i feel like it's supposed to be served warm, right? like warm sauce with warm turkey?
So how do i serve this? hot? or cold out of the can?
turkey dinner? on a monday? what's your problem..
>family comes from all over the country
>mom violently shakes this shit onto a plate
>makes a big deal of it, its a bit to her
>nobody else laughs
>we all eat our Indiana blandness in silence
Fucking cans of a condiment? Barbarians. I have 2 jars of cranberry sauce for tomorrow. Unscrew lid, spoon sauce out to taste, replace lid, refrigerate until required for the obligatory leftovers sandwiches later. Do you guys have cans of mayo or ketchup too?
Most amerifats unironically prefer the canned jell to homemade cranberry sauce which they consider too spicy.
Can confirm, my mom stopped making the real stuff when several guests at dinner asked if she had any "normal" cranberry sauce. She refuses to make it anymore even though I beg, because she's permabutthurt over a couple of subhumans not knowing what real food is. "No one appreciates it". I don't want to make it because the cranberry sauce was always her domain and it feels like encroaching.
I can understand why she's mad but I wish she would get over it.
Holy shit, too spicy? It's fruit and sugar, I thought they would just drink the stuff down.
i think its supposed to served cold, but dont be a fucking barbarian and just leave there as a cylindrical mass. mash it up so its actually spreadable on your slices of turkey or whatever. you all deserve a swift death if you dont do this
I'm the guy you're responding to and the reason I posted it is the same thing happened with my grandmother. She made a really flavorful cranberry sauce and one time several people asked if they could have the canned instead. She continued to make it but from then on always had a plate of the canned crap too. I know it must have hurt her feelings when people chose the canned, but I always made it a point to take a lot of it and praise it.
My mom refuses to let me make cranberry sauce because no one likes the small bits of fruit in it