Why do people who have never read the works of the Frankfurt School insist on commenting on them anyway?

Why do people who have never read the works of the Frankfurt School insist on commenting on them anyway?

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because they're cultural marxists who want to destroy western culture

Take the red pill

It's much easier to make sweeping scary generalisations based on a few wikipedia pages than actually read Dialectic of Enlightenment

>daily reminder that in 'Dialectics of Enlightenment' Adorno and Horkheimer praised jazz as the ultimate form of music and denounced the value of all high modernism and compositions by classical composers, solely to raise the stock of blacks in the US which would enable them to start procreating with white women which would further the 'mass-brownification' (Adorno's term) of the white race
>daily reminder that in his One-Dimensional Man Jewish intellectual and Western subverter Herbert Marcuse elaborated a theory that tried to discredit the advances and progress of capitalism by proposing that capitalism in fact never did anything positive for humanity, but instead that all the cultural progress and achievements that have ever been made, was done by bolsheviks (even in Ancient Greece, Rome, and by the Egyptians)
>daily reminder that the Frankfurt Institute at Colombia University (after they moved to the US to tear down the social fabric of the US) were notoriously famous for their underground basement facilities which were closed to the public and which -- according to several reliable witnesses which have since been silenced by the liberal left -- served to infiltrate academia in the US by inviting unsuspecting and pro-capitalist professors down there and through KGB methods subverted them to bolshevik-feminism and degeneracy
>daily reminder that Eric Fromm, through his psychoanalytic theory which was supplemented by dialectics, tried to prove that in a socialist world there would be no such thing as car accidents, because there would be no paternal authority figure when everyone are 'equal'
>daily reminder that Jürgen Habermas -- through his theory about an 'ideal speech situation' -- tried to elaborate how white heterosexual men should never be allowed to participate in public discourse or the trading of ideas, because these people are -- to use his famous phrase -- 'inherently oppressive'.
>daily reminder that Max Horkheimer tried to use material dialectics to prove that pedophilia was merely a social construct and that it was incumbent on all elderly Jews to exploit children sexually and in fact was their moral duty to do so in the name of 'progressivism'
>daily reminder that in his 'Negative Dialectics' Adorno sough to prove that an object is never equal to its description from which concluded such outlandish things as 'the generally accepted bourgeois notions pertaining to so-called "evolution" are categorically false ... because Whites are never only Whites, and Blacks are never only Blacks which bears witness to an oppressive categorization imposed by Fascistic ideology to divide the proletariat' and '[if women can be said to have a vagina] does that stem from the normative use of language and its rigidity in opposition to dialectical change, and can a vagina in such a case even be said to exist?'

>Adorno and Horkheimer praised jazz as the ultimate form of music
m8 everyone knows that Teddy hated jazz

Just save time and ignore it like everyone else does and always has. I wouldn't be surprised if cultural Marxists were the ones "redpilling" just to be relevant.

Oh look it's just like when Glen Beck single handedly made all the sales of "The Coming Insurrection" by crying about how subversive it was. Cultural Marxism and all baby boomer shit is done.

thats the joke n*rd

It's actually a pretty good read

Hello JIDF. You guys have been busy in here tonight.

N-notice me jewpai!

You cucks are beyond sad (!)

>muh Culture Industry
Let's just not pay attention to the actual owners of said culture industry.

Why do people who have never read the works of Giovanni Gentile insist on commenting on fascism anyway?

Yeah Marxists are very eager to avoid pointing out how capitalists own things

Because fascists in history follow nothing of gentile.

source dat, schlomo

It's a parody of /pol/, moran

The relationship between "people who have never read the works of the Frankfurt School" and "the Frankfurt School" is not analogous to the relationship between "people who have never read the works of Giovanni Gentile" and "fascism". It would be analogous to the relationship between "people who have never read the works of Giovanni Gentile" and "Giovanni Gentile".

Jews... easy on the subversion.

We must stop the Kekistanis or our genocide won't come to fruition

reel reactionaries know the actual evil leftist boogeymen are Foucault, Althusser and the 68 generation in general. An encounter with these proto SJWs literally killed Adorno, who all in all was just a cranky old rebbe with chronic depression.

