called Katsuhiro Otomo as he looked at the past and saw the history of the devastation, the present and saw the disconnect in the generations and proposed that the collectivism of the like minded individual is the foundation of the Japan's future and that that future would exist in a space that is not contemporary Japan, a true work of kyoko no jidai or the age of fiction.
When I look at the work of Mamoru Oshii I see the struggle of identity, of faith, of being whether it is in Cyberpunk setting of Ghost in The Shell or a parallel world of Jin-roh.
When I look at work of Hideaki Anno I see the pleas of a man that has trouble finding his symbolic state, the work representative of fukanosei no jidai or the age of impossibility.
When I see the works of Ryuutarou Nakamura and Hiroshi Hamasaki they show the logical extremes of posthumanism and a post human society.
You know what I learn from this travesty by Gen Urobuchi? Nothing of significance. I didn't come out of the show learning anything of value because it has nothing important to say, all I saw was an underlying cynicism of a decrepit industry and the people who operate there. You can neither experience the grander than life exploration of a dystopian society nor can you have the interpersonal and introspective drama of the inhabitants of that society because what they aimed to do was create an IP that could possibly go on forever while remaining in a status quo that is a fuck you to both the audience that want to watch the schlock and the intellectuals that want an everlasting experience. This is what this author is about, not the artistic expression that tell me about the Japan or the culture of anime or the author himself, just that if you are making the show successful you are contributing to keep the status quo.

>You know what I learn from this travesty by Gen Urobuchi?
>what they aimed to do was create an IP that could possibly go on forever while remaining in a status quo that is a fuck you to both the audience
You do realize Uro wasn't involved with the sequel, right?

Really you didn't substantiate a single criticism, just said it sucks over and over without once offering why in your poorly formatted tirade.

>Plot is full of holes
>ideas and themes not properly explored
Such as?
>shallow character
What makes who shallow?

If you want to elaborate on a single one of your 'critiques' I'll happily repudiate them.

Your opinions are great user!

Would you mind giving me some citations though? 'cause I can't recall where it was that I saw them before.

I am thinking about buying a kindle paperwhite at best buy for $120. And then learning how to pirate the books.
I never really read and I am thinking I should take it up as a hobby instead of browsing Veeky Forums and youtube vids in my free time.

What 5 books should I even start with first? Is buying this ereader a bad idea?

>You do realize Uro wasn't involved with the sequel, right?
Butcher is a soulless piece of shit and his name has become a brand and used as a marketing tool, you literally can not deny this.
I mean this is the same guy that wrote a pilot for a series or few episodes and handed off to people because studios asked for that to happen and his name was used as a marketing tool. Making Rebellion should've clarified this for everyone as well.

>>Plot is full of holes
>>ideas and themes not properly explored
>Such as?
Why isn't Sybil system more elaborate? People are more than happy to give up their freedom of the authoritarian state is the utopia, there should be no blind spots, no social construct unchecked. Everywhere there should be a Psycho Pass meter. In an earlier episode, the one with factory member being bullied, there isn't a good enough explanation for why Psycho Pass radar isn't installed there. Everywhere there are blindspots so the plot could happen. Also why isn't police alerted when people do not get their psycho reading checked regularly? If someone is avoiding the system itself, they must be up to shenanigans. It's either the system is thoroughly flawed or just doesn't give a fuck. If that's the case why doesn't anyone actually questions the authority of the system, the pros and the cons.
Sybil system itself is presented as a propaganda then an actual system. How is it a propaganda? Well because all you are told is life is the best under Sybil and rest of the world is in chaos. How did the fall of democracy happen if that's true? Why didn't other substitute take place of democracy? If they did, what is their story? If you're just going to say that only Sybil is the system that works anymore and not explain or show why, it's a propaganda in coherence with the in universe text as well as on metatexual level. Author wants to do either two things, first show that the system itself is bullshit and then the narrative should be of uprooting the system or it's a propaganda on metatexual level as well and author wants you to debate about the system on moral and philosophical level but since it's a propaganda on metatexual level, it's automatically lazy writing and author doesn't even have the subtleties to form a narrative that shows both pros and cons and then it's just garbage writing altogether.
The idea that we are willing to give up our agency for the promise of a utopia is an overexposed and overexplored one. But that's not even the idea of the narrative itself. Rather it's a shitty crime procedural where characters are dumb for the sake of plot but quote Plato and Nietzsche or other literary persons to seem smart but they are not smart enough to question the world they live in. It's like narrative wants you to explore these ideas yourself. It's like reading 1984 and and Winston Smith never questioned his reality ever and audience knew the logically extremizations of authoritative communist society make for an insufferable and uninhabitable society.
Cont. down below

