Outside on a hot and sunny day in London

>outside on a hot and sunny day in London
>seeing attractive girls everywhere, all of whom consider me a disgusting non Chad while picking among their 5000 tinder matches
>demoralised as fuck with life

Subhuman by day, subhuman by night. Life is one gigantic party if you're not a subhuman.

Being 26, having had no friends since 18 and no attention from women ever, I have wasted my youth, have no passions, feel besieged by propaganda everywhere telling me how to live and turning all my hobbies in to work (you can't read what you want, you have to read loads of boring classic books; and so on for everything else becoming a pissing contest).

Meanwhile the world's biggest party takes place in front of my face 24/7. It's just plain demoralising seeing attractive girls and knowing they consider me disgusting. School and university reveal people's true perceptions of you, freed from politeness, HR codes, and drudgery- I had no social life at all in university, no attention from women ever, and saw women only go for Chads. Now I have no hope of a worthwhile career because I'm not a normie clone with normie interests. At work I became the ugly loser loner beta autist that nobody talks to within two days.

Other urls found in this thread:


>problems are external

>you can't read what you want, you have to read loads of boring classic books; and so on for everything else becoming a pissing contest
easiest thing to fix. just read what you want. voila. now you can go forth into the world and just talk to people and find things you want to do. I mean, really, who listens to advertising on how to live life? wtf user. clean ya room bruh.

Some people are born ugly. You probably hit somewhere around average/below average but choose to not improve yourself.

Aside from the pasta, it does feel upsetting to be part of the undesirable gender. The amount of choice women have is absurd.

You kick that coffee habit yet, user?

Are you fucking kidding me with that shit? Do you seriously think women are under less pressure for looks than men? I'm a dude and literally all you have to do is lift weights a couple times a week (which with some good music is nice) and be interested in how weird the girl is and why (which is fascinating).

Girls have to fucking shave everything and be low weight and shit. Man, the amount of fat guys I've seen with super hot girls is ridiculous. And the women don't really enjoy tinder for the most part user.

And if you REALLY THINK people just carry on in a party mode and never stop to feel demoralised by it all, that it only happens to men or eveb worse, only UGLY men, then FUCK, you are seriously deluded.

>living in London if not an upper class WASP Chad or an obscenely rich arabcel or EEcel
brought this on yourself buddy boyo

I can never take posts like this seriously when the first thing you complain about is not having a hot girlfriend. It makes you look like a shallow retard who has no actual problems even if you actually do have problems (Which it looks like you do). Shouldn't you care more about not having any self-esteem and a negative self-reinforcing personality than "muh no gf i just want a cute gf i wish i was chad!!!"

>Everyone else is enjoying life but I'm not

Live life on your own terms faggot.

Most people are sheep following the crowd. Don't be afraid to brach out.

London might be the worst city in terms of its sexually active male/female ratio.

Where is this paradise that women are thin, but men are fat? Please, please, tell me.

>this whole post


read this and realize they're not happy either

legit, just what the fuck was he thinking

A PSL 7 is the MINIMUM treshold for even registering as human in London, jfl if you don't meet it and aren't an obscenely rich arabcel or kike


Oh fuck off its you again


All british girls are sluts drinking themselves till the rub their vaginas on the road curb. You're losing nothing.

Grab some weights and start lifting. Leave London and enjoy the countryside. Godstone is a nice place.

t. A frenchman living in Godstone



OP is now leaving out the part about him being a non-white invader?

Am I the only one who is actually happy being a loner? Women seem like a chore and sex disgusting.


if u find the idea of sex with women disgusting try some dick, ur probably a fag

oh come on cranky RG. relax. desire is ok.

Even worse. I'm certainly not gay

I'm talking anecdotes, user. In the media and in friends and associates I've seen. But seriously, think about this shit right here Like, if this is not pasta, REALLY think about it. Girls want guys who can make the world feel less fucked up than it is. You are not currently doing that at all. Optimism and resilience, user.

My stand, here and now, the events leading up to it, my entire life: that is my magnum opus. I hardly need to write a book.