>For the summer semester Adorno planned a lecture course entitled "An Introduction to Dialectical Thinking," as well as a seminar on the dialectics of subject and object. But at the first lecture Adorno's attempt to open up the lecture and invite questions whenever they arose degenerated into a disruption from which he quickly fled: after a student wrote on the blackboard "If Adorno is left in peace, capitalism will never cease," three women students approached the lectern, bared their breasts and scattered flower petals over his head.[45] Yet Adorno continued to resist blanket condemnations of the protest movement which would have only strengthened the conservative thesis according to which political irrationalism was the result of Adorno's teaching. After further disruptions to his lectures, Adorno canceled the lectures for the rest of the seminar, continuing only with his philosophy seminar. In the summer of 1969, weary from these activities, Adorno returned once again to Zermatt, Switzerland, at the foot of Matterhorn to restore his strength. On August 6 he died of a heart attack.

Wikipedia more or less defends the Frankfurt school so far as to say that cultural Marxism isn't real


Read his Aesthetics and his DoE. He hated the common man and had destructive view on art. You are cherry picking.

Spirit of Hegel turning into material of Marx turning into culture of cultural marxists explains a lot of the acedemic and social phenomenons.

Jews just can't deal with getting called out.

Hegel wasn't Jewish tho?????????

>the common man
most cultured intellectuals partially hate plebs

critical theory is the most destructive evil social weapon ever implemented on a culture.


I agree OP, Wagner really is Satan.

No shit, he was an actual European philosopher and not a subversive semite.

Props to those who jumped on this thread. The Frankfurt School is one of the easiest redpills for whites who are still wrapping their heads around the jewish problem to understand, and the negative jewish influence represented by it is so stark and relatable to the rot of present day society that anyone who can't draw a clear line between it and the jewish hatred of whites is probably not worth saving anyway. Jewish postmodernism is a little more nuanced, but those threads should be prime targets as well. The jewish-led destruction of our culture is not an ambiguous issue; we have the facts to link them to all of these destructive ideas, it's merely an issue of high IQ whites having the intellectual tools and resources, and the moral green light to discuss these issue so we can add to the list.

I read Minima Moralia up to the part where he was complaining about shaving cream and leather chairs, decided he was a nothing but an uppity cuck kike and proceded to dump the rest of his work in the trash. In the end he didn't give a shit about communism, he was as bourgeois to the core, this can be seen by his impotent activity back in post war Germany. He was just a smug Pharisee looking for a cultural cudgel and found it in theoretical Marxism.

>we have the facts to link them

alright, let's hear 'em


You're going to have to be specific when asking for sources for jewish-led destruction of western culture.

OG reactionaries know that progress is embedded in civilization itself insofar as it exists to escape the tyranny of natural selection

Start with the Frankfurt School.

Mind, I want facts with traceable citations, not a shitty narrative.

Kevin MacDonald's chapter on the Frankfurt School in the Culture of Critique will answer your question with plenty of citations and no shitty narrative. You don't need me for that one.


>this person is real


Just give me an excerpt from the chapter and the citations page. This is my clean comp, I don't want torrented files on it.

What is this?

Not my responsibility or problem. Access/read it when you can.

Those are the posts from your IP from the past month, you stupid creep.

You're being very recalcitrant for someone trying to salvage your history, culture, and future through the education of your racial brethren.

No, they aren't.

If you really wanted answers you'd be more slick in your inquiries.

Yes. They are.

You're the one with all the answers. I'm the benighted fool that needs to be shown the way out of the cave. You are failing in your duty to your race.

Is The Culture Industry by Adorno still a good read for a redpilled white male? It seems like how the cultural Marxists revealed the game plan of how they would subvert society.

Except they're not. Most of those are not my posts.

You're jewish, a benighted fool and nothing less, but that's still not my problem. My concern is my own people.

I'm not Jewish. My father's family is from Bayern and my mother's parents are Quebeçoise. I'm whiter than your LARPing Hispanic goochtrail will ever be, cunt.

