Write me a thought-provoking one sentence story

Write me a thought-provoking one sentence story.

the redpil women are inferior

I'm sorry, there is no doctor.

There was a life for me

You know you don't know, don't you?

Donald J. Trump, the 45th and 47th President of the United States

And I fuckee the dead body.

Set before the judges were her inferior raisins, and my superior raisins, the only difference between them being that mine were raised with decaying daisies dotted about the soil-bed.

For sale: baby, never worn

The last man on Earth sits alone at a bar; there's a knock on the door.

The truth is -- no one knows what it means.

pistols-in-hands come out the loud cruiser like antlers.

46th will be who? and I doubt Trump will have the mental capacity to lead anything as the potential 47th, let alone has he got the capacity now.

Man's highly developed color sense is a biological luxury - inestimably precious to him as an intellectual and spiritual being, but unnecessary to his survival as an animal. - Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception

kill yourself for responding seriously reddit, and



For baby: worn shoes, sales - never.

for sale: a fucking dead baby you pussy

For sale: one (1) dead baby; use it how you like

You are what I am for I am what I think

For three months I dated a girl I met on tinder; then we went off to college.

Ayy! Thanks for understanding the reference and being cultured, user.

There was just one enemy remaining, two if you counted bugs

If Stavrogin believes, he does not think he believes; if he does not believe, he does not think he does not believe.

See the child.

Baby sale worn never for shoes

Bugs... easy on the carrots.


Women are for boys, and boys are for men.

First you learn to read, then you read to learn.

The only cat in the world that is capable of speaking is my best friend, but he only speaks Chinese and I'm not gonna learn a whole language just to talk to a goddamn cat.

For sale dead baby still warm

Would a hive mind ever be able to substantiate objective reality, based on subjective reality?

I farded than pooped

In searching to ascribe meaning to a series of events, he overlooked the possibility of brutal coincidence.

For sale: fresh dubs, never checked.

Did the man who invented college go to college?

Fuck me, I'm heaps hungry as tho, innit?

I was music
but he had his ears cut off

The best laugh i had in this week, thanks senpai

A woman was understood to be an adult human female until men started jerking off in dresses.

some feedback, user

this post would be better if it read

"I farded than poobed"

The sign up top read in red, "Sneed's Feed & Seed - formerly Chuck's", at that moment something had escaped me; "Chuck"?

In M--, an important city in Northern Italy, the widowed Lady of O--, a lady of excellent reputation and the mother of several well-bred children, let it be known through the newspapers that without her knowledge she had become expectant, that the father of the child to whom she would give birth should declare himself and that she, out of family considerations, was resolved to marry him.

Your doubt is media enforced emotional trauma.
You know, this situation could be seen as 'the rebellion of the lower classes against the bourgeoise' take three.

Of course, each is less potent than the last one. Perhaps killing off the better portion of mankind was not such a bright idea, after all? Perhaps the lower classes should have sucked it up and evolved rather than murder the upper classes? Well, at least the next iteration will be pathetic, perhaps it will be African in its quality.

Revolutions eat their children. No exceptions.

He couldn't tell what he'd been chewing on, but considering the circumstances, he felt obligated to swallow.

have you ever considered going to editor school to be an editor i think it would be a great career for you

Veni, vidi, vici.

Let me explain to you why my waifu is totally real.

"Bugs, lay off the carrots"

Remember to subscribe and hit that like button.

You shouldn't be surprised when tomorrow turns out worse.

Are you 14?