>>shallow character
>What makes who shallow?
First of all they are just the archetypes of a boilerplate crime procedural. You have the morally uptight dude who never questions the legalities, then a guy who'll step out of boundaries to get shit done, the newbie who has not seen anything, the wise old guy everyone goes to for direction, the wild card guy, the ambiguous boss and the tech guy. Now using archetypes isn't the problem, if they remain archetypes throughout the narrative, that's just inoffensive mediocrity. What happens here is worse, they're misused to the extreme. The wild card character and the old guy are killed for shock factor in the most obvious and generic way possible, not only that but if you removed them from the story completely, there would be no change in the trajectory. They are that insignificant. That goes for all the side character btw, none are properly used, they have no arc and they have no impact on the story. The newbie however is used and in the worst way possible. She's there to listen to shitty plot and in universe mechanic exposition whenever it is needed. She's there to listen to arm chair philosophy whenever Urobutcher Googles up some quotes and their meanings and she's also there to become a henchman of the villain and helps move the plot forward and keep the status quo intact. Kogami I like even though a lot about him is underwritten.
Now the worst offender is Makishima. He's like the most blatant copy of V (V from Vendetta) I've ever seen. That's not essentially a bad thing but whole of his arc is copied from the graphic novel but Urobutcher, being the hack doesn't have the intellect to make it work. V in the novel suffered at the hand of authoritarian regime, his motivations for liberating people are genuine and he has a humanity about him. The theatrics about him make sense because the world needs something radically theatrical. His eccentric characterization adds to everything, the plot or fleshing out of his character. He is definitely a mouthpiece of Moore because Moore loves classic literature and himself is an anarchist but it never comes off as unnatural or immersion breaking. You are aware that you are listening to Moore when he talks but there's so much going on with V that you forget. Makishima on the other hand is just some guy who is bored psychopath who read too much literature and became an edgelord. No humanity about him whatsoever, no characterization besides "lol listen to this quote" and gets masses killed without a shred of empathy. He's that way because Urobutcher is an edgelord and a hack without least bit of talent. Because Urobutcher never actually did anything worthwhile. The anarchism in V for Vendetta works because Moore believes but also practices the ideology. It doesn't work in Psycho Pass because it's a borrowed philosophy for Urobutcher and the narrative, just like everything else is borrowed in this narrative and nothing original whatsoever.

Back to /a/ retard, people who browse this board are capable of forming a coherent thought, as alien as that idea might sound to you. How does it go? Lurk for 2 years and read all the books in pic related before posting.

is anyone here to respond to me, hello, please.

you cannot buy a book digitally, it´s impossible by definition of what a book is

well hello fellow kraut-chaner

the post right above yours has a pic with recommendations, also use b-ok and libgen for pirating books

But the e reader, no problem with that. Make sure it can support apps from outside source as well. For example if you wanted to diversify and wanted to read graphic novels or manga, you should be able to do that.
As for 5 books, well I don't know your preference, what do you like?

My absolute favorite. The first time i see one that also likes it.

Absolutely right
e-book fags are almost as bad as phoneposters

>hmm i might start going digital
>98% of all the 1 star Amazon reviews for any book are fucking kindle buyers complaining about the shit e-book quality
no thanks
also most paperbacks are definitely not $15+ and even if they were, you're doing something wrong if you can't afford to buy, what, 3 books a month at that price. that should be 3 hours of your entire months pay if you work at McDonalds.

god damn plebs

thinks I like about having an e-reader
>lots of free books
>easy to take with you everywhere
>backlight, comfy reading in bed and without disturbing other people
>read multiple books at the same time
things I don't like
>difficult to find many books in Dutch, so now I read almost exclusively English
>lots of books are scanned and OCR'ed and are full of typical OCR errors
>typography and layout is almost never as good as with paper books

also use, they have loads of books if you use the search function

Can't find a stupid questions thread, i've been looking for a year for a book and i can't find it anywhere.
I've tried, #bookz, torrent sites, tor browser.

The book i'm looking for is called Our Dumb Century by The Onion, author Scott Dikkers

I'm not from america and the book is not in libraries in my country.

I know for sure some user must have this book after searching the archive.

If any user present here has it, can you please scan it, upload it?

>There actually exists someone who wrote this stiff dialogue and thought namedropping Orwell and Gibson and Philip K. Dick was a good idea

>I suppose you could say I'm a man of the people.
>This city is like a parody of the sort of novels I used to read when I was younger.
>What kind? Like a William Gibson book?\
>More like Philip K. Dick
>Not as controlling as the societies George Orwell depicted in his work...

>The original with subtitles is just as bad, pretty much the same
>There is no one in this thread calling this out and, perhaps the worst: there are a shitload of people who watch anime.

Kill me bros.

>>There is no one in this thread calling this out and, perhaps the worst: there are a shitload of people who watch anime.
Because the thread is not about whether or not the books mentioned in the anime are good books.

It's their version of showing that characters having entry level literary knowledge = they are smart.
>perhaps the worst: there are a shitload of people who watch anime.
Nothing wrong with that if you watch it ironically.

I have created a book request on for
Our Dumb Century

>Philip K. Dick, huh? Never read him.

no ebooks are just fine. If i liked the book i buy it, if not i just delete it. I read on my phone and i have bright blue background while reading which prevents me from getting tired.

>being an ironic weeb

maybe its a lot less cringey to japanese people. imagine all the fedora tipping references westerners make to japanese culture.

Physical books are a meme

>Read 6
>Schoolread 2
>Moive only 2
Eat it sucker.

I wish more anime did the 2-3 episode arc structure, it allowed them to flesh things up properly.

Rebellion was the only good thing about Meguka what are you talking about.

>Read 6

Arigato sempai.