
>Socially Liberal, economically none/centrist I guess
>NEET atm, probably gonna be a farmer or teacher or both, wanna get published ofc
>Aw fuck IDK i just like Joyce a lot
>Really haven't read enough to answer this frankly

I'm prolly Actually 70th or 75th percentile neuroticism.

Extraversion - 21st percentile - very low
Agreeableness - 39th percentile - low
Conscientiousness - 17th percentile - very low
Neuroticism - 77th percentile - very high
Openness - 93rd percentile - extremely high

>Determinedly apolitical
>Visual artist/help run record label/unemployed
>Locus Solus, In Search of Lost Time, Difference & Repetition, Elective Affinities, The Lime Works

>mostly Angloid, with other bits
>I fucking hate my government so much I just want WW3 to end everything already
>become a teacher so that I can just sit on my ass and hit the button to make the next slide play for 6 hours a day for the rest of my life
>All Gene Wolfe

>Generally left
>Currently finishing up my architecture degree at uni
>Hamlet, Don Quixote, The Waves, The Divine Comedy, Swann's Way

Nu-males are extraverted

Extraversion - 84 - very high
Agreeableness - 59 - average
Conscientiousness - 17 - very low
Neuroticism - 16 - very low
Openness - 56 - average

>Political right, economic right
>Studying law
>Lolita, Crime and Punishment, Stoner, Don Quixote, Solaris
>From what I've read probably Russia

am i nu-male

OP here, btw I'd also like your address and a list of your fears.

Work in film/get published
Don't really have any


>Quixote, against nature, augustin's confessions, the religio medici, herodotus

rate it

Guess I'm fucked

> 19
> White
> Economic middle, socially right
> Law and history student at university.

liberal in a very loose sense of the term
majoring in law, want to be a songwriter

I know, I'm ubermensch

whats your myers briggs?

intj. I'm in the extreme end in all the categories

>career goals
A painless death and paradise in the afterlife, but I know neither will happen.

>Leftist I guess
>Phenomenology of Spirit, The Ego and its Own, Critique of Pure Reason, Philosophy of History, The Conquest of Bread

we've actually got the same soul but in different bodies, only i want to be neet and draw all day

I'll down one for you when the inevitable suicide comes user

>same soul but in different bodies, only i want to be neet and draw all day

doubt that's the case then, I wouldn't be able to stand that kind of existence, I need challenge and stimulation or I start hating life very quickly

Thanks user

How are you so high in openness and so low in neuroticism as an INTJ?

>I need challenge and stimulation or I start hating life very quickly

yeah me to i get that from drawing

Openness 51 (Liberalism 1 which bought my score down)
Agreeableness 61
Consciensciousness 13
Neuroticism 99 (kill me)
Extraversion 1

Worst traits possible for a human male in 2017

I might as well be dead and I genuinely wish I was

not him, the other user. Isn't neuroticism on these tests just anxiety and self doubt? wouldn't low neuroticism be standard intj?

Becoming more conscientious will bring your neuroticism down. This will make you more extroverted.

Idk. I'm an "extroverted" INTJ but my neuroticism is very high. INTJ's tend to overthink which increases neuroticism.

m8 N correlates strongly with openness

never heard that INTJs are supposed to be more neurotic, to my knowledge mbti types don't really touch neuroticism

obv intj type people spend a lot more time (over)thinking so there's more opportunities to ruminate about negative shit but doing that is not necessary

Its too late. I just want to die but too neurotic to do it

I sort of was that way when i was younger but at some point i just stopped caring and also realised that most people were neurotic and you could just become the absolute madman who makes other people anxious

>0th percentile
Holy shit. Am I a verified cunt?

>socially centrist, economically leftist
>arts student, want to write for the small screen, eventually for film, or make propaganda for pro envionmental organisations
>Lolita, A Scanner Darkly, White Noise, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, The Big Sleep

>Am I a verified cunt?

>Le centrism meme
>Art student
>Favorite book: Lolita
You already answered your own question

>Democrat until 2016 when the left went insane, apolitical
>artist, soldier, police officer, philosopher
>The Bible

I really don't know what to do with myself guys. I'm not built to be a conservative authority figure, but preserving order is what I feel compelled to do.

