If I start with the Greeks, who do I end with?
If I start with the Greeks, who do I end with?
The Greeks, again
My diary desu
the cyborg neo-greeks
>not studying the Neo-Akkadians instead
mundus millennialis
>implying such thing exists
Me, my manifesto should be ready by then
Either Quantum Mechanics or Neuroscience.
Anything else and you cut it short.
best answer ITT desu.
if not to write, why start with the greeks?
though, now that i think on it, perhaps that is the biggest problem with Veeky Forums, it seems as though the ultimate view of people who frequent Veeky Forums are people who wish to write. perhaps that has been the main clash between much of Veeky Forums, an unspoken rule being broken by several, one of the memes is that no one reads on Veeky Forums.
another prevalent meme seems to be the critique thread. it's consistently one of the top 2 theme threads. the other being /sffg/. which brings up an excellent point. most at /sffg/ are pleasure readers, they try to legitimize it to a certain extent by making erudite references and occasional little quip, but still probably feel alienated by their various enemies (if you want to get them riled, you could easily just insult Gene Wolfe). back to the point, people seem to enjoy one of two central pursuits in this chan. i for one am a writer, i rarely read, honestly, when i do, i only seek to add to some prose, to some thought, to escape from monotony, whatever. that is why one studies literature often. to learn how to write and then go forward to do so.
it's one of the reasons there is so much repetition, not only in the sense of historical progression, but the inadvertent crossing of the same themes, because they hadn't read enough to ensure they were being creative. and ironically, that seems to be one of the easiest ways to lose your own voice, by reading too much of others. these guys either read a little, or read everything and memorize it all, and to use it to often a greater gain from the referential freedoms it brings.
then there are the readers. which i have tried to fool myself being. they seem to enjoy most everything they read, because that's what they enjoy. to live out a vast array of ideas, themes, lives, experiences. they don't read to write, to yell, they read to live, to enjoy. i'm not onna them. maybe i'm making a false dichotomy, but it feels real enough. people who seem to love reading just to do so don't ever seem to have the same goals in reading, the same goals in writing or critique.
it is essential to decide who you are, a reader or a writer. then it will be easy to choose what you'll read after you finish the greeks. because you'll know what you want to do with what you read.
MM. i've been thinking about MM since that thread. it's a fun alliteration to play with.
John Green
The ride never ends
That's the thing though. I COULD REALLY get this party riled up, if I wanted to. I just like watching you squirm after all these years.
you end by reading new books that come out in the current year and helping to decide what the greatest accomplishments of the 21st century are
I've just been listening to Emerson's series of essays. I've listened to Circles, Self-Reliance, Nature, Character, and Manners. I don't get this feeling often, but its a sure case of "where has this been all my life?" An incredibly dense concentration of refreshing wisdom.
I recommend his essays take a place in your reading journey somewhere.
the Romans
do tell, are you alluding to being a particularly important or interesting person due to your stature, or are you just saying you could talk some mad shit and piss people off? i'm hoping for the former.
Ulysses is literature's final boss. Prove me wrong.
If the only point of reading is for you yourself to write, what's the point of any of it? Who do you think you're writing for?
Ulysses is just a warm-up for Finnegans Wake.
>not starting and ending with the atlanteans
This is true. Literature has still not gone beyond that point. Everything for the past few decades has just been in the shadow of Joyce. Well below what he managed to bring literature to.
yourself. other people. depends on what your message is.
if you mean me myself as to why i read to write as a personal question, i guess i want to write to be able to get myself out of here, not to secure immortality in the sense that i'm keeping an edificial idea, but more along the lines that i want my ideas and thoughts to be created so well that they operate beyond myself, live, breathe, be reacted with and communicated with for long after i die, immortality that's actually worth something to some people.
sure, the fame would be nice, let's be honest.
i think it's something like the way that you felt the brothers karamazov keep going after you close the book. you could swear these people were alive, somehow, not necessarily living personal people, but wonderfully tossed puppets to be communicated with in some way.
i think the reason the cave paintings were incredibly compelling was because these were communications on a deeper and more meaningful level than some scratches or whatever arranged in a more specific language. what is painting but literature? an arrangement of compelling daubs of oil to tell something in some way to someone else. or to render a moment in time. both are consumed visually, both are not contingent on hearing in any way, both are used to portray a vast array of things, from squiggles that teach us the hunting prowess of grok, to gilgamesh doing whatever gilgamesh did because i've never read it. i guess that sort of referential convenience would help, like i said.
I'm saying I could drop some knowledge that yes, would piss a lot of people off. I could get specific too. I'm a dangerous person just for that reason alone.
oho, an information trader eh? so you don't release it just for the get out of jail free card?
I don't release it because it ain't free.
oho, so what's the price? someone to live up to your mustard or is it something that implies retaliation? you say it would piss a lot of people off, so is that Veeky Forums people, or the people involved? i bet it's not both.
i hope it's not payable with dirty fiat
Wouldn't you like to know.
sure would i reckon.
also, at least to know how much it costs, or does that also cost money? a fractal price point for information upon information, ah what a toil your life must be
The Americans
The Christians.
Aquinas. Everyone after was a mistake.
Even the whole interface makes you feel like its the end of philosophy (the end of something at least).
The Spooks
This, but unironically
Lol. Psychoanalysis is a bunch of quackery, but Neuroscience is even worse.
Agreed with quantum mechanics.