Am I God?

Am I God?
Are we all our own personal Gods?
Can we use this power or something?
Can anyone know?

ya dude

I'll take "thoughts while hitting the bong" for 800, Alex

I'm dropping acid and reading Hegel.

I'm jealous, have a good trip friend

Why do these threads always have some geometrical design?

No, you are part and parcel of God as the soul but you are not God himself. While individual soul and God are composed of the same spiritual substance, the soul is atomic where God is whole.

Psalm 82:6: "ye are gods." John 10:34: Jesus reiterates this, saying, "Is it not written in your law, 'ye are gods?'"
Men are gods, since only men have the imago Dei; man has the divine powers of self-awareness and reason. Anything you do with those powers is a divine act.

Try this meditation:

Understand; that I'm simply undergoing the division of death as natural. My earthen body rotting below as my conscious, which has been individualized for so long, awaits the completion of its radiation to the sun--my greater self. And as an individual star, I will again await my death as I watch my children destroy themselves over the eons cycling my being. Then when I die, again shall my body fertilise the solar systems around me. My awareness continuing to radiate into the center of the galaxy, bounding between my brother stars and sister planets, where I will become the galactic center supporting all the bodies which compile my external being. Then I will watch patiently all within my arms as my nearest brother drifts as he should into my being. We shall combine to become one, and again I will remember that I am to die, and radiate once more into the very fabric of space-time itself, where I will emerge a mote of light--slipping through atom and molecule, and into being once more. And so the cycle shall continue. And so I shall live and die in eternal peace and suffering all the same. Watching the disjointed and lost figments of my being wander among themselves believing in their individuality.

Now THAT'S what I call egoism!

Assuming that perception is reality, then yes, you are God. And if you believe the last two claims, then you must also believe that your world is the only one which exists.

Don't know about the God thing, but pure confidence and strength of will are two forces that can help you pretty much achieve anything, with enough time.
So I guess if you need to call yourself "God" to achieve this, then all the power to ya. But don't be startin' no Holy Wars because your head is full of cosmic energy, or whatever.

you sure that's what he meant?



Why must perception equal reality for this to be true

> Am I God?

>Are we all our own personal Gods?

>Can we use this power or something? Someone? Anyone?

>Can anyone know?

I'd be glad to answer any other stupid question you have.

>Am I God?
Yes. All is Brahman
>Are we all our own personal Gods?
Yes. All is Brahman
>Can we use this power or something?
Yes. When you realize Brahman
Brahman is here.
Brahman is there.
>Can anyone know?
Knowledge is Brahman

Here: meditate on the mahavakyas:

1. Brahma satyam jagan mithya Brahman is real; the world is unreal
2. Ekam evadvitiyam brahma Brahman is one, without a second
3. Prajnanam brahman Brahman is the supreme knowledge
4. Tat tvam asi That is what you are
5. Ayam atma brahma Atman and brahman are the same
6. Aham brahmasmi I am brahman
7. Sarvam khalvidam brahma All of this is brahman

Is it not written in your law; ye are gods?


If we have the belief that something fails to exist when it escapes our senses, it would be fair to say that, upon it's introduction to our world, we have created reality.

In what other concept of reality can we reasonably call ourselves architects (of reality)?

Flesh and bone by the telephone
Pick up the receiver
I'll make you a believer