He was right about jazz desu

Bon soir, ami. Je ne suis votre ennemi. Now try to cease being an idiot.

>Parsifal isn't the greatest thing ever composed because Wagner was a jerk in real life
I understand that living as a Jew in the 1930s must have sucked, but come on.


why do people still think warosu is a thing?

Why is it not a thing?

Why can't these BOLSHEVIK-FEMINISTS just realize that REDPILLED men use LOGIC and REASON instead of EMOTION and FEELINGS in their arguments, and thus, are SUPERIOR in every way?

Because the problem is not the women themselves, it is the jews controlling them and telling them via culture what to think.

Please, please, just let this be one of the more subtle and persistent personas of shit-post Pessoa.

get out normie

You are the normie. Are you one of the retarded/jewish?


Why do people solely focus on Adorno and Horkheimer's critique of the culture industry and its consumerism when trying to defend the Frankfurt School? My guess is that you haven't read their works either. Well, I have and I have been so kind to point out where in said works these "right wing conspiracies" are found.
Pic related is excerpts from Horkheimer's critique and deconstruction of the family, a cornerstone of every stable society

Just to make it clear. Horkheimer attacks the "Authoritarianism" of the father, but in doing so attacks the establishment and order of society as a whole, since order starts in the family


Then the infamous "The Authoritarian Personality" co-authored by Adorno. It attacked all forms of authoritarianism in society and judged traits on the F-scale (F for Fascism, the more natural and instinctive, the more fascist, the more unnatural and rebellious the less fascist)

Let's take a look at the Dialectic of Enlightenment. Adorno and Horkheimer's critique of Anti-Semitism predates the coming hysteria about Racism. Tellingly, they never considered why there was Anti-Semitism in the first place, it was just an irrational, pathological reaction in the Gentile

Your cited passages does nothing to demonstrate advocation of the destruction of the family. He tells us that family is important, and family as a social construct is a primary producer of social relations, which he seems to take as good. The only thing he is critiquing is the role of women and how family could be different. The point he is making is that women who enter into producing familia relations should be women who are not doing it for economic means, or dependency.

A figure often left out when trying to dimiss the relation of Cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt School is Herbert Marcuse. Not for nothing was he called the Father of the New Left. From his (and Wilhelm Reich's) ideas sprang the 68 generation and the sexual revolution


where's page 63?

For Marcuse, society's minorities became the new working class.

Marcuse was especially supportive of Feminism as a movement of liberation

pt 2

The Gay liberation movement had been inspired by Marcuse as well

Marcuse wanted a total protest against the culture of the established society

You almost had me rustled. You didn't read Marcuse, all you did was read culture of critique and then go to google books and underline the cited passage. Everything you are underlining in those passes loses the interpretation mcdonald has given it when you read the surrounding text.

Ernst Bloch was very close to many of the prominent Frankfurt School members. For his part, he counts as a decisive influence on the 68 movement in Germany

Bloch saw in Rudi Dutschke as the person who could continue his ideas

None of what I posted from Marcuse comes from the Culture of Critique. From the Dialectic of Enlightenment yes, but I had read that chapter anyway

Marcuse coming close to defining what Cultural Marxism is

because they suck

What the passage actually stated:
>It's Marcuse sharing his impressions of various protest movements.
>He noticed how this specific student movement wanted a very specific conception of freedom of speech and expression, one that also anticipates how people today want a similar conception, that hinders some but facilitates others
>Marcuse then talks about how this protest movement wants a cultural revolution, not just an economic revolution which is what would make them maoist.

All macuse is doing in those passage was recognizing notion of cultural revolution, a whole change of everything, in a time when this notion was new and emergent in these student movements at the time.

these passages never said that marcuse supports or wants these things. it's him noticing how these are the things they want and if you are at all interested in cultural scholarship, this notion of a cultural revolution + a new conception of what freedom of speech meant was something that came from these student movements.

you are so bad at this.

Isn't that what this entire board is predicated upon? Commenting upon works without ever having read them?