If you are have problem external just imagine how fucked up you are internaly. Lmao @ your ideas of only the inside matters meme.

>outside on a hot and sunny day in Central London
>Sit in a lark near the Thames, attractive uni chicks everywhere picnicking
>7/10 ginger sitting by herself reading 'The Name of the Wind'
>Stroll over and sit about a metre away from her
>She looks up, smiles at me
>Give her a withering look, chuckle under my breath and pull my copy of The Book of Urizen and start reading
>Struggling to hold in tears, she gets up and walks off out the park, shoulders hunched

Behold my works, ye NEETy, and despair.

Stop jerking off, work out, and take up a social hobby. Literally just do this for a month, and notice your life before and after.

has nothing to do with wealth and all to do with genetic superiority, Chad is still Chad whether you are a hunter-gatherer or if you live in a hypercapitalist insectman hellscape like China


Unless you think that wealth accretion and social ease are the result of genetic factors (which they might be), then that's not entirely true. Resources are a genetic equalizer. A hot chick would rather fuck a famous musician than an autist with a beautiful face.

"Literally" get in touch with some of those friends you had when you were 18, get some drinks with them, do some coke (really), maybe mdma as well. Just get out of your shell and clean yourself up, get out there.

t. Chad

I'm not a normy but honestly, if you're in that much of a social rut, drugs (stimulants especially) can definitely help.

>t. roastie

>A hot chick would rather fuck a famous musician than an autist with a beautiful face.
not really, they would LTR the famous musician for money and connections, but would fuck the autistic Chad criminal FOR FREE (and sometimes even pay him for it!)

Even if your uncomfortable about it, taking these substances by yourself can help. They may show you where you have been going wrong or simply show you how to think differently, which from the sounds of it, would be a good thing for you.

i'm sick of people promoting nofap, it's so corny, i guarantee chads who get mad pussy wack it regularly and it has no impact on them, fapping or not is like weird religious/magical thinking... like the first time started getting laid by a chick one day i was at home and thought well i probably won't see for a couple days let me just fap it real fast in the bathroom and then we broke up, so it spooked my into a weird superstition that if i fap it when there is pussy available i'll jinx it, but this is the same kind of weird thing where early humans thought, they the days keeping getting shorter, except that one time dad fell in the fire and burned to death when we had that bonfire because it was so cold in winter, hey, lets try burning someone again and see if it helps, etc. or damn those fags in sodom sure like sodomy oh shit the city was destroyed in an earth quake? aha god must be punishing them for buggery better never buttsex again or our city might be destoryed too etc. etc. nofap is superstition

There are a lot of hopeless men wandering the streets. They are stuck in office jobs, and they go home to their parents houses or to their shared living accommodation, where four or five people (usually men) pay through the roof to be able to live in a tiny room that is in some way close to a tube station.

It's a really international city involving a lot of wealth. It's also a city that has a lot of foreign students. Therefore one is left with the impression that London is a temporary moment for most people rather than a place for permanent settlement. Therefore relationships are temporary.

The city is run by an Upper class WASP elite and the wealthy Russians, Arabs, Europeans etc that they cater to. Most men simply cannot compete with them, and never will. They will never be able to climb into the upper echelons because it is not possible. You cannot afford to get on the property ladder, you will never own anything.

With the modern interconnectivity of social media and online dating, women are trying a variety of men who have their shit together. This number is very small. Women from the underclass there have high opinions of themselves and are whoring themselves out to upper management.

It is a miserable existence for those of us left in the gutter.

The thing is that both Chad autist and the famous man are getting laid. Which the girl prefers is sort-of dependent on multiple factors, like culture and her inherent personality. A man's fuckability is made up of a maxtrix of interconnected qualities, which include looks, personality, wealth, status, and other factors. Chad can get laid whenever he wants, sure, but if you have a normal social life you'll know ugly motherfuckers who get laid all the time too.

nofap is for people who are addicted to porn. And while abstaining from orgasm doesn't give you magical powers, it does make you noticeably more aggressive and energetic. I'd try it if I were you.