Check for my results. I'm currently just below average in openness but I think that's due to my neuroticism. I'm really ambitious and want to do a lot of things but my neuroticism is holding me back. I guess agreeableness could also be a little bit higher.

you're sorted m8. how old are you?

>In school for history degree, planning on law school
>I read a lot of nonfiction

what am I supposed to take from these results


>Le centrism meme

shorthand for mix of right and left wing ideals, shut the fuck up ideologue. i don't think extreme individual pursuit of happiness and accompanying unrestricted casual sex will end civilization but I don't think it helps marriage stability or stable birthrates

>hating on nabokov
Just sad

but maybe you're right. i have a lot of friends but just as many enemies

>Just sad
>but maybe you're right. i have a lot of friends but just as many enemies

authority needs willing accomplices, contributing to conservatives who fill the leadership role may be the best you can offer

think some life successes would get your neuroticism down and conscientiousness up. busting your ass for something and then getting it is one of the best things you can do for your mental health

ooooh look how disagreeable you are, snowflake


Socialist and Libertarian sympathies but mostly apolitical
>top 5
Gravity's Rainbow, VALIS, Amerika, Ulysses, Pale Fire

>only 16th percentile neurotic

stop larping, normie.

There's a reason I was on drugs...

Master race
Comp-sci/Math major
Stoner, Notes, kafka, IJ

what the fuck

Lol, we're pretty similar.

Both lazy assholes.


>no aspects
gotta finish my own test website quickly so I can outjew peterson

scale is 1-5

>white, slav
>neet doing personal projects, gonna look for work soon(tm) (thanks for low industriousness jesus)
>Ada, The Brothers Karamazov, The Trial, One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Stranger

>I identify closest with right libertarian ideology.
>Undertaking Masters of Chemical Engineering. Currently working towards computational fluid dynamics in process industries.

>top 5 books.
This is gunna take too long to put up a good list.

>the russians come up with some good stuff

>high openness/intellect, low conscientiousness and extraversion
what you're supposed to take from these results is that you're fucked. even the very low neuroticism is suboptimal here because you have no source of motivation except for intellectual and aesthetical curiosity and I don't think these two alone can get you very far in law school

oh shiet I just realized I don't reverse the neuroticism score when calculating stability

Is this good or bad?

Openness: 85%
Conscientiousness: 50%
Extraversion: 80%
Agreeableness: 35%
Neuroticism: 20%

>Ethnic Nationalist, otherwise socially liberal and economically centrist
>Physics undegraduate and part time tutor, drug dealer and petty thief
>The Elementary Particles, Down and Out in Paris and London, Lolita, Crime and Punishment, Blood Meridian

So what does this make me Veeky Forums?

>3rd percentile agreeableness
>nothing above "low"
What the fuck? Is there something wrong with me or is it everyone else

got a 2-7-8 on the mmpi

>Post your results, age, race, what your political affiliation is (if any), career/career goals, your top 5 books, and favourite country for literature.
These data mining threads are seriously getting out of hand.

Ever since that cluster fuck at Charlottesville, the NSA is in full force recently. You notice how things are running a bit slower here, and how posting doesn't seem to work sometimes?


Its cool to see if there is any correlation.

Wow. You guys aren't very agreeable.

>Economic left, socially traditional, monarchist
>Economics PhD student
>Candide, Sherlock Holmes series, Chronicles of Narnia, The Idiot, and Siddharta
>Very partial to Russian lit

>started CS in Uni, hopefully end up with Software Engineering job
>The Stranger, Crime & Punishment, White Noise, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Steppenwolf
>I don't favorite any particular country, but I can say that I dislike Serbian literature (maybe only because I was forced to read it).

>economically socialist but morally traditionalist
>studying in uni/not with any specific aspirations, open to different options, maybe government work
>war and peace, gravity's rainbow, stoner, sound and the fury, magic mountain
>either Russia or Germany, even tho I've got more American books in the top 5

Being agreeable is for cucks.



