/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General

Comfy discussion edition.

Science Fiction

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

Previous Threads:

first for the based barbican edition of this

What are good fantasy novels that have a little humour in them? I enjoy a good fantasy now and then, but lately I haven't been able to stomach anything that takes itself too seriously. I like my fantasy to be a bit tongue in cheek. I don't want it to be a parody or anything like that, just a little bit of fun. Any recs?

Is this any good?


Improved version

You really want me to read blindsight and make an antishill meme don't you? Just remember what I did to the red knight and buried giant shill before you continue.

my fellow blindsight shills stand with me
there's no way any intelligent person can antishill mr watt's wild ride, so go ahead, try your best

If anyone wants an incredible scifi/subtle horror series Jeff VanDerMeer's Southem Reach trilogy was amazing. I've never seen it mentioned here and think more people should give it a shot, scratched an itch I've had for years

I love to shill it too, but I think that literally everyone has read it by now.


I haven't read it

It was just published in 2006. Why would I have read it already?

>I've never seen it mentioned here
Hello Mr Newfag. Please enjoy our threadly discussions and banter.

Because 2006 was 20 years ago. You're supposed to finish it by now.

I've read about 10% of the firstbut am not fully sold.

>yfw it's true

Just a few more months until the new stormlight archive! I'm hyped

Cugel the Clever + Cugel's Saga. Reading Tales of the Dying Earth first is optional, those are maybe a bit more interesting but less whimsical.

I haven't read it yet, I do plan on getting around to it eventually. I have high standards, if your meme-book disappoints me I will shit on it until the end of /sffg/.

I've also never read a single word of Sanderson's because he looks like everything wrong with contemporary fantasy incarnate; autistic, world-building for the sake of it, '''action''', plot driven stories, absurd length, no actual writing ability, no respect for tradition, etc...

true. I have the same issue. there's something unpleasantly meandering about it. I'm not a stranger to the sort of vague writing he's using, but somehow, he fails to balance that out. Usually, to make a stylistic lack of an element work, you focus more on different elements to make up for it, but he just... doesn't. It's not bad, and it's very interesting, but it wasn't enough to keep my attention. Maybe it got better later, but that was my experience. Also when the MC sticks their nose into alien spores and then just doesn't say anything really pissed me off. That's how you destroy the human race.

Jesus christ the Age of Swords is fucking garbage

what the hell is blindsite? and why is everyone talking about it hear?

You sound like you need to vent, user. I'm interested.


>Invent the wheel
>Invent writing
>Invent a bow
all in one (ONE) week
or maybe two, i lost track of time, but still
Jesus christ her chapters are fucking ridiculous, oh look i'm PONDERING here, how FASCINATING

I'm halfway through the book and jesus christ i wouldn't be surprised if she would electricity and cars next
The writing is ridiculously garbage and her dialogue or thoughts I don't even have the words to describe them

Michael Sullivan is a man's name.

I was talking about the character in the book

blondesassy is a heart-warming coming of age romantic comedy staring Silvia Keeton and his best friends as they sail across the lake of his family's extravagant estate, only to discover a rather rude hobo who has snuck onto the property. Also starring Sean Bean.

Oh shit! Mary Sue's are the worst! I've had to deal with that shit myself. What's the book even about?

The Rhunes are going to war with the Fhrey
Or well the fhrey already declared war on the rhunes..

What, really? Like Fey and Runes?

Remember in the original series she invented a bunch of shit and you thought nothing of it, she was an innovative elf that's all.. What Sullivan did wrong was make a series about her after it was revealed that she was human. She couldn't produce those things in her life time. Even if she produced a wheel, she wouldn't know how to attach it to a cart (don't know if she did, I'm probably reading it till Sanderson's new book. I have 20+ books on my plate atm). The only thing that would make sense is if it's revealed that the god of knowledge fucked her while she was asleep and imparted some extra cognitive functions through cum.

That's a good question:
Would you be willing to get fucked by a dude with if it meant being inhumanly smart?