No fap is definitely not helpful in most of these situations, if anything it's just going to make these people even more desperate and sexually frustrated. Just don't fap like a mad man everyday and you'll be fine..

It is like that everywhere now.

Its not a miserable existence. It is as much exhilarating and satisfying as it is uneventful. Through no will of my own, I walk among the WASP puppetmasters. What will they do with me? How will they handle my rebellion? I have not made it public, but it is known in their circles. They also know why I do what I do. Why I cannot stop. What comes of this? Throw me a bone, ye men of great.


Nofap is made up of men who are addicted to porn. They don't think that masturbation is unhealthy in and of itself, they think that they have to abstain from masturbation for a certain period of time (usually 3 months) in order to "normalize" their sexuality so that they can even go a single day without masturbating like 6 times. It's not for normal people.

i read in a man's magazine like gq or something that wackin it 2-3 times a week is normal for all dudes even chads and married dudes etc nofap is not normal

Yes, but only for Chad it is genuinely lust and validation of his genetic worth. The others are just there to raise Chad's child and improve the woman's quality of life

>are you familiar with nick land


You read in a magazine once. Okay. Nofap has an army of autists who cite dozens of studies. Something being commonly done doesn't automatically suggest that it's healthy. And like I said, it's not for people with a normal, healthy sex life; it's for people who are addicted to porn. It's like telling an alcoholic "come on man, most people drink and they do just fine."

Here's the secret most women instinctively understand: success in life is also an indication of genetic worth. IQ is highly heritable, as are talent and certain personality traits. If a guy is super-smart and became a self-made millionaire, he has what basically amounts to a chad brain. He might not get one-night stands as easily because women aren't fucking him out of pure physical lust, but he can end up impregnating a model who wants his successful genes.

Based Woesy.

if nofap is so great then shouldn't humans have evolved over time to have tiny arms that can't reach our dicks since all the guys who can't fap would dominate and have the most offspring?

>most women instinctively understand: success in life is also an indication of genetic worth. IQ is highly heritable, as are talent and certain personality traits. If a guy is super-smart and became a self-made millionaire, he has what basically amounts to a chad brain
Major fucking cope, our brains did not magically get rewired in the last 500 years. And it's not like Chads aren't generally speaking also well above average intelligence, beautiful and strong body = beautiful and strong mind.

This is not Veeky Forums-related.

Mods, do your shitty fucking job, you shitty fucks.

Also, the main issue isn't muh IQ really. The tragedy is that many people, smart and less smart, spend their whole lives working for Capital and technological "advancement" when these systems probably won't even benefit them that much, not in short- nor long-term, many foregoing the possibility of reproducing themselves biologically and culturally - as they would have in other societies, away from the centres of global Capital. Vampires.

Human beings did not evolve in tandem with internet pornography. If you don't have access to an infinite amount of sexual stimulation, you end up just fapping less. Try it yourself. Only masturbate to your imagination, and see how long you'll keep it up.

Do you have any knowledge of history? If anything, women dating hot poor Chad over rich Chad is the exception. Like I said, genetic quality is a maxtrix, not a single factor. There's a reason why women drool over actors and musicians as opposed to objectively better-looking male models. Girls are putting up posters of balding twink Harry Styles, not David Gandy.

so there wasn't any stimulation when everyone is in the woods naked and you have nothing to do but pick fruit and wack off?

A man might choose not to just to prove that he is in control of his own self. It might be a point to make. Even when sex isn't readily available, he doesn't render himself a slave to desire.

Proving a point, that's a clear motive too. Kind of like saying "take it, take it all, but you won't break me".

I'm not talking about dating but slaying, I am well aware that richcels will keep that pussy clad in the finest silks and raise their babies but they will literally PAY for Chad's cum.

I never thought anyone would go to lengths of being reasonable, responding to such a stupid post, on Veeky Forums

I'm impressed man

In that situation you'd try to fuck some girl in your tribe or jack off occasionally when you couldn't. The supra-stimulation of seeing a 19 year old blonde get destroyed by 8 guys isn't available to you whenever you want. The fact that it now is changes the dynamics of masturbation.