>charles murray is a racist for pointing things out because he secretly wants things to be that way
>herbert marcuse is just pointing things out, it doesn't mean that he secretly wants things to be that way
Explain yourselves leftists.

Holy shit, you have no capacity to read passages honestly.

The first paragraph does come pretty fucking close to anticipating and explaining the rise of this new consciousness, notions of blob-like alliance. He basically anticipated what we see today from tumblr to even on pol.

The second paragraph even goes further to basically describe what happened in 2010s; Marcuse is anticipating shit, predicting from his insightst. He is saying that there was to arise this formation that came from civil rights and what not and after its rise (the so-called preconditions of socialism) the middle class 'achievements' in rights and wage protections would be canceled out and undone which would lead to a new populism, a new base. And this has happened in the 2016 elections: trump drew from a new base.

The fuck up thing is that the alt-right and those who jerk off to the JQ, what they are competing with other movements in our current times is their standing amongst the consciousness of this new base.

I don't get how brainlets can read Marcuse, especially the one I'm replying to, and not read what he actually wrote.

You need to read the passages and the conclusions of those passages, otherwise all you are doing is proving OP isn't being a faggot.

You're a fucking brainlet man.

True, but this involves part of the board who also larps alt-right.

>calling me an idiot for pointing out obvious cognitive dissonance in leftists
I'm not even the person you were replying to, and I generally agree that you can't lift any insidious motives from those passages. But the fact that you insulted my intelligence because I pointed out the behavior of leftists leaves me to believe that they all live in an ideological bubble and are not to be trusted.

Why do people who defend the frankfurt school always use the same picture as OP?

You're so up your ass. If you are going to acknowledge that the passages do NOT contain anything which can be considered to indicate an insidious motive, how could you entertain the 'obvious' cognitive dissonance when you agree with the leftist that there is no secret motive on marcuse and yet disagree with them on murray? All you are pointing out is that you simply disagree with them on murray while agreeing with them on marcuse.
Because its a good meme that goes to the crux of the very charges Mcdonald makes in his alt-right must readie.

Ins't the very nature of post modern thinking that facts don't even exist? No opinion or comment is more valuable than another.


why are there so many brainlets on this topic?

Except anti-semitism is objectively wrong and evil, of course ;^)

Reading is for fags. I get all my info from /pol/ infographs and SJWs #wrekt Twitter accounts.

>You're so up your ass. If you are going to acknowledge that the passages do NOT contain anything which can be considered to indicate an insidious motive, how could you entertain the 'obvious' cognitive dissonance when you agree with the leftist that there is no secret motive on marcuse and yet disagree with them on murray? All you are pointing out is that you simply disagree with them on murray while agreeing with them on marcuse.
You're calling other people brainlets and yet you're incapable of putting 2 and 2 together Kek. There's a reason why I hold those beliefs, you know, and disingenuously taking them as unlinked does nothing to solve the problem. Your insufferable behavior is only only dissuading me further. Perhaps that is why the cultural Marxism need

Riddle me this, since putting the contradiction any less bluntly seems to evade your notice: why is the same type of evidence used to discredit Murray happens to be the same type of evidence used to exonerate Marcuse? Either both are secret radicals or neither are.


that is why the narrative of cultural Marxism is so pervasive—either it's true for the wrong reasons, or you elitists are too brainwashed to explain yourselves properly without your eyes rolling out of your heads.

In my case I've read all Benjamin from the book on drama to the Arcades publication, Adorno's Minima and Aesthetic, and six or seven Brecht plays. I know this doesn't really qualify me to have an actual opinion, but sometimes when I feel certain posters know even less than I do, I can't help myself.

How long did it take before you realised that people on Veeky Forums are retarded and have never actually read what they talk about?

how long did it take you to realize that no other philosopher has adherents who complain about bullying.

Brecht is most definitely not considered part of the Frankfurt School.

There's some nuggets of truth to it. Marcuse certainly had a role to play in radicalising the 1960s student generation with far left ideas but other theorists like Adorno were just grumpy old men dissatisfied with the culture of consumption.