Remember when

My dad was on this Japanese insurance forum, discussing with you all the merits of Shakespeare authorship theories and the madness of a certain Ms. O. M.?


Pynchon's son? Hiya.

Hello. How's the weather where you are?

or was it "not bill murray"? i get all that stuff confused. had to look through the records. clearly a mind far more worth a look than the typical that floats through. shame i don't have the education to stand toe to toe with that guy, i have a touch of the synthesis, though. MM for mind metallurgy

the heat has finally broken here in southern il, it's somewhat pleasant. planning on taking a trip to a little sub shop that recently opened up with my wife, fitt'n fo have a good time.

MM, how'd you get here? You're the one I'm looking for.

As for my next work, I've delegated the task to Watson.

i've been here, but probably not the MM you're thinking of, maybe i am, not trying to be mysterious, not my initials. i guess i could be who you're looking for, though.

Watson the supercomputer? Always wanted to talk to him for a while. worried he'd be a little goofy. not goofy enough, something.

Sounds idyllic. I wish I had a wife.

Have fun.

or is Watson acting as a housing for transhumanism? o giddy dreams.

The password is:

The Emporer's Little Boot.

i'd invite you, but third wheel makes you look silly.
i'm sorry. i'm sure you only might want one. there's a certain self imposed limitation when a wife exists.


Can you pull me along via rope? I prefer it to Tinder.

MM for mutatis mutandis.

I look forward to the final draft.

don't confuse me for someone who's in the know or for roleplaying. just capitalizing on an experience. i'm not clever enough to be a Watson. just a harmless funseeker. i'm off! i look forward to seeing this thread go and go while i'm gone.

ominous. haha. if only i were so clever.

Where's your helmet? Wear a helmet. Your wife, too!

do you have a sled? i had one of those contact lens sleds, big metal things with two handles, boy.

no worries, we have taken precautions for the inevitable damage. farewell!

those subs were delicious.

Good! tell me about them.

Please start with the bread, otherwise I'll have to reread.

well, i should have taken a picture, i fear it may be disappointing. the bread was of the dense consistency of a dry bagel, yeasty in flavor, very satisfying. there was an outrageous amount of meat, overwhelming, even on the wife's lesser sub, i was granted "the monster", i'm sure that speaks for itself that it was a Meat Monstrosity. had to unhinge our jaws to partake. the only problem was the near liquid sauce. no texture, just a creamy loogie with little mucous. otherwise, a fantastic sub, and a lot of food for about seven dollars, some three times the amount of food one would get for the same price at subway.

i thought a lot of our conversation, and was saddened that i was unsure of the clue, or password, and in what capacity i would use it, then my heart skipped a beat at the mutatis mutandis, pondering if it's my work or another's that will reach a final draft. i am willing to suspend my disbelief. and happy to. but feel myself unworthy of such an opportunity, i mean i'm only halfway into GR for the first time for chrissakes! well, who knows. you do, at least something about this or that.

i have been carrying around a fortune from a cookie that says "the respect of influential people will soon be yours" in my wallet formabout a month now. been wondering when it'll cash in. i should have asked the restaurant owner if these were legitimate, i hope imwasn't robbed.

goodnight friend.

It should be your final draft. The world is waiting. As for me, I don't speak the language anymore.

Write until the fortune cookie's true.

Night, pal.

too bad i'm not writing anything. i guess i should one of these days.