>and raise their babies
kek Millionaires don't get paternity tests?

>kek Millionaires don't get paternity tests?
I'm sure they do, which is why they all seem to burn through wives like its nothing.

Hell, I'd assume a lot of those low test incel betas can't even knock their wives up anyway.

Yeah, i'm sure the high divorce rate among rich men has more to do with infidelity on the woman's part as opposed to the man having an infinite amount of options due to his wealth.

Of course it does, rich Chads are the exception rather than the norm (can't even think of any other than Trump right now)

Since no one is addressing your point, I'll sit here and say you just made an excellent one.

This is just misanthropy on your part. Women select for heroic qualities in men, which CAN include looks. I was a pretty good-looking teenager back in the day, and I can tell you that getting a girl's attention was very easy. But having a weak, feminine personality meant that they all left, and often before I could even fuck them. It was the kid who got the car and the job first and knew how to get weed who got all the chicks.

Thanks, I think as it stands I am the irrefutable master of this point of discussion.

>>hot and sunny day in London
Fucking liar, this summer has been shit.

(also sage)

There is no bitterness on my part, this is the way it should be.

>I was a pretty good-looking teenager back in the day
my names jeff


twink faggot

>Jeff "I'm not white" Mangum

Why do people exaggerate like this? You see average or a little below average people getting laid, but no you do not see actual "ugly motherfuckers" with women. Genuinely ugly people are one of the most discriminated classes of people in contemporary society.

OP may be histrionic but he's not wrong. Whenever I see a hot girl on the street, I'm overcome with sadness. I'll never fuck her or a girl nearly as hot as her. I don't blame them at all, but it's depressing nonetheless.

I don't know what to do with myself.


He's a mongrel who wants whites to become mongrels like himself because he's a selfish loser. That chart legit? Lol, namefags who posted their pictures on here? Too funny and saved.


W-What do you mean by that user

When a man faces the fact that he is simply inadequate to women, there's only one solution.

Pathetic! Sure you might not get 10/10, but how is 0/10 better than 6/10?

Do you mean... RETRIBUTION?*

* This post is satirical

>Whenever I see a hot girl on the street, I'm overcome with sadness.

Must be a perspective thing. I just laugh at them and their vanity if they're a bitch to me, and treat each person as is appropriate. You'll find out girls are people too. You need to know who you are, really who you are, and you can shake them out of their fragile idea that they are somehow better than you. Its quite the opposite with polite qts too.

Yeah, I guess it's just a matter of time

How do you know they're vain? It's impossible to know. Probable, but not proven.
What we both know is that she is much, much more attractive than me. I'm not going to lie to myself and tell pretend I am superior to her in anyway.

Lars Ulrich from Metallica is like 5'5", balding, old as fuck, and has a horrible goblin face. Pic related is his wife. And he's dated hotter too.

If you get to fuck that but are still upset that her "real passions" are for chad and that she's just with you for betabux, then you need to get your priorities in order. Fucking a 10 is still fucking a 10, regardless of how she feels while she's doing it.

i'm not. i'm 1/4 injun

In my example you'd have to interact in some way. As for passing looks, still laugh. I may not be like you, I'm not ugly, but I've been damned and exiled. So status is my Achilles heel, until I climb back out from this hole. The point I'm making is I'm down, but not out, and if some girl thinks that I'm worthless because of it, I'll remind her that I'm still very, very sure of myself. Not much has changed. I'm still attractive, I'm still quick witted, I'm still capable, adaptable. Still have the potential, and I know it. You have to believe in yourself, that aura emanates from you, even if you are an outcast (due to looks in your situation). In some cases, its even more satisfactory to look right through them, disregard their worth which they value so highly on beauty, and be critical of their intelligence.

Of course, I never cast the first stone. I reserve this attitude for girls that view me in contempt. Right back at you, girlie.

I'm not sure of myself. I'm far from attractive. I'm not intelligent or quick witted. I'm not capable and I have no potential. I don't even have marketable skills.