>Libertarian Left
>Divine Comedy, Morte Darthur, History of Pelop War, Old Testament, Beyond Good and Evil




>hard to pick just five. My favorite philosophical works are probably the Critique of Practical Reason and Voice and Phenomenon. Pretty much anything by Steinbeck is my favorite fiction
>France for philosophy, America for fiction

extraversion 65
agreeableness 92
conscientiousness 44
neuroticism 72
openness 49


>Extreme moral conservative/traditionalist, but also environmentalist, technophile, economically left
>I haven't read much honestly, but I like Orwell and Dostoyevsky
>Probably Britain

I wish I could condemn agreeable conscientious people, but they're sort of OK. Sort of

>Libertarian Left/Social Anarchism
>Editorial position/Academia
>Absalom, Absalom!, To the Lighthouse, One Hundred Years of Solitude, All the King's Men, The Plague (limiting this just to novels)

Yeah bro, you're just black.

By the way, how do people on a Veeky Forums board score low on Openess (not interested in art, music or literature, not imaginative or creative)


None of these recent immigrants actually read dude, can't you tell?

>despise politics
>working on my physics undergrad, hope to go to grad school
>Moby Dick, Paradife Loft, Under the Volcano, Portrait of the Artist, The Recognitions
>haven't given that much thought

Far right monarchist. Function as a political pragmatist. Don't want to live in a low IQ society, so side with alt-right on most things.

I don't feel like answering the rest.

Fuck, forgot pic

Also I usually score around a 60 on conscientiousness and a 40 around openness, this test doesn't have many questions, so it's kind of hard to get a skewed perception. I'm waiting for Peterson's test.

>not today, mr. Edelstein
>not today, mr. Edelstein
>not today, mr. Edelstein
>not today, mr. Edelstein
>not today, mr. Edelstein
>not today, mr. Edelstein

Your 5 traits aline perfectly with your political views: extremely high in agreeableness and extremely low in conscientiousness. Please abstain from brainwashing our youth with social-anarchistic babble and go on welfare, because you will probably not find another job.


>idk so we'll just say post-left
>NEET; recently graduated from college, applying from a masters next year
>Mason & Dixon, Life A User's Manual, Ulysses, To Pay the Devil in the Backlands, Zeno's Conscience
>Probably Ireland or France

>White as snow
>Republican from the womb
>EE student, in talks for a corporate IT job next year
>Fear and Trembling and Beyond Good and Evil are two of my favorites

Are you some kind of shy, self-loathing extravert?

How does that work for you?

Is this good?

I'm a extroverted misanthrope. I hate almost everything including myself, but I'm well articulated enough that people like me for it.

>English teacher
>Gravity's Rainbow, Leaves of Grass, Ulysses, Blood Meridian, Philosophical Investigations

forgot pic

I suppose neuroticism is a broad category. I'm more socially anxious than hateful or depressed.

Extraversion - 1st percentile - extremely low
Agreeableness - 27th percentile - low
Conscientiousness - 21st percentile - very low
Neuroticism - 93rd percentile - extremely high
Openness - 84th percentile - very high

2Extraversion - 1st percentile - extremely low
Agreeableness - 27th percentile - low
Conscientiousness - 21st percentile - very low
Neuroticism - 93rd percentile - extremely high
Openness - 84th percentile - very high

>Ficciones, Tristram Shandy, Don Quixote, The Rings of Saturn, A Confederacy of Dunces
>Not partial to any one country.

I just try to turn my anxiety and depression into pure spite for earth and everything in it. I feel like I'm extremely well rounded and have very few issues with myself to resolve, most of my problems are with people and society.

Also, if you try to put yourself out there and talk a lot, you can end up conquering the (local and situational) discourse and always steer the conversations to areas of your interest while also avoiding themes that make you anxious. With some luck people will even admire you for being so smart.

>Anarcho Primitivist
>Currently enrolled at Harvard
>Storm of Steel, War and Peace, notes from the underground, brave new world
>Don't believe in borders.

>The one that promote less changes
>Manual worker
>LesMis, The overcoat, My prisons: memoirs of Silvio Pellico, Paradise lost, The robbers (playwright by Schiller).

>Trying to be as apolitical as possible, lean more towards the left/ progressivism but only the way I see them
>Maths major, planning to work as a freelancing programmer and write my novel at the same time
>Moby Dick, War and Peace, Ulysses, Kafka short stories, Don Quixote
>Russia I guess

>fuck political theory
>de la grammatologie, the art of computer programming, paradise lost, 48LOP, bollingen series jung vol 7

>Conservative, Reactionary
>19th century russian literature