Describe "time" in a sentence

Describe "time" in a sentence.

Things moving

can't be done

The passing of moments

your mom

Time is a concept by which we measure our pain.

John smashed the sentence on the table but try as he might the time remained inside.

picked up a apple from the table,ended up tasting a sour shit

you mean ''undone''

By is a bad preposition here, with or through would be better
which is a moot point as the sentence sucks

A flat circle

can't be undone

c-beams glittering in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate

Why everything doesn't happen all at once

the axis upon which change can be measured, driven by the tendency for disorder to increase

>t. psued



Time is an illusion, albeit, a stubborn one.

What's that? Knee-chee? Shut the fuck up.

The measurement of the length of moments passed, often divided in relation to rotations and revolutions (earth around the sun, the moon around the earth, earth about its axis, and the hands about a clock's face, to name a few).

How we perceive and measure duration.

The thing which holds events that have been and have yet to come.

Time goes by so slowly, and time can do so much.

t. intellectual cuck.

Does opium also posses a dormitive principle?

Time is a measurement of cause-and-effect, as well as the relationships between the larger structures that contain a units of cause-and-effect.

>If I make the definition as wide as possible the definition of time will surely be a subset
Like this brainlet
>A derivative of reality by which things are allowed to change in form or substance

The tendency of space to reinterpret itself.

the main torturing device in saturn's cuckshed.

Time is gay.

Doors that we go through remain shut after passing;never to be opened again,with only their peepholes to peer through.

Now you see me, now you don't.

A process which ends in death.

An unstoppable force of chaos that people try to use to fight against it.

The only resource really worth anything.

An invisible dimension of space moving relative to the rate of movement of other expanding dimensions of space. Living organisms determine their nearness to death based on the change they can subjectively perceive from this expanding dimension of space.


as logn as my penis XD

Imagine "freezing time" like in the movies, what happens? Everything stops moving altogether: every atom and particle remains fixed in respect to every other particle; time is "frozen." Thus, you can see intuitively that time and motion are one and the same phenomenon. We experience time only because we experience change, even if its just the change in our thoughts

final thought: motion = change. time is simply the perception of change

it is

the predicate of change

Time is only change.



Prove it. I have been unconvinced by these arguments. My brother tries to argue this all the time.

but user I already did that

Time is gay as fuck, if it were a person it would be a gay porn-star, but it's not so it's just a big gay clock minus the l of life itself, a constant overcoming of all and everything there has ever been.

Lmfao that's clever

What flat circle even means? Aren't all circles flat?

The process by which we measure change

My mind beats time like clockwork, and I think in sync like clockwoooork

Time is a concept by which we measure movement in space, and, by extension, change in general

It doesn't exist. It exist only movement.


time is an a priori form of inner sense which structures and makes possible the cognition of
objects qua appearance

Time is a stripper, doing it just for you.

time is a hotline, it keeps you waiting

Going, going, going, going, going it goes.


Round and Round and Round it goes

It's bad.

I see u john lennon

a measure of the rate of change in the state of being

The measure of relative half-life.


The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.

Doesn't objectively exist

>describe time in a sentence

"Time is money." - time is subject in this sentence

lol why did this make me laugh so much

Time exists so orgasm can last.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

Time is God's gift to man.

a condition of experience

Time is the dance of mind.

Give me a minute and I'll tell you

Time is what makes our choices matter, what makes our losses hurt, our victories feel fleeting; it cannot be stopped, you cannot savor or relive any moment no matter what you do or how much you desperately need time to slow for just a single fucking moment because time, well, it just keeps ticking forward.

I'd like to return it for store deposit, then.

Think of it as a non-refundable kind of gift that comes without a receipt. Like an ugly orange shirt your uncle will be very grumpy to see you not wearing the next time you see him.