I don't think you really understand what we're talking about.

No I do. Status, as has been pointing out for a while, is a huge factor. I lost mine. Rather, it was taken from me. So, even though I am all of these strong things, and possess a formidable will, I know that girls will still view me in contempt for my fall from grace. My response: total disregard for what they have to offer. I'm playing a different game, sweetie, and you aren't even a piece on the board. Away with you until I reclaim what's mine. That's just how I view it anyway.

You are literally a woman. The amount of choice women have is orders of magnitude greater than men.

Yeah but you're caught up on evaluating yourself. No one cares about your own self-analysis, user. Seriously, why would anyone take your opinion of yourself at face value? Just go out and do things and stop assessing yourself.

You see a hot girl, just appreciate how hot she is. She's not fucking guys on the street in front of you. Its all in your head because you let her trigger this weird imagined process where you compare your current world to one in which she is your goddamed GF or wife despite you never even talking to her. Just imagine how hot she is like all the other 99.999999999999% who have not fucked her.

And if you really want to get laid, the process does not involve you imagining girls fucking other, more attractive guys, it just involves you finding something fun to do that includes other people and slowly decreasing your inhibitions to the point where you can meet new people, girls included. Usually alcohol helps.

You have to internalize the notions that inequality is inherent to life (kids literally die of cancer; you not getting laid is a minuscule tragedy by comparison), and that your status only really counts within your particular social circle. If you're not in a social circle, then you can work on that first. Break up progress into the smallest achievable chunks you possibly can. Self-pity isn't just unnecessary emotional labor, it actually hinders progress. If you think that you're a victim of your genetics, then you have absolutely no reason to try and better yourself. And at that point you're just waiting to die.

I'm not. There choice is not of the same criteria at all. So it's not the same process. You can't just compare the quantity of options and say theirs stack up higher in sheer amount of guys. It doesn't work like that. Also, if this is seriously your mindset and you want girls. GET THE FUCK OFF TINDER AND GO TO BARS.

You're missing his point I think. A woman's sexual worth is inherent, while a man either has to be born with exceptional genetics or work hard in order to be able to have access to casual sex. Being a woman is like being a gay guy. You can get fucked at any second of the day as long as you're under 40 and under 160 pounds.

same here

>a man either has to be born with exceptional genetics or work hard in order to be able to have access to casual sex.
Do you consider going out, getting drunk, dancing a bit, talking shit, having weird adventures hard work? Then I guess you're right.
>Being a woman is like being a gay guy. You can get fucked at any second of the day as long as you're under 40 and under 160 pounds.
You're missing my point. It's not LIKE this AT ALL for women. And if it was, they would not like it. Its a completely meaningless proposition, not based at all on the real world or real situations. Its like saying, rich people don't have any problems at all. But we KNOW they do, they have heaps of problems and after a certain point are not happier than people who don't have as much money but can pay the bills etc. You're using an "I lost the lottery" excuse to avoid living life to the full and facing the exhilaration AND disappointments on the way. Sexual encounters and rejections have the most intense of both.

Most of nofap is a meme, but there's a practical benefit to it: you are horny but you can't release, so it motivates you to go and try to talk to girls.
Of course it doesn't matter for social people, it's for us autists that drop our spaghetti.

I'm not saying that women don't have problems. I'm saying that when it comes to access to casual sex, women have it far easier than men do. This is an incontrovertible fact. A woman's problems are different. She doesn't lack intimacy, but she can lack devotion or security, and because she has a limited amount of time before her ovaries dry up she has to be quicker about building her life than a man does.

I acknowledge that women have problems, but sex isn't one of them.

>Do you consider going out, getting drunk, dancing a bit, talking shit, having weird adventures hard work?
This is such bullshit. An ugly guy doing this isn't going to get laid.

>Most of nofap is a meme
99% of the people who say this haven't tried nofap. The fact that abstinence was seen as a path to enlightenment by cultures and religions all across the world suggest that it's at the very least something worth trying once in your life. It's an interesting physiological experiment.