What should I read next?

What should I read next?

On Chyna!


I recommend also reading a Chomsky book if you haven't already, for an alternative perspective.

On China provides interesting anecdotes about Kissinger's role in the shuttle diplomacy between the US and China, but he is so obviously putting the best light on his own legacy that he can't be objective. Ironically, the most fascinating and worthwhile part of this book are the first few chapters, before Kissinger appears. Especially noteworthy is Kissinger's treatment of the British opening up diplomatic relations with Imperial China and the chaos that ensued.

Of course a lot of books by Kissinger which deal with Kissinger are pro-Kissinger as one would suspect. Makes since that the interesting bits would involve parts that Kissinger could look at through his particular lens.

but Chumpsky is a linguist who routinely embarrasses himself by speaking about things he knows nothing about and Kissinger is a Harvard educated expert on foreign policy who has dedicated his life to the field.

to pretend their opinions are equal is like respecting the opinions of anons here about classic lit

Reminder that Kissinger is alive.

How was that book user? Im thinking of reading some of Kissingers work myself

Behold a pale horse

Not like that is some rare knowledge you just dispensed there.

I'm not suggesting that you read him to agree with everything he says, but he is one if the best educated and most influential voices of criticism of American policy, which makes him worth understanding.


> he is one if the best educated and most influential voices of criticism of American policy, which makes him worth understanding.
You need to straighten yourself out there bucko. There are plenty of critiques of American policy from scholars of foreign policy and international relations.


OMG guys I read Hitchens and am such an intellectual!

Chumpski is anti-American to the point of absurdity, his books are less reasonable critique and more fuming propaganda and apologetics for shitholes the USA graced with the touch of its power

> chumpsky is everything wrong with modern intellectuals today.

read the dictators handbook next. explains the fundamentals of power politics/modern politics

Chomsky has the same issue as the people criticizing Trump. They offer no reasonable solutions.

>oh nooo Trump shouldn't threaten North Korea
uhhhhhhhhhh huhhhhhh he shouldnt threaten NK!

>implying they implied that
>mentioning an atheist triggers you this much

The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order by Samuel P. Huntington

>why bad behavior is almost always good politics
so does he endorse being a cunt or what, this subtitle makes him look like he should get the bullet when the revolution comes

user read World Order and Diplomacy. Kissinger has some dope shiet that will blown your mind.

>write some piece of shit about Kissinger
"muh war criminal", "muh buk is great"
-Sign, Hitchens.

Reasonable solution to what? What is the problem you want to solve?
If it's the possibility of NK nuking SK or USA then stop fucking with them - doing military exercises on their borders, flying airplanes near their aerial space, being cunts in general. That's all they've asked, they'll even stop testing nukes.
If it's the fact that NK is a dictatorship, well that's difficult and considering the fact that America is like Edward Scissorhands or King Midas in reverse - you're simply incapable of acting as decent human beings - it's better for the people of NK if you stay out of it because you'll genocide them like you did in the Korean War, wiping out 20% of the population. Remember Operation Iraqi "Freedom"? Can't wait for the North Korean version of ISIS, that'll be fun.
If you just want to show the world that you can invade countries and kill people whenever you want to then fuck it, invade.

Mein Kampf or My Drumpf