>tfw can't stop reading web novels
>tfw can't stop writing web novels

What do I do anons?

Is BotNS autobiographical?

If so, alongside Severian, did Gene really get so much ass?

read fanfiction instead.

It takes a lot of interest to get me reading something post-millenial, and I'm just not feeling it.

>Your fanfiction will never make it in the big leagues like Wicked, Preacher or the entire Star Wars EU

Sorry, I mean Star Wars Legends

She did attach it to a cart, I forget if the dwarves told her how to make the axis or if she came up with that by herself.
Actually I think she did, and the dwarves told her what the thing was called

>you will never manage to write all your great fanfiction ideas
>your fanfiction will never get a million hits
Goddammit, if I can't even manage that, then how do I expect to get a fucking book out.

By shitting out a million books and hoping you hit a jackpot
Like Sanderson

When's Rothfuss coming out with his 3rd book?

lol never

People that tell others to skip the rest of the Cosmere stuff and just read Stormlight Archive are like people that tell others to skip the first two parts of JoJo

Erikson has quite a few funny moments. I hear the Korbel novellas are funnier than the main series too.

There's nothing wrong with that as long as you eventually write something good. Like Sanderson

Gods like to rape.. Or did you forget your greek? In the original series a god was exiled by his children after he took his daughter's sopping wet cunny. She knew she liked it, but he was kicked out.

What's to say that a god didn't rip our protagonist's middle age pussy apart while she slept?

It is not. And if it were, considering the unreliable narrator meme and all that, the answer is no no matter what the book say.

Big question:

We going to do a /sp/-esc stream following this friday at Worldcon when the Hugos get announced?

Anybody else as sad as me to have nothing better to do on a friday?

>"I read it for the world-building"

I do so what?

It's the equivalent of saying you listen to certain albums for their production value; not the actual content of their music.

>waah people like different things to me

So like Calling All Dawns from Christopher Tin, which won two Grammys

lol so you only listen to albums for their production value?

When every track on the album is in a different language, you can only judge it on how it sounds and feels. The production value

This has, quite literally, nothing to do with only reading a book for its world-building. Nice world-building is great, but it doesn't mean the actual story or characterization is good.

Sometimes... Sometimes I only read a book for the catgirls.

So I've been reading TBC. I made it to She is the Darkness and I feel like things have just really gone down hill.

I enjoyed the first three books a great deal, the next two were meh, and Bleak Seasons was just painful to get through. I want to leave Not!Africa to go back to the north. Does it get better or is just three more books of shit.

Amen brother

Moments in SFF that gave you a boner

>Kassad fucking Moneta for the first time in Hyperion
>That girl getting whipped in The Slithering Shadow

>when you dedicate yourself to making your chinese cartoon porn real so hard you end up damning your entire race
Were the Inchoroi /ourguys/?

It's only because you mentioned bleak season I knew what you were talking about. What you autistic fags have to understand is that abbreviations only work when you first listed out the full name.

Convince me to read Prince of Nothing.

You shouldn't

Just try the prologue. If you don't like the prologue you won't like the rest of the series. If you like the prologue it's almost guaranteed to be worth reading the whole series.

Is there a whole lot of preachy bullshit? That's what probably annoyed me the most with Malazan; Erikson becoming more and more preachy as the series dragged on.

>Is there a whole lot of preachy bullshit?
I'm not sure how you define preachy so I can't say. I wouldn't say the series has an ideology it's pushing if that's what you mean.

Does it get bogged down in philosophical silliness? I'm digging the world and setting the more I read about it, but it also feels pretty pretentious.

This. Go back to the last or penultimate thread and find that "Prince of Nothing Learned" essay somebody posted.

>Does it get bogged down in philosophical silliness?
Sometimes, periodically. But never enough to overcome the good stuff in my view. It's more of a problem with later books than the Prince of Nothing trilogy.

> I'm digging the world and setting the more I read about it,
Then good news, most of the 1st book is world building and plot set up. What's considered the hardest book by most might be the easiest for you.

