Are there books or philosophies about being heartless, emotionless or just letting go of all emotions?

Are there books or philosophies about being heartless, emotionless or just letting go of all emotions?
Biographies or literature about heartless individuals I can learn from would be good too.
I'm just so sick and tired of emotions holding me back.
Not trying to being edgy or sociopath/psychopath.
Have any of you found a way out of this prison of over sensitivity ? HOW!?

the bible

>the bible
By devoting yourself entirely to the one true God so nothing else matters?

anything by ayn rand will get you covered. start with the fountain head.



The Vulcan philosopher Surak has much to say on this topic.


The only solution to your problem is lobotomy, either that or suicide since as long as you are human you cannot be without emotions. What you need to do is increase your threshold for "sensitivity". This won't be easy and you shouldn't rush into you. You must slowly ease yourself in.
First you must determine your threshold, if you are overly sensitive then let's assume that being yelled at for a negative aspect of yourself will make you worry or anxious. Then you must start by getting into situations where you get yelled a lot and perhaps you should start yelling a lot, after a few weeks or months you'll get used to it which will move your threshold a little higher. Determine your new threshold and start over. Do this repeatedly for a few years till you just stop giving a fuck. You won't be completely heartless or emotionless as you wish but it give you a much thicker skin which I'm assuming you are severely lacking.

no, this is a dumb meme.

Don't knock it till you try it for a few years, user.
You can't get into full stoic sage mode just in the first few months.

i mean stoicism = being an emotionless robot is a misreading

Find some obsession and concentrate on nothing but that obsession.
example: making lots of money. concentrate on nothing but this goal, let nothing stand in your way of the $$
Also, watch, WallStreet and The Wolf of WallStreet , you might as well read the book by the guy who inspired the movie as well.

Not that user, I agree that Stoicism is not the absence of emotion, however Stoicism would fit the bill for the OP quite nicely.

stoicism and cynicism (apatheia and ataraxia). good wine and poetry.

Pyrrhonian skepticism.

It worked for me; now I stopped giving a fuck when my mom tells me to move out of her basement.


Tho it isn't emotionlessness per se. More like realizing how emotions are overrated and your state of pure being is where it's at.

Know of any books that don't sugar coat the subject?

Chan and Zen are basically "Buddhism - Non BS Edition".

Start with Rupert Gethin (Pali Canon), some Diamond and Lotus Sutra, some Sawaki, some Suzuki, some Sekida,... Then move on to Dogen (Shobogenzo) and Hakuin.
Along the way, you can just read up on stuff you don't understand online.

There is also this "Hardcore Zen" dude (forget his name, kinda pseud, still worthwhile) and a secular Buddhism podcast, that helps with "bb's first enlightenment".

Knowing a bit of Taoism and Confucianism helps.
And having meditated properly at least a couple times DEFINITELY helps, as a lot of the basic shit you only understand through experience.

Just grow a pair of balls OP, you can't escape your humanness.
