So... this is a thing

So... this is a thing.

When you get to level 80 you don't need armor at all I guess. Cool.

What am I looking at?

Does he have a fucking semi or something?

there is no way he can fight without caging that beast. maybe thats how he got that bitch ass scar.

The censor box makes it look bigger than it actually is

They wouldnt make the bar longer than it needs to be would they?

Who would do that? Just go on the internet and lie about fictional dick size.



Weren't the folks in Warlord of Mars naked too? Plus the heroic of nakedness of classicism.

>its not sexist cuz theres a dude
But the dudes physique is way more idealized than the woman's. I mean she doesn't even have baloon breasts

That's what the author keeps saying in preemptive response to feminazis who might read his work. The more times he says it, the more insecure he sounds.

What are you nerds complaining about now?


Inaccurate use of the black bar.

Then stop attacking him? Who gives a shit what some dude masturbates to.


Most dudes don't write pretentious novels about the things they masturbate to

Way to shill, you faggot

>Standard sword & sorcery but more explicit
In _what_ Universe?

This trope of the petite thinarmed archer really needs to die.

The author thinks his books will be more significant than they'll actually be.

>I came to realize the affect brain chemistry had on my nudist proclivities several years ago, when I mysteriously lost interest in sex. My doctor prescribed Cialis, because, as I suspect, he thought I was trying to boost my performance. What he had not understood was that my problem was entirely mental. I regarded the unclad female form to be the apex of beauty in the universe, but on that day in his office, women were pretty in the way you might call a flower pretty, or a rainbow, or a painting. A part of my brain had stopped working. When I looked at a girl who was, for lack of a better word, au natural, nothing was activating, and it scared me. Beyond just a lack of libido, I felt like I had aged about thirty years, like I was closer to sixty-five than thirty-five. At about the same time, I gave up on nudism. It isn’t as if my ideals had changed. I still believed in the basic right to be nude in public, and could find nothing offensive about the human body. But on a personal level, I just didn’t feel like it anymore. The longing to visit a beach or a resort, the desire to feel the wind and sun and water on my body, just wasn’t there. And the weird thing is, while I did not quite miss being naked, I did miss the wanting to be naked. Like sex, nudism had given me a great deal of joy, and now that part of me was missing. Months later, I had an MRI and was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor. The tumor was blocking production of testosterone, but thanks to a tiny round pill, the blockage shrank to almost nothing and I felt myself returning to normal. My libido shot back up, as did my enjoyment of nakedness

He sounds obsessed

I remember there was a really stupid chapter posted once where the woman in the picture managed to beat an armored knight, and then proceeded to condescend about how nudity is better than armor because there's less risk of wounds getting infected or some bullshit. I'd post a link to prove it, but the chapter seems to have vanished.