>but it also feels pretty pretentious.
The author is a pretentious piece of shit. If you read anything from him or talking about him before reading the books it may well ruin them for you because you'll already hate him so much by proxy. Go the other way around and read the books first, and instead you can simply enjoy the series and laugh at his antics.

The only good part of that essay was "Analsybarite Kilhöuse"

This is a 32 year old unmarried woman. Say something nice.


Fuck off Meppa

i actually read through the entire thing, and while there were a lot of things said, there was little to no meaning to be derived. it was basically a big ass "but i dont like this!"

Fanayal is true ruler of Three Seas as appointed by Fane by the line of the Padirajah! Go suck off your stupid Tusk you smelly Inrithi. Solitary God over the Hundred! Your Aspect-Emperor is a Ciphrang and Consumer-Of-Souls! Death to all Idolaters!!!

When they fuck at the beginning of Tigana

>not Yatwer's fuckboi

Your witches bow to BKC (Big Kian Cock).

That's what they want you to think.

>implying this all isn't one long game of 4d benjuka Fane set in motion to harden the faithful, prevent the Apocalypse, and destroy the Tusk and its Ciphrang. Thus making all of Earwa cleansed land.

I think Ajokli is currently winning the 4d chess game.

Great image to start with the thread with.

What should I read with a little girl protagonist?

i love pon/tae, but i can guarantee you that you will not like it if you use words like "philosophical silliness" and labels like pretentious. unlike the other user, i don't think pon has a view or "philosophy" to push onto the reader. it has characters that are more meditative than others, and you can definitely capture the themes of the series under several schools of metaphysical/epistemological thought, but no one is telling you to think one way or the other. if anything it's very anti-philosophy, because it's trying to tell you that all of it is bullshit (at least that's how i interpret the aspect emperor).

but all of that aside, i can tell that you don't give a shit about any of this, and you would rather read stuff with world building, sympathetic/interesting characters, and a good story. PoN has all of that, but there are probably more straightforward series out there for you that you would prefer

I find most philosophy to be completely worthless and pretentious but I enjoyed the series a lot. Don't be an autist.

Dude, I'm only 26, just read The Hobbit for the first time a couple years ago, and still loved it. It's time to admit that some books are just good, regardless of their age.

Don't understand why you hate women so much

finding it pretentious is hilarious because you're saying "this thing i dont understand is pretentious because i dont understand it". finding it worthless is also hilarious because every major human construct is driven by some "philosophy" behind it. government. religion. war. trade. etc

>finding it pretentious is hilarious because you're saying "this thing i dont understand is pretentious because i dont understand it".
I thought philosophy majors were supposed to know about logical fallacies.

Not a philosophy major, dumbass. Just someone who doesn't condescend things that I don't understand. No fallacy there

The second big downfall of PoN: Bakkerites. The most pretentious fandoms in modern fantasy.

>a legendary wizard of Hyperborea and his book of occult knowledge is often referenced in foreboding tones in several stories
>author creates a story featuring character in his own life time
>he's not very evil, actually pretty chill and ordinary

It's an obvious way to write wryly and ironically but it's enjoyable when this sort of thing is done well.

Once again "this thing that I don't understand is pretentious". Come up with something better

>Once again "this thing that I don't understand is pretentious". Come up with something better
Well meme'd, my property

>Shitposting to argue
Ok I'll join you

>Listening to music while you read

Good job forcing a mood the prose is supposed to be creating.

Musical cravings pop into my head from the prose creating the mood.

But I do that too.
E.g. NAV x Metro Boomin - Perfect Timing. NAV has whatever the opposite of a personality is - he's boring and has no decent lyrics whatsoever. However Metro Boomin's lush soundscapes make it enough for me to give the album a few listens, and enjoy it rather than liking it.

If anything written by Wolfe is even partially autobiographical it's Peace. And even then only barely.

>one week to A Stone Sky
I can't contain my hype. I read the last one in 3 sittings and from the reviews this one sounds even better.