>did nothing all day yesterday >tried to read at the end of the day but felt like a worthless consumercuck reading himself stupid >do nothing all day today >decide to go through a few exercises on Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs >feel fulfilled and more confident in my IQ and better than the normies probably watching TV or having sex on a Sunday night at 10 pm >will forget what I've read just as much as any prose book except with valuable intuitions burned in to my brain
How can I avoid this feeling that reading is a consumercuck hobby? Does reading need to be paired with lots of writing (i.e., being a producerbull).
You're almost there. In addition to writing, it needs to be paired with meditation, housework, outdoorsmanship, thaumaturgy, and swordplay.
Charles Price
Try finding books you enjoy reading.
Juan Brooks
I view books as a source of entertainment, not pseudo intellectual fuel. But pseudointellectuals will kill me in my sleep if I don't read ten trillion big boring old books.
Brandon Bailey
Read better books.
Also, the more you bring into the books you read, the more you'll get out of them. The more you get out of them, the more worthwhile reading will seem as a hobby. If your approach to reading is just "Entertain me, author!", then besides putting in a little more effort than you would in other media, you're being effectively as passive as any other consumer.
While most/all arts allow a degree of activeness in their consumers, reading is one of the few that lets you be insanely active in terms of engaging in it -- e.g. you can annotate a book to hell and back: you can go so far as to buy two copies of a book just so that you can annotate one of them to your heart's desire. And that's just annotating: there's much more you can do.
Julian Reed
Why do you give a shit about pseudointellectuals? They will hate you no matter what you do. There are more books available to you than cheap genre fiction and THE CANON.
Have you ever read V.S. Naipaul? I've never seen him talked about here and he's fantastic. Try reading A House For Mr. Biswas or A Bend in the River.
Twenty Days of Turin and The Machine Stops were two other books I've never seen here that were fantastic.
Homo Zapiens (Generation P if you can read Russian) and Heart of a Dog were also great.
Elijah Turner
>there's much more you can do
Like what? I have a tough time annotating and taking notes in books because I'm stuck with the "the book is sacred" spook. That said, I've looked through other readers' notes and they're pretty contrived and worthless. Anyway, tell me more bc I'm interested.
Easton Perez
Yeah but adding to my previous post : The pseuds (99.999 % of lit and many more people) go apeshit if you question anything about famous books. You didn't think every single sentence in brothers Karamazov was a profound philosophical and psychological insight? Pleb!
And everything related to "literary interpretations" are just half assed bullshit extrapolations that can't be proved right or wrong. If this is "active reading" then no fucking wonder reading yourself stupid is a phrase.
Brandon Miller
SICP is for posers
Nolan Nelson
agreed, real patricians read Software Foundations
Andrew Flores
oh god you pseuds need to stop with these meme books, and they aren't even the memes people in industry actually read
Adrian Powell
>reading books to impress industry people
Eli Gomez
one of the interesting things about the popularization or "democratization" if you prefer, is that one discovers the world is filled with ridiculous people in basements
Ayden Gomez
Maybe it is because you view books as a source of entertainment that you consider reading a consumercuck hobby. I say listen to
Lincoln Carter
SICP is the said to be the satori enabler by the late /prog/ (Rest in Pieces)
Liam Mitchell
Unrelated but how do I find the will to continue living when I'm 25 and have absolutely nothing accomplished? No poetry, no prose, no music, no film I try to devote myself for the rest of my 20s to perfect will end up being worthwhile at this point. Any degree I try to get will put me at a greater disadvantage than the other 22 year olds just out of college.
Brody Gonzalez
you just have to start now, i guarantee there is some guy who doesn't speak english who just got off a boat and is going to learn english and do a stem degree and end up with a job at google or whatever
Leo Ramirez
>Any degree I try to get will put me at a greater disadvantage than the other 22 year olds just out of college.
it's always better to have a degree than no degree, no matter what the major, no matter what age
Carter Long
hey check it out, nathan damigo made the nytimes again, he got his associates in behavioral science in prison for armed robbery and now is doing a bachelors at a state college, if he can do it so can you my dude
>literal nigger tier felons are the same white nationalists that want to create those ideal, safe, all white communities that only white phenotypes such as his can make prosperous.
Jeremiah Morales
Reciting a book isn't intelligence. If you're talking to someone about anything related to the book, you will probably remember it. You can't access your memories randomly.