Veeky Forums, please settle an argument

Is it...

"They send an email to themself"
"They send an email to themselves"

if the "they" is a single person.

They send an emaille to they're own mail address.


>if the "they" is a single person.
it's neolanguage so you can just choose whatever will rustle more jimmies


he or she sends an email to his or herself

ding ding ding

Themselves as per Fowler's Dictionary of Modern English Usage.


Fucking prescriptionist

it doesn't matter as long as the message is gotted

Mufuckas be emailing theyself n shit

'Dey send a email to theyselfs', nigga.

Let's say I'm talking about a user of the email system -- the writer doesn't know if it's a he or a she and wants it to be generic.

Just assume that he is male. It is how things work.

It puts the email in the basket or else it gets the hose.

Use whatever pronouns match your own gender.

Like another user says, it's neolanguage and uncharted territory. Do whatever you want and the more you promote it the likelier it will become standard. I prefer themself if they is operating as a singular subject since -self/-selves are reflexive of the subject.

Singular they isn't "neolanguage" in the least and this particular question isn't "uncharted territory" either. Just don't answer the question if you have no idea what you're talking about.

Which sounds more correct: "Tell the next poster that they should kill themself" or "Tell the next poster that they should kill themselves"?

I think the answer should be obvious.

It's nonstandard English with no defined answer grammatically? How about that?

There is a defined answer in several usage dictionaries and it is to use "themselves".

>t. perscriptivist

In all honesty, second-person is probably ideal here.

"They sent an email to themselves."
If it's present tense then say, "they are sending an email to themselves."

Just use "she" you get a free pass